Saturday, December 21, 2013

Robert Verbruggen Commits Intellectual Suicide

By Nicholas Stix

I met Robert Verbruggen at a conference a couple of years ago. Nice young fellow. Verbruggen, a once promising, young Republican intellectual, has come out as a racial socialist.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to VDARE

“John Derbyshire on Race-Whipped Conservatives and the Stigma of ‘Racism’—or: Robert VerBruggen Loves Big Brother!”


  1. If the person in the photo is wearing a "do-rag" under a hat, the latter cocked to the side, you can bet the person is a black dude.

  2. Nick, something in your code is putting this article to the side of your blog, and is making your entries right below this display improperly (too wide).
