Thursday, October 31, 2013

Saving Private Ryan: John Williams’ Complete Soundtrack, Presented Without Commerical Interruption!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Listen to it, download it, and cherish it, while you can, before the copyright cops catch up with us.

This is one of the four or so best original scores I’ve ever heard out of Williams, along with The Cowboys, Jaws, and The Reivers.

Greatest War Movies

The Bridge on the River Kwai
Lawrence of Arabia (tied for first)
The Big Parade
All Quiet on the Western Front
Saving Private Ryan
Mr. Roberts
Paths of Glory
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
The Red Badge of Courage
The Great Escape
The Alamo (1960)
We Were Soldiers
The Road to Glory (1936)
Attack (1956)
Apocalypse Now
Attack and Retreat (1964)

I only included movies where the war is the central dramatic aspect, not those, like The Deer Hunter or From Here to Eternity, where only a small part of the picture takes place during a war. I didn’t consider The Big Red One, because I have yet to see it, or the 1970’s Russian epic, War and Peace, because I did see it and was very impressed, but it was 40 years ago, and I would need to see it again.



Thanks to SoundtrackUniverses for the upload and the table of contents.

Published on Oct 25, 2012


1. Hymn to The Fallen
2. Revisiting Normandy
3. Omaha Beach
4. Finding Private Ryan
5. Approaching the Enemy
6. Defense Preparations
7. Wade's Death
8. High School Teacher
9. The Last Battle
10. Hymn to the Fallen (Reprise)

Glaivester is Going All Out Against Amnesty

By Nicholas Stix

“Some Articles to Link When Arguing About Illegal Immigration and Wages.”

But don’t just read that post; look at his other recent work, including his listing of congresscritters to call and yell, “No amnesty, no how!” He’s been devoted to stopping the nation-breaking amnesty bill for many months.

Ann Coulter Tweets: "White House Gift Shop Goes Bankrupt"

@AnnCoulter 2h [ago]

"Apparently it didn't get an Obamacare waiver."

We are All Libertarians Now, from Paul Ryan to Barack Obama

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Countenance Blogmeister.

The Daily Caller » Defining conservatism down »
By Tim Cavanaugh On 6:21 PM 10/24/2013 In | No Comments

Ever since Ronald Reagan left the White House in 1989 with the Departments of Energy and Education still intact, limited-government conservatives have become accustomed to disappointment. The struggle against the colossus is by its nature a losing one, and conservatives have learned to live with low expectations.

But do they have to like it so much?

As The Daily Caller’s Jeff Poor notes, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer laid down a celebrated defense of conservative principles Wednesday during a TV appearance with “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. (Related: Charles Krauthammer squares off against Jon Stewart on the merits of conservatism)

While Fox News, where Krauthammer is a regular contributor, gave this one the headline “Krauthammer SCHOOLS Jon Stewart,” it’s hard to find anything in his peroration that would not please America’s clown prince of the earnest smirk. Krauthammer’s defense of conservatism avoided any hint of principle or ideology, instead relying on strictly technocratic measures: Liberal proponents of ever-expanding government deserve censure, Krauthammer argued, not because they’re wrong but because they fail to keep up with demographic and technological changes — by, for example, not revising Social Security age requirements fast enough to keep up with longer life spans.

“There’s no question of accepting the great achievements of liberalism, the achievements of the New Deal, of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare,” Krauthammer announced. Then he took a swipe at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz before praising Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as a Republican who “has offered an alternative.”

This is no offense to Krauthammer, who is one of the few reasons to read the Post. But what exactly is Paul Ryan the alternative to? In his rise from congressional backbencher to eminently electable vice presidential candidate (like all candidates who get praised by the party for their “electability,” he lost), the pasty Wisconsinite has racked up the following conservative record:

Voted for President Bush’s $9.4 trillion Medicare Part D expansion in 2003.

Voted for the $287 billion highway bill of 2005, the pork-stuffed behemoth that briefly made “Bridge to Nowhere” a household term.

Voted for — and was a key supporter of — the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in 2008.

Voted for — was in fact one of only 32 Republicans to vote for — Bush’s December 2008 automotive bailout package, which later failed in the Senate. (Don’t worry, America. President Obama later grabbed money from the TARP to keep the UAW in business.)

Voted for the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001.

Voted for the USA PATRIOT act in 2001.

Variously voted for Head Start authorization, creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the invasion of Iraq, and assorted flag-burning resolutions.

While it’s true that having a far-left Democratic president in office has put a drop of mercury into Ryan’s spine, you need to look high and low to find any expansion of the size, scope, cost and intrusiveness of government that he has consistently opposed. What is wrongly said of the tea party — that they were fine with big government until Obama came along — could be more accurately said of Ryan.

Now, Ryan seems like a nice enough fellow — a trait that probably didn’t help him in 2012, when he debated a goofy, giggling Joe Biden and still managed to lose. And he’s probably preferable to whatever Democratic candidate Cheeseheads might choose to represent the Badger State’s first congressional district.

In fact, the problem isn’t Ryan himself so much as the fact that he is anybody’s idea of a rock-ribbed conservative. Never was this more apparent than when Ryan introduced his balanced-budget plan in 2011. The proposal was praised — by Obama among others — for its sober seriousness. It was also attacked by radical leftists — again including Obama — who were appalled at Ryan’s cruelty in jeopardizing cowboy poetry, regulation of craft beer labels, and other vital federal functions.

So when would Ryan’s radically conservative plan have balanced the budget? In the year … 2063. Just to put that into a perspective we can all understand: In the “Star Trek” universe, that’s the year Earth makes first contact with Vulcan.

This is defining rightwing extremism down. Speaking with Krauthammer, Stewart criticized Cruz for quoting ”Ronald Reagan’s Medicare speech in 1960 [sic].” Give the Gipper a listen:


When Reagan made these comments in 1961, Medicare was not an American institution hallowed by time and sanctified by the waters of sorrow that had passed over it. Medicare did not even exist yet. Would Krauthammer have us scoff, from our place of 21st century enlightenment, at Reagan’s quaint opposition to what has apparently become a plank of true conservatism?

It’s not incidental that Cruz, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and other Republican hard-liners drew their line over the implementation of Obamacare. The moderate consensus would have us believe that the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare exchanges will doom the program. Some even criticize the tea party and the government shutdown for “distracting” Americans from that failure, and making the repeal of Obamacare harder.

So here’s a fair question: How many times have you seen a government program canceled just because it didn’t work? Has that ever happened?

The most powerful bias in government is existence bias: Once a thing exists; you won’t get rid of it. If Obamacare goes forward it will be forever.

If Ronald Reagan were alive, you could ask him about that. When he took office, the Department of Energy had been in existence for a little more than three years. The Department of Education was all of 10 months old. Both were jokes then as they are now. Yet the lion of conservatism was not able to eliminate either of them. And that’s how it works with brand new programs. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are as ancient as Hinduism by comparison. They will never go away, but that doesn’t mean they are any good.

This is the reality of fiscal conservatism. Conservatives lose, just about every time. Pretending a lukewarm legislator like Paul Ryan can make a difference won’t change that. If you’re going to lose, at least lose with dignity.

Follow Tim on Twitter and Facebook.

Article printed from The Daily Caller:

URL to article:


Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:

“Charlie Kraut: Muddling Health Reform Debate, the Neocon Way”;

“Neocons Charles Krauthammer and Stanley Kurtz are Blind to Obama’s Agenda”;

“Charles Krauthammer: As Soon as the GOP Amnesties Tens of Millions of Hispanic Democratic Voters, It Will Win Again, but if Instead It Relies on Its White Base, It Will be a Permanent Minority Party”;

“‘All He Wants Now is the Money’: Charles Krauthammer May Have Said Something Important on Fox News, but Everyone was So Afraid to Ask Him a Follow-Up Question, That We’ll Probably Never Know (Video)”; and

“Pat Buchanan: GOP to Working-Class America: ‘F—k You!’; Working Class America: ‘Right Back at Ya!’”

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Detroit’s Wayne State University Has a Tradition of Illiteracy Fit for the Stalled Former Motor City

By Nicholas Stix

I got the following essay from the Countenance blogmeister, who wrote:

Awhile back, a regular AR poster who goes by the screen name “Proactive” had this to say about his alma mater, Wayne State University:

Way back in the ‘70s, when I was about to graduate from Wayne State University in Detroit, we soon-to-be-grads had to assemble in one of the campus auditoriums to write a 250-word essay. Regardless of major, every student had to pass this simple (and widely known) exercise in order to receive their diploma.

It was blindingly simple. The instructors gave handouts explaining that you had to introduce the subject, discuss it in the body, and then write the closing. Five hundred topics to choose from were listed on a separate sheet of paper, and an overhead projector kept the instructions, as explained verbally, cast on a huge screen in front of our huge group. A postcard came in the mail a week later telling if you passed or failed. I was already working at a job in my major when I read in The Detroit News how a large group of black students was suing the school for discrimination.

It’s important to note here that Wayne State U. in Detroit is and always has been just to the left of Karl Marx, politically. Political Correctness may have been born on this campus. Blacks with just over 1.5 high school GPAs were admitted as freshmen, and they were passed no matter which courses they took. Dumbing down for black students and social promotions were the rules of the day at WSU. After 4 years of, uh, “study,” they had failed the simple essay requirement.

Their argument was that the requirement was biased against blacks due to the “fact” (sic) that writing essays were particularly difficult for their race. What’s the complaint in this AR article? That multiple choice tests were too difficult for blacks? What testing method is left? A few weeks later I read where the black students vs. WSU lawsuit was thrown out of court. Due to the absence of a healthy shame among blacks, and their near total disregard for learning while IN school, these idiotic lawsuits continue. Today, the courts appear to be so PC-corrupt that the litigants often win. With the liberal messiah in the highest office, expect more of this insanity. After all, he’s our first PC, affirmative action prez.

Portland, Oregon: White Girls are Unsafe Walking in Their Own Neighborhood in Broad Daylight; Black Suspect Sawsulien Bohannan, 21, was Released from Jail, and Immediately Spent 3 Days Nonchalantly Hunting White Girls in Lent Neighborhood, Before Allegedly Grabbing a 14-Year-Old Off the Street, and Raping Her; He’d Tried to Rape Her Older Sister the Day Before; Father and Older Sister Hunted Him Down on Their Own, and Made Citizen’s Arrest

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher Jerry for this story.

Remind me again, what purpose the police serve, beyond picking the taxpayers’ pockets of their “surplus” assets.

The clock’s ticking, and I’m still waiting for an answer.

And the answer is: Protecting the “right” of the Sawsulien (Sauce-uhl-een) Bohannans of the world to hunt white girls in white neighborhoods in broad daylight unmolested.

No bail for rape suspect

tracked by Dad

Suspect released from jail just three days ago
By Lisa Balick
Monday, October 28, 2013, 5:56 p.m.; updated 7:12 p.m.

The man who police say sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl in the Lents Neighborhood Sunday appears in Multnomah County court to face charges of rape -- just days after his release from jail.

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- The man who police say sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl in Southeast Portland Sunday appeared in Multnomah County court to face charges of Rape in the First Degree, Sex Abuse in the First Degree and Unlawful Sexual Penetration in the First Degree.

The 14-year-old was walking home from a friend's house in the Lents Neighborhood around 5 p.m. Sunday when she was attacked and raped by a stranger, now identified by police as Sawsulien (Sauce-uhl-een) Bohannan, 21. 

The teen told police the man was following her on his bicycle, trying to talk to her, then grabbed her and pulled her into a side yard in the 8400 block of SE 87th Avenue. He then sexually assaulted [raped] her.

She ran home and told her parents. While her mom called police, her dad jumped into his car with his older daughter to search for the attacker.

The dad said his older daughter spotted Bohannan walking along SE Flavel. She recognized him as the same man who tried to follow her the day before. The dad says he pulled up alongside Bohannan and told him not to move. Police arrived.

"They brought him out in the middle of the road and had him stand there," said witness Patrick Butterfield. "And then the cop car made a signal, and then they put cuffs on the guy."

Bohannan has a criminal record for theft [hey, that’s a non-violent crime] and possession of meth [but everyone knows that only whites traffic in and abuse meth!]. He was released from jail just three days ago.

In court Monday, the judge ordered him held with no bail. Neighbors in this area say they can't believe this happened in broad daylight:

"It's scary to know that this could happen, especially in the middle of the day, anytime," said neighbor Shelby Grigg. "For a child to not be safe in  their neighborhood anymore, this is horrible."

For witness Butterfield, "It's disgusting. I mean my daughter's 12-years-old, she's going to be 13 in January. And I can't imagine. I don't let her go anywhere anyway -- but definitely not now."

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lou Reed is Dead—Rocker was Very Inspirational

By Nicholas Stix

At Five Feet of Fury, Kathy Shaidle observes,

Spare a thought for the untold thousands who Reed inspired to become sluts and junkies and died before he did.

Another World Series Shocker: Cardinals Pinch-Runner Carleton Wong Goes in for Allen Craig with Two Outs in the Bottom of the Ninth, Losing 4-2, and Lets Red Sox Reliever Koji Uehara Pixk Him Off, to Tie the Series at Two Games Each!

By Nicholas Stix

The gimpy Craig, who was part of the wild ending the previous night, had hit the ball into the right field corner, which would have been an extra-base hit, but he could barely limp to first base. Meanwhile, Cardinals right fielder Carlos Beltran, a great clutch hitter and one of the greatest base-runners of his generation, could only watch helplessly from the batter’s box, as Wong took the bat out of his hand.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Justice = Massacre 13, Get Executed; Justice, Seattle Style = Massacre 13, Get Parole

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher “W,” who writes,

I had forgotten about this incident. Not much to prevent him from re-entering the country under another persona.
Note how Ng got affirmative action coming and going. He should have been charged with 13 counts of murder, regardless of whether he pulled the trigger, but instead got robbery and assault. File this under immigrant mass murder syndrome, and criminal justice affirmative action.

Tony Ng paroled in Seattle Massacre after 30 years on robbery convictions
October 25, 2013
Fox News/Associated Press
[Absolutely no comments permitted!]

ABERDEEN, Wash. – One of three men convicted in the 1983 massacre of 13 people at a Seattle gambling club is being paroled.

The Washington Department of Corrections parole board has decided to release Wai Chiu "Tony" Ng (eng) after serving 30 years in prison. He was convicted of robbery and assault for his role in the shooting at the Wah Mee club.

KING-TV reports ( that Ng will be released 35-40 days from Friday to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and will be deported to Hong Kong.

Ng appeared before the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board in August. He said if he's released, he wouldn't fight deportation back to Hong Kong, where his father is sick.

[Of course, he wouldn’t fight it! Deportation would be yet another gift, not that he should he should stay here, either, unless it would be to die via execution, or in a jail cell.]

Two other men convicted of aggravated murder in the shooting are serving life sentences without parole.

[Make that life until parole.]

Obama’s Plan = White Slavery

By Nicholas Stix

The John Doe who calls himself “Barack Obama” will pay illegal bonuses to Obamacare workers who racially discriminate against white patients and white healthcare providers, and will lock qualified whites out of medical schools, replacing them with laughably unqualified, even illiterate minorities.

See my VDARE colleague Patrick Cleburne’s story.

World Series Game Three Ends on Bang-Bang Play, Obstruction; St. Louis Wins 5-4, Goes Ahead, 2 Games to 1

By Nicholas Stix

With the game tied at 4, in the bottom of the ninth, Cardinal catcher Yadier Molina ran home on a ground ball, but Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia, playing in, dove for the grounder and sidearmed the ball home, cutting down Yadier Molina. Bosox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia then gunned the ball to third, to try and throw out Allen Craig, but threw the ball into left field. Boston third baseman Will Middlebrooks went horizontal, stretching for Saltamacchia’s throw, and landed on his midsection. Seeing that Craig was going to score the winning room, Middlebrooks popped up his lower legs at third base, tripping Craig, who got up and was thrown out at home, but the third base umpire had caught him, and signaled the home umpire, who signaled obstruction.

Fox Sports announcer Tim McCarver noted that according to the rule, the fielder’s intent doesn’t matter, and claimed that Middlebrooks hadn’t intentionally tripped Craig, but that’s not what I saw.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

In St. Louis, Social Promotion is Against the Law, and School Authorities Have Launched One of their Periodic Anti-SP, PR Campaigns

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Countenance Blog.

St. Louis schools taking aim at social promotion
October 20, 2013 6:15 a.m.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

A girl totes a large backpack and holds hands with her aunt while leaving the St. Louis Public Schools' Back to School Festival at Chaifetz Arena in on Aug. 4, 2012.

Experts see no easy solutions for struggling Missouri schools

Consultants were hired by the state to offer guidance for turning around unaccredited school districts. Read more
Repeating a grade won't always solve the problem
Regarding "Holding back kids who can’t read isn’t an easy fix, city schools say" (Oct. 20)
State audit finds St. Louis schools are promoting hundreds of kids who can't read well

Audit also points to a broad ranges of problems in the district.
New ratings send St. Louis schools back to square one

District has been earning accolades for prior improvement.
Troubled school systems fall far from Missouri's mark

Normandy, Riverview Gardens and St. Louis Public Schools must show progress to stem or prevent the flow of transfer students.

A state law requires public school officials to hold back any fourth-grader whose reading skills are below a third grade level.

This year, 5,437 fourth-graders across Missouri scored the lowest possible score of “below basic” in the reading section last spring, indicating they are more than one year behind.

Just 224 fourth-graders statewide were held back this year.

In the St. Louis area, 1,897 fourth-graders scored below basic on the state's reading exam.

Just 60 were forced to repeat fourth grade this fall

ST. LOUIS • Each year, around 2,000 children in the city’s public elementary and middle schools receive the worst score possible on state reading exams.

And yet, just 134 students in grades three through eight were held back this year, according to state data.

It’s a fact that was pointed out to St. Louis Public Schools officials in a stinging state audit of the district last month.
Now city school officials are taking steps to better comply with two largely ignored state laws that prohibit children who lack adequate reading skills from advancing to the next grade.

In the next few weeks, parents of city school children are to receive notice if their child is reading more than one grade level behind. For the first time this fall, the district is giving a standard reading assessment to middle and elementary schools to determine where their skills stand. Those not reading adequately will receive reading improvement plans that may include tutoring, small group instruction and summer school. Parents will be asked to sign off on those plans.

Children whose reading skills don’t improve enough by the end of the school year could face repeating the same grade next fall, potentially leading to hundreds — if not thousands — of additional students being retained.

“The district is assuring that the policy of the district approved two years ago is fully implemented,” Superintendent Kelvin Adams said, referring to a policy that spells out what children at each grade level must master before advancing. “Will that result in more kids being held back? The answer may be yes.”

Adams would not speculate on how many students may be retained as a result. “I frankly, honestly, don’t have any clue right now. ”

The city public school system is among many that fail to fully comply with state’s promotion and retention laws.

One of those laws applies only to St. Louis Public Schools and requires the district to hold back any student whose reading level is more than one year behind. The other applies to all schools statewide and prohibits fourth-graders from advancing to fifth grade if they are reading below a third-grade level.

Exam results from the 2013 Missouri Assessment Program show that 5,437 fourth-graders across Missouri — about 8 percent of them — scored the lowest possible level of “below basic” in the reading section last spring. Yet only 224 fourth-graders statewide were held back this year, according to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

In the St. Louis area, 1,897 fourth-graders scored below basic on the state’s reading exam. Yet just 60 were forced to repeat fourth grade this fall, according to state retention data. No students at any grade level were held back at 274 area schools.

Those schools include four of the five elementary schools in the unaccredited Normandy School District, and at two of the nine elementary schools in the unaccredited Riverview Gardens School District, where the vast majority of students are behind in reading.

In St. Louis, no students were retained at 18 of the district’s 46 elementary schools. At three of the city elementary schools with no retained students — Dunbar, Monroe and Walbridge elementary schools — half or more students tested below basic last spring in reading.

It’s a reality that angers state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, who believes schools that pass children without adequate reading skills are setting them up for life as an illiterate adult.


At a legislative hearing in Jefferson City, Nasheed was close to yelling as she grilled Education Commissioner Chris Nicastro about why the department wasn’t pressuring schools to end so-called social promotion.

“So are we really serious about educating our kids when you can let a kid go from one grade level to the next knowing they’re not fit for the next level? Knowing that we’re setting them up for failure?” Nasheed said. “If we’re not educating them, we’re going to incarcerate them.”

But studies are mixed as to whether retaining children actually helps them in the long run. Dozens of reports spanning two decades indicate that students who are held back in middle school are more likely to drop out of high school. Other studies suggest students who repeat a lower grade perform much better academically for a few years, but their gains are often lost over time.

“Grade retention tends to be traumatic for kids,” said Lars Lefgren, an economics professor at Brigham Young University who has studied the impact of retention on students in the Chicago school system. “You have to trade off your education objective against the trauma kids face.”

It’s why Nicastro says she’s not entirely sold on holding back struggling readers as the means to help them catch up.
“The whole notion of social promotion is a very complex one,” Nicastro said last month during a meeting in St. Louis. “What that means is we have to think differently about how we help children succeed.”


In St. Louis, Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich last month blasted St. Louis Public Schools on several counts, such as not doing enough to prevent standardized test fraud, failing to monitor the hundreds of programs in its schools, and not doing enough to bring in competitive bids for services.

But he said it was the findings on promoting inadequate readers to the next grade level that troubled him the most.

District officials responded by saying that the city school system does not have the resources to retain all students not reading at the required level, and fully following the law would hurt the district financially.

The cost of holding back one student in St. Louis Public Schools is $14,375.

Despite the expense, Adams said the district is taking steps to fully comply with Schweich’s audit recommendations, including student retention. But Adams maintains that holding children back isn’t enough to help struggling readers, and in some cases it could make the problem worse if the right kind of tutoring and other interventions aren’t provided.

Members of the district’s Special Administrative Board last week cautioned Adams to consider any unintended consequence. Adams assured that the district would be doing everything possible to make parents aware if their children could face the potential of repeating a grade next year.

“I just don’t want to see us here next May hearing from parents that they are surprised their child isn’t being passed,” board president Rick Sullivan said.

Board member Richard Gaines said the notion of social promotion isn’t acceptable. But there are things to be considered that aren’t always obvious, he said, when holding a child back. “We want to move these kids along so socially they are not out of balance,” he said. “It needs to be seriously discussed how you do this.”

Adams later said it’s why the issue is a complicated one. But nevertheless, he expects Schweich to be pleased when the auditor returns to St. Louis in December for a follow-up report.

“The lawmakers have the best intentions about what they’re enacting,” Adams said. “It’s up to us to make sure we can follow it to the degree it doesn’t hurt kids. The intent of the law is to make sure kids can read.”

Walker Moskop of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.

Friday, October 25, 2013

America is “Possessed,” and Needs an Exorcist! (My New VDARE Column is Up!)

By Nicholas Stix

America’s Health Care System is “Possessed”—by Mass Third-World Immigration
By Nicholas Stix
October 25, 2013 at 10:42 p.m.

A young woman comes into the ER suffering violent seizures. Her husband says she is “possessed.”

She’s possessed, alright. She has potentially fatal cysts in her brain, which she got from eating contaminated or undercooked pork. The condition, whose medical name is neurocysticercosis, better known as the Pork Tapeworm, was virtually non-existent in America—until mass Third World immigration from Central and South America blessed us with it….

[Read the whole thing here.]

Are Blacks Monsters? Is Crime a White Idea?

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I found the following disturbing essay today by an anonymous American Renaissance reader.

Crime is a white idea. White people, and white people ONLY hold to certain rights and responsibilities all people inalienable rights endowed to us by God. Violation of these rights makes one a criminal. Violating the rights of another is crime.

Where there is no recognition of those rights, there can be no crime. This is literally what almost every black person caught committing “crime” means when he exclaims, “I didn’ do nuffin.” He means he didn’t do anything wrong. His non-recognition of the basic rights of others, even to exist, means that the very idea that he might be doing something wrong, never enters into his head and he has no guilt whatsoever over the most heinous of acts... rape, robbery, murder, assault. The only limits he recognizes (and only during those rare times he bothers to think rationally at all) is the punishment and pain, even death, others will heap on him in retaliation. Such things, to his thinking are always unreasonable (I didn’ do nuffin’).

However, the flip side of such is a much desired outcome. How much he can get away with, and his victims are helpless to do anything about it, determines his status. The contradiction never enters his mind.

At best, non-whites are psychopaths, by our standards. But really, what they are, are monsters. What makes a monster a monster is his nature. Monsters don’t make decisions. Monsters lack choice. This is the fundamental misunderstanding all white people have with regard to non-whites.

People have choice. People change. People can be rehabilitated. People repent. Monsters cannot. Evil isn’t something they do. It’s something they are. As far as repentance goes, the term means to return. To go back to the beginning to a state of innocence and start again. Monsters can’t do that. They were never innocent. Think on THAT, the next time you see black children and wonder what they will be in 20 years. The liberal sees them, and feels hope. He feels hope because he sees children in a state of innocence. More experienced people notice that at age, 4, 5, 6, the black “children” are already hurting others. Where did they “learn” this? It is a mystery, until you admit they did not have to learn it. It’s not what they do. It’s what they are.

What is the point of all that? The point is that a crime rate that goes up and down, is largely meaningless. Who cares, if monsters are more or less active that season than in seasons prior? They are still monsters. No “progress” has been made, just because the “crime rate” is down. Quite frankly, such things have far more to do with changing demographics and the propensity for those in charge to simply lie, than anything else.

Which is a very important point. There is a certain threshold where the monsters take over and crime mysteriously disappears. Did the criminal behaviors stop? No... if anything they’ve dramatically increased. What is happening is a combination of monsters pretending to be cops, no longer arresting other monsters. Monsters in charge of keeping the stats, simply make up whatever lie is handy. And, worst of all, a monster faces a true jury of his peers when called to court and other monsters agree wholeheartedly with him that “he didn’ do nuffin.”

So-called crime is a white idea we virtually eliminated among ourselves. This issue with the monsters is completely different. Our techniques for dealing with crime are ludicrous in the face of what monsters are. What good is it to arrest a monster and jail him, when the entire population he belongs to is just like him? Will you arrest everyone? The U.S. seems to have tried. Some small success, at incredible costs. Can you rehabilitate a monster? Hahahaha... no. Punish a monster? Dat be rayciss... is the only response you will ever get.

All these things have in common the false paradigm of inclusion, [according to which] at the end of the day, what matters is they are of us, just like us, only different in skin color. That is not only untrue, it’s an intentional deception (by whom is a whole other question... one that leads to war). But with regard to “crime,” what we need is a paradigm of exclusion.

They are not human. They are monsters. No different than if we were in the middle of a bad zombie film. A whole different set of assumptions, behaviors, and beliefs apply.

Of course, “dat be rayciss.”

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Nicholas Stix Nominated for “Jewish Nobel Prize”

The nomination came from my brilliant and kind friend and colleague, Glaivester. (Visit Glaivester at home here.

However, Mike Bloomberg clearly needs the money more than I do.

Meanwhile, in big media news, various New York Times staffers are apparently conspiring with my VDARE colleague Steve Sailer to plant obviously fake news stories!

Philip Chism Allegedly Stabbed Teacher Colleen Ritzer to Death with a Box-Cutter; His Family Had Recently Relocated from Tennessee, but the MSM Don’t Want to Look into His Past, Show Him Sympathy, as if He were the Victim, and Hold Non-Sequitur Interviews with Deracinated White Kids Who Say Sweet Nothings about Him, Instead of Expressing Morally Healthy Rage

[Previously on this war crime, at WEJB/NSU:

“Beautiful, Young White Teacher, 24, Who was Bubbling Over with Enthusiasm for Teaching Math Murdered in High School in Danvers, Mass.; One of Obama’s Sons, 14, Charged as an Adult; CCTV Showed Him Dragging Victim’s Body Out of Bathroom.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I know of several cases of black students who variously raped or murdered white teachers, but no cases of white kids violating black teachers. Odd, that.

Today, one of the morning news shows (HLN?) interviewed two white girls who were classmates of murder suspect Philip Chism. The female studio host (not Robin Meade) asked the girls, one of whom was named Nicole (Smith?) if Chism ever talked about any problems. One of the girls responded, “There were no problems.”

That was not answer to the host’s question, but the host didn’t follow up. How would the girl know if Chism had any problems?

Boys from Danvers H.S. interviewed by ABC News for this story (hit link) also had only nice things to say about the murder suspect.

I’ve never heard such expressions of kindness towards white boys who went and murdered teachers. And that’s as it ought to be. And yet, when a “black” allegedly murders a beloved teacher, the media present a complete disconnect: Grief for the victim, yet no rage towards the alleged killer. That’s sick. It is morally unhealthy to act this way, or to encourage people to act this way. If people do not express rage against evildoers, they will express it against people who have done no evil, but express it, they must.

But maybe this is the media’s doing. After all, the story below, is full of sympathy for the alleged murderer.

Philip Chism, the Massachusetts teenager who allegedly stabbed his teacher to death, was just starting to make friends at Danvers High School….
And it goes downhill from there. That’s not how you write about a murder suspect; that’s how you write about a murder victim!

The media have shown no interest in digging up anything that might reflect negatively on the suspect. During a murder trial, all sorts of unflattering material is inadmissible in court, in order to protect the defendant’s due process rights. However, no such prohibition applies to the press. Indeed, the press is obligated to dig up that sort of information.

The media and police have also refused to release details of the killing, such as whether Chism allegedly raped, or attempted to rape Ritzer, and whether she was giving him one-on-one tutoring or counseling, at the time that he allegedly slaughtered her.

Another clarification is in order. Although Colleen Ritzer may have been an exuberant, inspirational teacher, the claims that her dream in life was to teach are contradicted by the reports—in the same stories—that she was working on a master’s degree in counseling. Teachers who get degrees in counseling seek to get out of the classroom. Thus, while Ritzer may have been a wonderful teacher, her dream was clearly not to teach.

Philip Chism, Teen Accused of Stabbing Teacher, “Kept to Himself”
DANVERS, Mass. Oct. 23, 2013
By Alyssa Newcomb and Gio Benitez
Via Good Morning America

Philip Chism, the Massachusetts teenager who allegedly stabbed his teacher to death, was just starting to make friends at Danvers High School.

After a recent move with his family from Tennessee, Chism, 14, joined the junior varsity soccer team at the school.

"He just moved here so he didn't have like a huge group of friends. But soccer's one big family so we all knew him, we all liked him," student Ryan Kelleher, told ABC News.

Teen Charged as Adult in Stabbing Death of Teacher

Despite his towering presence at 6-foot-2, teammates said Chism "just kept to himself" at soccer practice every day.

"[There was] nothing really bad about him. He wasn't a mean kid, did fine," Kyle Cahill, another player on the soccer team, said. "[This] just came out of the blue. [It's] just surreal and surprising to me."

Chism was initially reported missing on Tuesday and members of the school soccer team said they quickly banded together to look for their teammate.

Cahill said they wondered if the new kid in town had simply got lost going home "because he doesn't know his way around."

"We just went out looking for him...just [to] see if he was anywhere we could try and find him," Cahill said.

Police said Chism was found Tuesday night in a neighboring community.
When students learned school was closed today, they worried the 14-year-old had been abducted.

Chris Weimert, another student at Danvers High School, said students knew something serious had happened when rumors of a homicide began to spread around town.

"That's when everything spiraled out of control. Twitter blew up," he said.
Chism, who is being charged as an adult, was booked into jail at 5:33 a.m. this morning, according to a copy of the booking sheet obtained by ABC News.

The teen remained silent during his first court appearance today where he was charged with murdering Colleen Ritzer, 24, who taught math at Danvers High School. He was dressed in a white jail jump suit and exhibited little emotion.

The boy's lawyer put her hand on Chism's back and told the judge "he's only 14," but the judge replied that it was an "adult court and an adult proceeding."

Chism's teammates said they'd never expect the quiet new kid would allegedly commit such a grisly crime, but it's also something they never thought would happen in their tightknit Massachusetts town.

"I mean, we're such a quiet town. [I'd] never expect [something] this big to happen right at the high school, inside the high school," Weimert said. "It's crazy."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

	Colleen Ritzer, 24, was found dead behind a Massachusetts high school late Tuesday. A 14-year-old student was charged with her murder.



Colleen Ritzer, 24, was found dead behind a Massachusetts high school late Tuesday. A 14-year-old student was charged with her murder.


A 14-year-old boy was ordered held without bail after he was charged with killing a 24-year-old teacher, whose body was found behind a Massachusetts high school early Wednesday.

Philip Chism was cuffed soon after the beloved math teacher, Colleen Ritzer, was found dead in a patch of woods near Danvers High School shortly after midnight, sources said.

Investigators found Ritzer after they discovered traces of blood in a second-floor bathroom inside the school, Essex  District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said.

14-year-old Philip Chism was reported missing hours before investigators found the body of Colleen Ritzer, 24, behind Danvers High School late Tuesday. He was later charged with her murder.

@DanversPolice via Twitter

14-year-old Philip Chism was reported missing hours before investigators found the body of Colleen Ritzer, 24, behind Danvers High School late Tuesday. He was later charged with her murder.

"She was a very, very respected, loved teacher," Blodgett told reporters. "It's a terrible tragedy for the entire Danvers community."


Blodgett said police began searching for the teacher after they were alerted that the woman never returned home from work and wasn't answering her cell phone.

Chism - who plays on the schools junior varsity soccer team - was also reported missing earlier in the day, when he never came home after school.

Investigators, including representatives from the state's Medical Examiner's office, pull the body of Colleen Ritzer, 24, from the woods behind Danvers High School on Wednesday.  



Investigators, including representatives from the state's Medical Examiner's office, pull the body of Colleen Ritzer, 24, from the woods behind Danvers High School on Wednesday. 


The teen was arrested after Topsfield police spotted him a few miles away from where Ritzer's body was found.

Officials said the accused killer was walking against traffic on Route 1 when he was collared.

"We are all terrified," Caitlin McBride, a junior at the school, told the Boston Globe. "It's very scary. No one will ever look at this school the same way anymore."


Colleen Ritzer, a 24-year-old math teacher, was found in a patch of woods behind Danvers High School late Tuesday.


Colleen Ritzer, a 24-year-old math teacher, was found in a patch of woods behind Danvers High School late Tuesday.

Students were notified by text message that the school would be closed for the day.

"I didn't know what to do," another student, Kendall Meehan, told the paper. "It's all very scary. It's not something you see around here."

Authorities did not disclose how Ritzer was killed, or reveal a possible motive for the murder.

Mary Duffy, who lives next door to the woman's family, told the Boston Herald that she knew Ritzer - a 2011 graduate of Assumption College, where she earned a bachelors degree in mathematics with a minor in psychology - her whole life.

Colleen Ritzer, 24, was found dead late Tuesday after investigators found blood in a school bathroom.


Colleen Ritzer, 24, was found dead late Tuesday after investigators found blood in a school bathroom.

"She always wanted to teach math," Duffy told the paper. "She was a quiet, pleasant girl with many friends. She was just like the ideal daughter. She is. This family is a family of America. They are the ideal family. They are friendly; they are loving, close."


The enthusiastic teacher used her Twitter account to discuss homework assignments with students. On her profile, she described herself as a "math teacher often too excited about the topics I'm teaching."

"I just remember seeing her in the hallway and she always had a smile...and she was just an amazing person," Megan Papagelis, a Danvers High School graduate, told WBZ-AM. "It's just shocking to see that this could happen. Unbelievable."

Chism's mother wiped away tears as her son was arraigned as an adult on murder charges in Salem District Court.. The teen's family had recently moved to the area from Tennessee.


14-year-old Philip Chism was charged with killing math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24 - who was found dead behind the school late Tuesday.

@DanversPolice via Twitter

14-year-old Philip Chism was charged with killing math teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24 - who was found dead behind the school late Tuesday.

Public schools in Danvers  a town about 20 miles north of Boston  were closed for the day.

Ritzer was the second teacher allegedly killed by a student in the U.S. this week. A 12-year-old boy is accused of fatally shooting a middle school teacher in Sparks, Nev., on Monday.

With News Wire Services


More on the NYC Biker Gang's Racist Road Terror Attack: Never-Before-Seen Video Shows Asian SUV Driver-Victim being Kicked and Stomped by Black and Hispanic Thugs; Nine Charged, So Far (All Suspects’ Names Listed at WEJB/NSU!)

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“The Wild Ones: Racist Brown and Black Motorcycle Gang Hollywood Stuntz Terrorized NYC All Summer; PC Ray Kelly Ordered the NYPD to Stand Down, but Eventually was Shamed into Making Two Arrests, After Gang Attacked Asian Family in Manhattan, Taped and Uploaded Video to Youtube, and Spread Lie Claiming that the Vic Had Killed a Gang Member”;

“New York: Racist Biker Attack Becomes Affirmative Action Law Enforcement and Media Scandal! At Least Five Gang Members were Off-Duty NYPD Cops, While Others were Off-Duty Correctional Officers; No Wonder the NYPD was Giving Them Carte Blanche All Summer! Meanwhile, ABC News Blames Victim for Attack”;

“New York: Wife of Alexian Lien, Victim of Racist Biker Attack: ‘We were Placed in Grave Danger by a Mob of Reckless and Violent Motorcyclists’”;

“Biker Gang Member Edwin ‘Jay’ Mieses Jr., 32, Who was Paralyzed Participating in NYC Racist Terror, was Driving Illegally, was a ‘Habitual Traffic Offender,’ and Had Driven Illegally His Entire Life!”

“Racist NYC Biker Attack: Reginald Chance Arraigned; He was the Black Biker Who Smashed Asian Alexian Lien’s SUV Door Window in, So That His Accomplices Could Drag Lien Out and Beat Him Half to Death.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher RC for the article.

Unfortunately, I can’t post photographs at the moment, so you’ll have to hit the links to see the pics.

Those arrested so far are:

Christopher Cruz
Reggie Chance
Robert Sims
Clint Caldwell
Undercover narcotics detective Wojciech Braszczok
Craig Wright
James Kuehne
Caliq Douglas
Jason Brown

Earlier reports had said that the gang was dominated by off-duty NYPD cops and correctional officers, and yesterday ABC News reporter Darla Miles said “Nine bikers, including some police officers, have been arrested,” but she only identified undercover narcotics Detective Wojciech Braszczok.

And as ABC News readers pointed out, the bikers were not coming from “a rally,” but rather had spent the morning terrorizing drivers and pedestrians alike, who had made over 200 911 calls to the NYPD, which appears to have ignored them.

Law enforcement and the media are scrambling to get their lies straight.

I’m putting Darla Miles’ story first because it has more specifics about the alleged attackers, and because the Daily Mail piece is a blog based on hers, but without several suspects’ names, and is a rehash of the original incident.



Motorcycle road rage: New video emerges - Eyewitness News Exclusive
Updated at 11:29 P.M. today [Tuesday, October 22, 2013]
Darla Miles
Eyewitness News
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News has obtained new video of the assault on an SUV driver by a group of motorcycle riders last month.

The video, obtained by Eyewitness News reporter Darla Miles, comes from a witness to the incident. Police have seen the video, which we warn you is violent and graphic.

The incident happened on Sept. 29 after as a group of motorcycles rode up the Henry Hudson Parkway following a rally. [What “rally”? Riding around on public streets and sidewalks, terrorizing people, does not a rally make!]

Alexian Lien was the driver of an SUV that bumped a bike that had slowed in front of it driven by [Hispanic] Christopher Cruz, 28. Motorcyclists surrounded and converged on the Range Rover. Lien hit the gas, fleeing in fear for the loved ones riding with him, and ran over a biker who was left paralyzed.

Motorcyclists chased Lien's SUV, pulled him from the vehicle and attacked him, police and prosecutors say. The encounters were partly caught on a helmet-camera video posted online.

Nine bikers, including some police officers, have been arrested. Alexian Lien hasn't been charged with any crime. He is recovering from injuries suffered during the assault.

"What is wrong with you man?" That is the phrase laced with explicatives [sic] heard by the bikers who pulled Alexian Lien out of his black Range Rover.

A ninth biker was arraigned Tuesday night, [black] 40-year-old Jason Brown. Sources identified him in the video dressed in all black. He is accused of hitting Lien so hard with his helmet, the visor breaks off of it.

The assault lasted only 20 seconds. It shows Lien being violently stomped and ends with him lying face down on the ground.
In the first clip obtained exclusively by Eyewitness News, you see a biker hitting the driver's side door with a helmet.
Reggie Chance was arrested for that action.

Next, you see another [black] biker in a vest, who police believe is Robert Sims.

A third [black] biker in a blue shirt approaches the SUV and investigators believe that is Clint Caldwell.

At the end of the clip, you can see the rear window of the range rover smashed, property damage allegedly caused by [white] undercover narcotics detective Wojciech Braszczok.

In the next clip of the actual attack, you can hear the shattering of the driver's side window.

Police believe the [black] biker with the number 13 on his back seen kicking Lien is Craig Wright.

The biker to the right of the screen in the video holding his helmet with both hands striking Lien is believed to be James Kuehne. [I’m guessing Kuehne is white.]

Lastly, the [black] man with the black and silver jacket is believed to be Kaliq Douglas, who was arrested on Friday.

As Lien lay on the ground helpless, you can see his wife, Rosalyn Ng, jump to the front seat of the SUV.

Never-before-seen video that NYPD used to identify bikers in road rage attack on SUV driver shows victim being kicked and stomped

• The 51-second video was recoded [sic] September 29 on Henry Hudson Parkway in New York City
• Police watched clip and used to to [sic] help them identify nine suspects who so far have been arrested
• Ninth biker, Jason Brown, 40, was taken in Monday and charged with gang assault
• Undercover Detective Wojciech Braszczok arrested in the attack no longer plans to testify

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 17:31 EST, 22 October 2013 | UPDATED: 18:49 EST, 22 October 2013
View comments

A new graphic video has been made public showing the brutal September biker attack on a motorist in New York City.

The grainy 51-second footage was obtained by ABC Eyewitness News. According to the station, police have seen the clip and used it to identify the nine motorcyclists accused of assaulting driver Alexian Lien.

The shaky footage shot September 29 on the Henry Hudson Parkway begins with a large group of bikers surrounding Lien's black Range Rover.

New evidence: The grainy 51-second footage of the September 29 biker attack was obtained by ABC Eyewitness News

Marks of violence: The Range Rover's rear right tire is flat, and there is a [sic] in the rear windshield

Ganging up: The shaky video shows a group of bikers converging on the driver of the SUV and dragging him out of the vehicle

The vehicle seen in the video exhibits clear signs of violence: its rear right tire is flat, and there is a gaping hole in the rear windshield.

Just seconds later, several motorcyclists could be seen approaching the driver's side of the vehicle and pulling Lien out of the car.

The graphic footage then depicts men in helmets surrounding Lien lying on the ground and proceeding to kick and stomp him.

In the next frame, the young married father could be seen lying motionless with his face down.

The 33-year-odl man needed stitches after the beat-down that took place after he ran over biker Edwin Mieses in his SUV while trying to escape from the scrum of motorcyclists. The biker was left with spinal injuries and may be paralyzed.

Investigators reportedly used this 51-second video to identify the alleged assailants, among them several police officers, and arrest them.

A ninth biker, 40-year-old Jason Brown, was taken into custody Monday night in Brooklyn in connection with the Lien assault.
He is charged with gang assault, assault and criminal mischief.

Meanwhile, an undercover police detective arrested in a motorcyclist-SUV melee no longer plans to testify before a grand jury, his lawyer said Monday.

Bikers assault SUV driver Alexian Lien

Brutal: The clip shows men in helmets surrounding Lien lying on the ground and proceeding to kick and stomp him

Police reportedly have seen this clip and used it to identify the suspected attackers

Aftermath: The young married father is seen here lying motionless with his face down after the beating

Badly injured: Lien needed stitches after he was attacked by bikers in New York. He hit some bikers in a bid to escape them but they caught up and beat him

Attorney John Arlia initially indicated that Detective Wojciech Braszczok wanted to speak to the Manhattan grand jury that's considering indicting him. But Arlia said Monday he's advised Braszczok not to do so "because the evidence speaks for him."

"My client has complete confidence and faith this grand jury will determine that he in no way intended to injure, nor act in any way to injure" an SUV driver who was beaten by several other bikers, the attorney said. Video and other evidence will show Braszczok didn't come close to contact with the driver, Arlia said.

The Manhattan district attorney's office has said Braszczok nonetheless actively participated in the attack by shattering the SUV's back window and kicking its passenger side, and he has been charged with gang assault. The DA's office declined to comment Monday on his decision not to testify.

Many defendants ultimately choose not to testify before grand juries, for various reasons. It's not uncommon for defendants to give notice that they want to appear and then change their minds.

“NYPD undercover cop” “gone rogue” spotted in biker attack video

Suspect: Biker Kaliq Douglas, 28, of Brooklyn, was arrested last week in connection with the road rage attack

Claims: Clint Caldwell, 32, alleges that Alexian Lien, 33, ignited the violence by throwing a water bottle at the cyclists during the incident on the West Side Highway last month

Braszczok was off-duty when he participated in a Sept. 29 motorcycle rally that took a violent turn. He's one of several riders who have since been arrested.’

After the SUV driver bumped a bike that had slowed in front of it, motorcyclists surrounded and converged on the Range Rover SUV; its driver fled in fear for the loved ones riding with him and ran over a biker, and motorcyclists chased him, pulled him from the vehicle and attacked him, police and prosecutors say.

The encounters were partly caught on a helmet-camera video posted online.

The SUV driver, Alexian Lien, hasn't been charged with any crime.

Braszczok did nothing to stop the assault or summon help, didn't report having been there to his superiors for a few days, and wasn't straightforward when he did, prosecutors said.

Keeping mum: Braszczok, pictured in a courtroom sketch (left) and leaving court earlier this month (right), said that he will not testify before a grand jury

The detective was stripped of his gun and badge after internal affairs investigators discovered he saw at least part of the confrontation. He initially told authorities and his union that he didn't intervene in the attack partly because he works undercover.

Arlia has said that the window Braszczok is accused of breaking already had a sizeable hole in it. The detective didn't know other participants in the rally, which was organized online, and he pursued Lien only to prevent his flight after the SUV ran down and seriously injured motorcyclist Edwin Mieses Jr., Arlia said.

"The facts cannot be changed to lump him into an attack he was not a part of. We owe him and his family at least that much," Arlia said by phone Monday.

Terror: Lien was dragged from his car and beaten by bikers on September 29 in front of his wife and two-year-old daughter on a New York highway

Braszczok has been a police officer for a decade. It's unclear when the grand jury might vote on whether to indict him.

Kaliq Douglas, 28, of Brooklyn was charged last week with gang assault and assault with intent to cause serious injury for his involvement,

Bikers Reginald Chance, Clint Caldwell and Craig Wright made court appearances last week on October 11.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White: In Harrison, Arkansas, Group Puts Up Billboard Fighting Anti-White Racism; Blacks Demand Sign be Removed; Mayor Jeff Crockett Explains: The Sign is Not What We are About—We are Anti-White

By Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Occidental Dissent, grandmacaesar, and Noel Wise.

I’d like to see 100,000 of these signs go up all over America, but if one lowly sign can cause so much outrage, even a few spread around the country could have an incalculable effect on liberty. What’s one of Colin Powell’s favorite terms? “Force multipliers.”

Hey, everything I know about racism, I learned from blacks.

Note how the racists are all trying to get the sponsor’s name, so they can try and destroy his life.

And get a load of the white lady, Dena McGlynn, who complains that the billboard “Goes against everything that the Diversity Council and the high school and Mrs. Millburn taught the young that are growing up here in Harrison, and I just wish that they’d take it down.” That’s kind of the point, lady.

At least the reporter got a counterpoint quote, from Josh Rosenberg: “As a white American male, if you say anything about anybody else, you’re automatically racist.”

I see the slogan posted by readers in media comment sections several times a week, and always vote it up.

Finally, in the second video, I don't hear any of the "anti-racist" activists denying the sign's message. They merely seek to silence the message and the messenger, including by violating his property rights, and anything else that they can think up.

Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White Billboard (Arkansas TV News)


Harrison Mayor Jeff Crockett’s Response to Billboard


Upload and post by grandmacaesar

Published on Oct 17, 2013

On October 15th, 2013, a new billboard went up in Harrison, Arkansas. On October 17th, the mayor met with supporters and protesters for a scheduled statement.

The man who paid for the sign was interviewed that day as well, by the Harrison Daily Times. This article appeared on the front page of the Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20 edition.:

Man Behind the Sign

by BRYAN HIX "The primary need for the First Amendment -- that is, protection of free speech -- is to protect unpopular truths," says the man who told the Daily Times he rented the billboard that has proven contentious not only in Harrison, but across the entire U.S.

In an interview conducted Thursday, October 27, the billboard's sponsor -- who asked that his name remain anonymous -- discussed some of the reasoning behind his decision to post the message.

"The word, 'racist' is a loaded term -- loaded against white people," the man said. "It's a public secret. Everyone knows it's the truth, and yet, no one will talk about it."

"This is an issue unique to white people in America. In reality, non-whites don't have to measure their words -- they are not constantly required to consider whether or not their words are going to offend someone. If you're white in this country, you have to constantly 'self-censor,' or risk be unfairly branded a racist. If someone, who happens to be white, disagrees with one of President Obama's policies, for example, that person is often branded a racist."

The man further says that this societal, kneejerk reaction -- that of labeling those with dissenting opinions "racist" actually serves to intimidate good people and stifles free speech, even when their dissenting opinions have nothing to do with race.

"True progress depends on not labeling any one segment of our society as 'racist,'" the man said, "or implying that racism is the exclusive domain of white people."

As for why he has chosen to remain anonymous, the man says his identity is irrelevant to the issue at hand.

"What's important is the message," he says. "It was deliberately designed to prompt debate and discussion -- to highlight the double standard that exists in this country, with respect to expressing differences of opinion. Again, the First Amendment was not intended to solely protect a select few -- it is meant to protect everyone."

"The reaction to the billboard has really illuminated the issue," the man continued, "and the protesters are proving my point for me. For the most part, people have been successfully conditioned to react in a certain way when they see or hear the word 'racist.' We're witnessing the product of that conditioning."

With regard to the backlash Harrison Signs has experienced for leasing him the billboard, the man said he believes it is unfortunate.

"They have displayed their genuine commitment to the spirit of the First Amendment," he said, "they've passed that test."

Asked about why he has chosen to neither confirm nor deny any affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan or other white-supremacy groups, the man says he wants to maintain the focus of the controversy on the message, rather than the messanger.

"Read it, think about it," the man said. "The message stands on its own. It shouldn't be colored by any presumed associations."


There was another article on the front page titled "Task Force Plans Reaction". I won't print it in its entirety. It didn't mention in the article, but it appears as if the "supporters of the Harrison Community Task Force on Race Relations" meeting may have only been four people (including the writer of the article). Here's a sample paragraph from the article:

Prior to adjourning the meeting, attendees sought to settle on a slogan to offset the sentiment expressed on the billboard. After the initially proposed "Love Thy Neighbor" was deemed to be "too Christian," and another slogan, suggested by a representative from Equality Revolution---"Love, Equality, Human"---failed to gain support, the group ultimately settled on "Love Your Neighbor."

I suspect their time would be better spent having a quilting bee.

Poor Whites are Smarter than Even Well-to-Do Blacks, So Columbus Dispatch “Reporter” Lies About It, in Order to Help Racist Black Hustlers Shake Down Whitey for Even More Billions of Dollars!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Wide racial gap persists in education testing
By Collin Binkley
Sunday, September 22, 2013 8:05 A.M.
The Columbus Dispatch
• Comments: 18

Even if they come from affluent families or attend highly rated schools, black students in Ohio continue to lag far behind their white peers in school, according to a Dispatch analysis of data from state standardized exams.

On more than two dozen state tests given to students in kindergarten through high school last year, the average passage rate among black students was 64 percent. On average, 87 percent of white students passed.

Disparities between races have existed across the country since schools were physically divided by race, researchers say, but many now view those gaps largely as a product of high poverty among minorities.

In Ohio, though, wide race gaps persist even on a level economic field.

Average passing rates among affluent white students last year topped those of affluent black students by 16 percentage points. Poor, white students outperformed black students from poor and wealthy families.

Disparities between races had been narrowing until about five years ago, data show, but the numbers have changed little since then. Now, amid a renewed focus on the topic, schools face increasing pressure to close gaps.

New state report cards penalized schools this year if certain student groups, including racial minorities, didn’t improve enough over a year. Schools that have long earned high overall marks received D’s and F’s in that area.

At the same time, parents of black students have formed groups in their districts to advocate for minority children. Groups in Westerville, Dublin and Olentangy schools have gathered steam in recent years.

“There are clearly divisions along ethnic lines within the district,” said Vaughn Bell, a Westerville parent who revived a defunct group for black parents last year. “I do believe that schools are failing our African-American students.”
Racial disparities go beyond income, experts say, but wealth plays a role.

The poverty rate among blacks in the U.S. –– 25.8 percent, according to Census data –– is higher than any other race except Native Americans. Poor families, in turn, more often face lower-quality preschool options, researchers say.

“These gaps are traceable back to early-childhood education,” said Shaun Harper, the director of the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education. “If kids show up in kindergarten not having had high-quality instruction in preschool, they’re already starting behind.”

Coupled with teachers who lack the training to help, gaps remain, Harper said.

Beyond poverty, though, some say schools set the bar too low for minorities.

“We expect less of our low-income students and students of color,” said Natasha Ushomirsky, senior data and policy analyst for Education Trust, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit group that works to close achievement gaps.

Studies have found that black and Latino students are less likely to be placed in advanced courses, even if they show promise in a subject. Minority students are also more likely to be taught by less-experienced teachers.

“Our school system is set up in a way that makes these gaps worse rather than making them better,” Ushomirsky said.

Where students live is as important as family income in Ohio, said Damon Asbury, legislative director for the Ohio School Boards Association. Minorities are more likely to live in high concentrations of poverty, he said, while poor, white students might live in safer areas with more public resources.

“All people can learn,” Asbury said. “It’s not the individual; it’s the circumstances they often find themselves in.”
The consequences of achievement gaps can be crushing.

For example, 61 percent of black students in Ohio pass the third-grade reading test, compared with 87 percent of white students.

That’s important because one study found that students who don’t read proficiently by third grade are four times less likely to graduate by age 19. It’s 19 times less likely for poor students who don’t read well by third grade.

“There are huge personal ramifications to the students themselves,” Ushomirsky said. “Too many kids are either not graduating high school at all, or they’re graduating not prepared to do what they want to do next.”

Some of the widest gaps in Ohio are in urban schools, which have long struggled to improve scores among large minority populations.

In 2010, less than 5 percent of black students passed the Ohio third-grade reading exam at Lincoln Park Elementary, a majority black school at the time. More than 70 percent of white students at the Columbus school passed.

But even in suburban districts, including Dublin, Worthington and Westerville, there are schools where whites routinely outperform blacks by wide margins.

Some schools have added more minority teachers, which parents are lobbying for in Westerville.

“The overwhelming number of teachers are white; they connect better with white students than minority students,” said Bell, of the parent group.

McVay Elementary School in Westerville has had some of the widest gaps in third-grade reading proficiency between black and white students for the past five years. The smallest gap in that period was 20 percentage points.

“When you’re talking about a racial gap, it’s a pretty uncomfortable subject,” Principal Amy Miller said. “But you have to just say, ‘This is our data and it’s telling us something matters here, and we need to figure out what to do about it.’ ”

This year, teachers at McVay are working to pinpoint more quickly where individual students –– not groups –– need help. That approach helped at nearby Annehurst Elementary, which the state has honored for closing gaps.

McVay also added a reading specialist to help students, and the school is focusing on third-grade reading. Teachers, too, are having open discussions about race and breaking down preconceived notions. Miller believes that those changes will help.

Ultimately, though, there is no magic bullet.

Some experts such as Ushomirsky argue for school-level solutions, such as pairing top teachers with low-performing students. Harper says governments need to invest more in minority neighborhoods. Both agree that the stakes are clear.

“If we don’t do something about these inequities, the long-term consequences for our economy are enormous,” Harper said. “Inevitably we will see more poverty, more crime and so on.”


Chuck Schmitz (Wizzo)
How do Asian-Americans fit into the mix?
2013-09-22 11:59:07.0

michael straughter (
It's time for educators, the community, parents and perhaps, the individual student themselves to stop expecting and setting the bar too low. As with anything else in life, you get t what you expect as well as commit to. As the article referenced, the reasons are vary why such gaps exists. There is no single magic bullet solution. However, educationally, it's about providing access (and support) for "gap" students to AP, IBAC, PSEO, & dual-enrollment opportunities.
2013-09-22 13:30:25.0

Pat Giles (DrPat)
How does school attendance factor in?
2013-09-22 14:28:42.0

Reconcile Reconcile (Reconcile)
"These gaps are traceable back to early-childhood education," said Shaun Harper, the director of the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education...I'm getting tired of stating the obvious -- that investing in quality preschool education now is a lot cheaper and more effective than remediation/incarceration later on. We're just too darn cheap and short sighted in this country.
2013-09-22 16:49:37.0

Reconcile Reconcile (Reconcile)
Oh, and it would also help if these standardized, paper pencil tests actually measured understanding. We do have an achievement gap, but more serious is that we have a RELEVANCE GAP...most students find this rote, teach to the test event we now call school boring.
2013-09-22 16:51:12.0

Patricia Geoghegan (pageog)
My children's' "early childhood" education came from their parents. Just reading to a child early and often pays many benefits. We had high expectations and rules that were enforced. Parental support is NEEDED every minute of every day to produce successful and productive citizens of the world.
2013-09-22 18:11:03.0

Bob Loblaw (
I knew as soon as I saw the headline of the article that not one person interviewed would mention parental responsibility. Mr. Bell's borderline racist comment in regards to the inability of white teachers to connect well with black students is typical of the blame-shifting mentality so prevalent in today's society. As for children arriving unprepared for kindergarten, it's rather spurious to put the blame entirely on the quality of preschool education. Parents play, not just a vital role in preparing their children for school; they play the * key * role. Blaming teachers for their "inability to connect" solves nothing. Until we stop blaming the nebulous "society" for these shortcomings, there will be no solution.
2013-09-22 21:08:55.0

Reverend Bacon (ReverendBacon)
These statistics seem to correlate with the well-known, well-studied IQ gap in the races. Among random samples of American blacks and whites, a one-standard deviation gap exists; it has existed for decades, and it would explain the achievement gap as well. While some sociologists focus on the environmental component of this gap, while others focus on the genetic component, essentially all sociologists acknowledge that both components exist. Any article on a subject like this that fails to point out the IQ gap indicates an author that is either ignorant of his topic, or is willfully trying to incite angry cries of racism in his readers. Either way, it's shameful.
2013-09-23 00:47:17.0

reader reader (Reader)
Rev Bacon--the world responds differently to black and white children, no two ways around it. Of 8 comments here, four (yours inclusive) assumed blame for the black students themselves or for their families. That is a reality we live with. And teachers, whether black or white, are not immune. I haven't seen research on this, but I have noticed that wherever data includes a biracial category, they do better than the black category. This raises questions about whether black parents transmit to their children an internalized sense of inferiority, or possibly, if they--while intending them to protect them from societal racism teach them such survival skills as not drawing attention to themselves by asking questions or striving to excell. Further, using IQ data to support your points is highly suspect. IQ testing is based on comparing a child's knowledge to that "typical" of a child their age. In a society still as racially segregated as ours, what is "typical" is not identical for various groups. It is intended to measure the learning ability of the child--again, assuming all things equal, which they are not. There are other tests, less well known, that purport to measure learning ability by actually teaching a child and observing the acquisition of new knowledge.
2013-09-23 10:47:23.0

Jared Nelson (shawnmer)
@ Reader Reader: "I haven't seen research on this, but I have noticed that wherever data includes a biracial category, they do better than the black category. This raises questions about whether black parents transmit to their children an internalized sense of inferiority..." Oh, mercy. Let me fill you in. In interracial couples, the mixed-race offspring tend to have children that outperform the black parent but underperform the white parent. Will there ever be a sufficient amount of data or lapsed time when it will it dawn on you it might be the INTELLIGENCE GENES being "transmit(ted) to their children" that determine these outcomes?? You guys have essentially made the theory of blank slate group human equality an unfalsifiable. No amount of evidence ever disproves it, it is instead just supposed to be accepted as an obvious truism. (Because the alternative is just too odious and unthinkable!) Racial discrimination is said to be omnipresent, "institutionalized," and utterly unquantifiable. How it's supposed to be manifested isn't even DEFINED anymore. We're just supposed to accept that it's there. Religion doesn't ask as much blind faith devoid of evidence as those who deny the simple truth of racial differences.
2013-09-24 20:35:08.0

Jared Nelson (shawnmer)
Oh, and Reader Reader, IQ tests do not measure "knowledge," they measure aptitude. Which is what "intelligence" is. A dullard can be aware of something that a genius is not aware of, that doesn't make the dullard more "intelligent." Other than that, your comment was incredibly insightful.
2013-09-24 20:47:01.0

robert kelly (libertarian1234)
This raises the very obvious question: Why don't they show the gap between blacks and Hispanic? Blacks and Asians? Blacks and Indians? Blacks and Middle Easterners? These gaps between non-whites and blacks have existed for as long as the gap between white and black. Why is it NEVER discussed or pointed out? Why do they include blacks in with all non-whites? Asians are doing fine. Hispanics are pulling even further ahead of blacks then before, and all the various groups in the country outperform blacks in I. Q. tests. And there's an even bigger gap between blacks and Northeast Asians than there is between blacks and whites, but it's never mentioned. Why not. What are they afraid of? "If we don't do something about these inequities, the long-term consequences for our economy are enormous," Harper said. "Inevitably we will see more poverty, more crime and so on." Since they can't do anything about making people smarter, they just laid out what all of us have been saying for years now. The rainbow utopian empire has failed miserably.
2013-09-24 21:06:55.0

Michael Mason (awesomemm)
Every time I hear a conservative say that Detroit is in financial and physical ruin because of liberals and labor unions, I can't help but laugh. Brace yourself everybody, you're about to get told that santa claus isn't real. The reason for racial disparities is that there are innate differences in the IQs of varying racial groups. To assume that all groups are equally as intellectually gifted is to assume that we all somehow evolved in the same simultaneous ways despite being geographically separated for hundreds of thousands of years. This would be a very scientifically naive assumption. As the great Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, "the first step to solving a problem in the state is to call it for what it is."
2013-09-24 21:47:34.0

Vernon Miller (Vernon_Miller)
At some point we are going to have to consider that the evidence is beyond conclusive. Not every ethnic group of has the same mental ability.
2013-09-24 22:32:28.0

Dan Canto (Canto28)
This is just more good news for the academic racial gap industry. This is the perfect industry because it supports, with never ending grant$, efforts to solve a problem which - this is the best part - never can be solved (due to the racial IQ gap which can't be mentioned). Such a deal! So politicians, you just keep dishing out all those taxpayer billions to all those eager gap industry educationists, like those who work in centers for the Study of Race and Equity in Education , who, don't you know, are just about to turn the corner (as always) in solving this. Such a deal!
2013-09-25 11:30:12.0

Peter James (MrL)
The evidence is pretty clear, certain races have certain abilities. It's perfectly acceptable to say "White men can't jump" but not acceptable to say "Black men can't read". The truth is dangerous.
2013-09-25 12:21:27.0

Dan Canto (Canto28)
Practically every article one reads on the racial academic gap is dishonest and cowardly in that the persistent racial IQ gap and its correlation with academic achievement is never even mentioned. Instead hopeful, never proven statements are made suggesting that the elusive solution lies in better this or that - suggestions that have been made for decades. Education is just too political and the modus operandi seems to be to repeat the excuses and keep the funding going to the professional racial gap educationists. Politicians sure aren't going to mention IQ; much safer to just keep dishing out the tax money.
2013-09-27 09:39:37.0

Michael Sinegar (Msinegar)
What do you believe that blacks should do in your perfect scenario in which racial differences in I.Q. are made public knowledge? I mean, that's pretty demoralizing. Even high-achieving blacks would be doomed to never be respected as much as their white counterparts who could, in theory, be less qualified.
2013-09-29 13:23:08.0