Wednesday, November 27, 2013

MSM in Damage Control Mode over Knockout “Game” Reports

(Racist, Black Sucker Punch Attacks, Knockout Martin Luther King)
By David in TN

Today (Tuesday) the MSM is in damage control over the "Knockout Game." Almost every article uses the same talking points, "urban myth," etc. It reminded me of an exchange we had on July 9, 2011. I asked you if it was worse 20-25 years ago. You answered:

"No. I can't say whether there are more or less 'wilding' attacks now, and the official murder rate is about 70% lower than it was then, but during my 26 years here, casual racist assaults have gotten steadily worse."


"Black street thugs will likewise terrorize whites, knowing the police will not arrest them, short of killing someone."


  1. Why don't they go out into the street and see if it is a "myth?" What is an urban myth is the existence of the kkk in 2013.

  2. Good thing he didn't have a gun...Jerry:

    Here's his photo;,r:0,s:0,i:80&tx=72&ty=83

  3. Be nice to have this one back...Jerry

  4. Taken within the context of other negro violence as directed against whitey, the knock out game must not be seen and cannot be seen as MYTH!

  5. Finally! Caught this bit on MSN. A kid playing knockout game gets shot by a potential victim. Sounds like no legal consequences to shooter though I wouldn't be surprised if the parents tried something in civil court. If only this happened more often. Jerry

  6. the whites are the new jews, and the knockout game is the new kristallnacht.

    See my profile and my latest blogpost on this comparison....
