Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Colossus Awakens: Top of the Page at Drudge is All Immigration!


Buchanan: Push for Immigration Reform Will Spell End of Boehner's Speakership... Audio...

Ryan plan includes citizenship for illegals...

Priebus: We need 'something big'...

Business execs pressure GOP to pass bill...

Sessions: Should not cater to the whims of CEOs...

Boehner Sombrero


1 comment:

  1. A three drug cocktail.

    A two drug cocktail.

    A one drug cocktail.

    What is the name of the pharmacy?

    Is the pharmacy certified?

    Are the drugs or drug stored at room temperature. And if so, for how long?

    Are the drugs of drug stored at other than room temperature. And if so, for how long?

    During the execution, does the condemned show signs of distress?

    During the execution, does the condemned not show signs of distress? And if not, why not?

    Etc. etc. etc.
