Friday, November 29, 2013

“Whites are the Jew of America. The Knockout Game is the New Kristallnacht...”

By Nicholas Stix

“Whites are the Jew of America. The Knockout Game is the New Kristallnacht...”

This pain in the butt is going to make me regret promoting him, right?


  1. I cannot agree with the comparison. The Nazi was cold and calculating and had thought out the persecutions of the Jews. Since the American negro is incapable of carefully planned action and always acts in an emotional and spontaneous manner without much if any thought, the comparison between the events is not valid.

  2. A valid comparison in only that maybe whitey in America will finally wake up to the threat that confronts them. But I somehow doubt it. Even in Germany, man Jews even until the end hoped, wished, and maybe believed "it will all get straightened out".
