Monday, March 17, 2014

The Stupidity of Feminist Bullies’ Campaign Demanding that “Bossy” be Banned as an Adjective Describing any Female


Sheryl Sandberg: All you need to know about her is that she is Facebook's COO

Beyonce Knowles: This is beauty and talent?

Victoria Beckham: Fake hair, fake face, fake body. Is this the message we want to send to girls?


Ban Bossy — I'm Not Bossy. I'm the Boss.


Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I like the opinion piece below, with one caveat: Feminist bullies’—if you’ll pardon the redundancy—campaign is not “ironic.” Hypocritical, yes, but ironic, no. Most of the time, when people say that something is “ironic,” they really mean hypocritical. However, the writer does use irony properly at the end of her essay.

By the way, my own experience with female bosses is that most of them were multicultural hacks: They engaged in extreme favoritism on behalf of members of the multicultural coalition: females, blacks, homosexuals, Hispanics, and discriminated viciously against white, heterosexual men and boys. Then again, that shouldn’t surprise anyone, seeing as most of them had gotten their jobs via affirmative action.

As for the females behind this campaign, all I know about Victoria Beckham is that she was part of a girl band whose slogan was “girl power,” and that she lied about her age.

Lying about one’s age used to be a lady’s prerogative. It’s not a “woman’s” prerogative.

I had previously known Beyonce Knowles—American names don’t have accents, my dear—as someone who was a poor singer, and a lousy actress and dancer. I formed those judgments based on watching her perform two or three awful songs from Dreamgirls during the Oscars several years ago, during the second half of the execrable Dreamgirls (without combat pay, mind you!) on TV, and in a recent video. Already the Oscars presentation was more than enough. I don’t find her terribly pretty, either, despite her wearing tons of make-up and ridiculous wigs. (Actually, her face looks o.k., but I subtract points, since the ridiculous amount of makeup can only be to cover up that which is less than beauteous.)

“Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg” isn’t Facebook’s “chief”—we all know who that is—and until recently, I’d never heard of her.

Sandberg is the COO of an obnoxious, vicious business, run by obnoxious, vicious people, which profits through spreading obnoxiousness, viciousness, and censorship through the world, and robbing qualified Americans of jobs, which the bosses instead give to unqualified Indian H-1Bs, so as become every richer. Not content to censor non-pc views and advertising, Facebook has for years forced people to surrender their own privacy. And yet, try and find Facebook executives’ addresses on the Web. They have somehow coerced ID companies out of publishing what they routinely print about ordinary mortals.


Beyonce's bid to ban the word 'bossy' for girls is as stupid and misguided as it is ironic

o Mar 15, 2014 18:00

o Opinion
o by CarolMcGiffin
The Mirror

Sunday People columnist Carol McGiffin slams a campaign by Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg and backed by Beyonce and Victoria Beckham

Facebook chief Sheryl Sandberg, backed by the likes of Beyoncé [Knowles] and Victoria Beckham, is campaigning to ban the word bossy as it stops girls becoming leaders.

The campaign video says: “Girls are less interested in leadership than boys because they worry about being called bossy.”
Really? I thought it was because they’re often more interested in becoming mums and nurturers than boardroom bullies.

And, in my experience, those girls who have or who want to become bosses or leaders will and would have anyway. A silly,
arguably inoffensive word wouldn’t have stopped them.

Another of its claims is that “when a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a leader. Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded bossy.”

For God’s sake, SO WHAT?

Surely if a girl’s ambition to do whatever she wants is stifled because someone calls her a not-very-horrible thing like bossy then really, she’s not cut out for it in the first place.

And who calls little boys leaders if they’re bossing the rest of the class around? No one!

In any case, what is wrong with being bossy? And aren’t they just bossing the rest of us around by telling us we can’t use the word bossy. Oh, the irony of it all.

I’m always being told I’m bossy. I suppose I am. But if the fact that I have to tell people to do things because they haven’t got the sense to do them without me telling them makes me bossy, then so be it.

I couldn’t care less. I am direct but not rude because I see no need to pussyfoot around people, especially women and girls. They’re tougher than you think.

But I have also never had any ambition to be a leader or a boss. I couldn’t take the responsibility.
Is that because my self-esteem has been damaged by my being branded bossy? NO! Sheryl and her faux feminist cronies would say otherwise.

Because, in their eyes, all girls should be encouraged to want to be leaders and if they don’t, it’s because someone told them they were bossy.

It’s such nonsense and actually has the opposite effect – because those who have no interest in taking charge will be seen to have failed. Which is far more damaging than any stupid word.

I’m not offended by the word bossy one bit, I’m offended by this campaign and I think we should ban it, now.

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