Saturday, November 09, 2013

While MSM Gang Up on Miami Dolphin Richie Incognito, as This Weeks’ White Devil, His Black Dolphin Teammates Support Him, Despise Black “Bullying” “Victim” of the Media Fairy Tale, Jonathan Martin, and Consider Incognito Blacker than the Wimpy, Snobbish Martin!

By Nicholas Stix

My VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer, analyzes this situation, which as usual, does not fit the media’s racial fairy tale.

Reader-researcher RC observes,

Well, Barack Obama is considered “smart.”

So, I guess anything goes in the 21st century.


  1. There have been vague references how other Dolphins were involved in the Martin incident but the media has focused on Incognito, but it wouldn't fit into the media race baiting to make that part of the story. I'm not defending Incognito though, I live in Oregon and remember when he played briefly for the Ducks, he was a blockhead, but football locker rooms are filled with blockheads so when the media can catch a "white" one saying something perceived to be racist it pounces, ignoring the many racist black football players of course. The N word flies around freely in football locker rooms among black players, sometimes whites are given tacit "permission" to use the word. Was Incognito given that "permission"? Possibly, but the media won't address the wider issue of black racism toward other blacks, it just wants to whip up a public frenzy toward any white perceived to be "racist". This is reminiscent of a local incident where a black player was subjected to some "racist" tweets. Media portrayed only white players doing the tweets, truth was black players were not only involved but were the instigators, that was ignored in the media's attempt to make it seem purely like a white/black incident. Jerry

  2. "how other Dolphins were involved in the Martin incident but the media has focused on Incognito"

    Perhaps they are more incognito than Incognito.
