Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jean Raspail, Author of The Camp of the Saints, Says that France Will Either “be Erased Without Even a Funeral” by Mass African Immigration, or … “Coercion” [Civil War], but he Could Just as Well Have been Speaking of America

By Nicholas Stix

Read the story here.


  1. Well, this man is right. And Nicholas is also correct when he says "he could just as well have been speaking of America." That too.

    I don't think most Americans realize that illegal immigration is now and has been for some time a major problem in Europe. At least as bad in the U.S. perhaps worse in many cases. The NO-GO zones for police just one example of where the situation is WORSE.

  2. Raspail speaks of the racial dimension to the illegal invasion of France but it is not merely racial. Is language, religion, culture in the totality, historical grievance, etc.

    These illegals too think that the "streets are paved with gold" but many areas of Europe are no longer so prosperous and producing jobs galore for everyone, Greece the most extreme case at the moment.

  3. For the politicians as well to FORCE this unwanted immigration on the European [and the problem is Europe wide and not confined to France] is obscene. NO ONE gave them such authority.

    That EU also means that ALL nations must share the burden of illegals and refugees. So places where a foreigner used to be a rarity [especially one with dark skin] is not common now but no so uncommon.

  4. This is "death of the thousand cuts too". Raspail envisioned a mass exodus from Bangladesh of boat people by the million [or millions]. Obviously such numbers are unacceptable to all. But small groups over a longer time is like the small doses of bad medicine. Tolerable even if you hate the stuff. Nonetheless bad.

  5. Those of you interested copy this URL and paste to your browser and read the article by Hugh Fitzgerald. Personally I read this item over and over, so true.

  6. Back in Roman times the barbarians would routinely violate the borders of the Empire. Sometimes gotten permission to stay if they agreed "to pay taxes". Sounds like same as today

  7. You might want to let your readers know about make them listen Monday, an attempt to use phones and faxes (and apparently a march) to protest the Plutocrats dropping in to promote amnesty.
