Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Do You Say to a Low-Down, Liberal Liar, Who Denies That Blacks are Waging War on Whites?

By Nicholas Stix

I mean, besides ‘You racist, lying (fill in the rest yourself)’?

Three words:

New Nation News!


  1. What Do You Say to a Low-Down, Liberal Liar, Who Denies That Blacks are Waging War on Whites?

    Get thee into a nuttery.

  2. Once in a while you have a whigger thrown into the mix.

    A whitey that habitually associates with negroes willingly, emulates the negro life style to include the criminal behavior.

    Teen whitey girls also being the "girlfriend" of the negro boy and willingly engaging in criminal behavior at the behest of the negro.

    Very sad indeed.
