Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, Robert E. Lee!

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

Happy 200th Birthday, Robert E. Lee!
By Mike Scruggs
January 18, 2007

January 19th marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee, the South's most beloved hero.

Not too many years ago most Southern states honored Lee's birthday as an official state holiday. That tradition is now waning.

The enormous importance that the Mainstream Media and political leaders today give to the Martin Luther King Holiday has worked to obscure the memory of Lee. Some states, like Mississippi, now celebrate Martin Luther King's and Lee's birthday with a state holiday honoring both men. But most Southern states, following the politically correct fashion of the times, have suppressed the memory of Lee, his exemplary character, and his devotion to the Southern cause....

[Read the whole thing here.]

1 comment:

  1. There is a certain irony to history, isn't there?

    Did anyone ever make that observation when the holiday was created for MLK that also that same day was the birthday of R.E. Lee?
