Sunday, November 24, 2013

“Nazis” or Patriots? The Situation in Greece—My New VDARE Report is Up!

By Nicholas Stix

Like It or Not, Golden Dawn Fighting Genocide in Greece
November 23, 2013 at 11:48 p.m.

Some murder victims are more equal than others. In a worrying precedent for Americans, the Greek government is persecuting the anti-immigration Golden Dawn party, while tolerating its violent enemies. Under the guise of exterminating “Nazism,” the government is exterminating the Greek people—just as the larger European Union officially pursues what can only be called the genocide of the historic European population. But there are signs it’s not working….

[Read the whole thing here.]


  1. It's happening in Russia as well.

    And to think a center left politician is standing up for the Russian Orthodox Church and against the LGBT community.

    In reality she is standing up for Russians as a distinct people with a unique culture, and against globalism and its attendant open borders which results in the elimination of the nation-state.

    And notice that she wants restrictions on abortions.

    Now why won't "conservative" American elected officials do likewise for Americans?

    Russian nationalism: It's a good thing.

  2. If there wasn't a problem there would be no Golden Dawn. Golden is a reaction to a problem.

    About 10 % of the populace in Greece now is foreign born and often an illegal alien.

    And often a Muslim and dark skinned. The Greeks had to put up with the abuse of the Muslim for 500 years and now the Muslim has returned.

  3. And always the labels used to castigate the Golden Dawn are "Nazi" or "Neo-Nazi" or "fascist", etc. Patriots who want their country to be their country. And IT IS SIMPLY NOT A REACTION TO THE ECONOMIC SITUATION.

  4. as usual, nicholas, you have either ignored or missed the real issue that makes golden dawn the ultimate evil as far as the establishment is concerned--golden dawn is not only anti-immigration, but are also anti-austerity.

    The anti-immigration, pro-white forces here in america reject anti-austerity and support pro-plutocrat policies.

    But golden dawn acknowledges that the pro-immigration/pro-multiculti forces are also pro-plutocrat.

    That is what scares the establishment--true populism. True populist politics appeals to BOTH side of the false Left-Right Divide that the media and academia have created and that you paleocons also observe and obey.

    Golden Down and the French National Front are abandoning both pro-immigration/pro-multiculti dogma from the FakeLeft AND also abandoning pro-plutocrat, anti-worker dogma from the Right.

    Anyway, same old nonsense from you and the rest of the paleocons, same old nonsense from the liberals and conservative.

    All nonsense....pure tripe...
