Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The Treason Lobby and Racial Socialists Seek to Force on Americans a Nation of Diverse Criminals: “Simple-Minded Incompetents… [Who Routinely Do] Unbelievably Stupid, Vile Things” (Tom Wolfe)

Posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to my VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer.

Not that they weren't guilty. One thing Kramer had learned within two weeks as an assistant D.A. in the Bronx was that 95 percent of the defendants who got as far as the indictment stage, perhaps 98 percent, were truly guilty. The caseload was so overwhelming, you didn't waste time trying to bring the marginal cases forward, unless the press was on your back. They hauled in guilt by the ton, the blue-and-orange vans out there on Walton Avenue. But the poor bastards behind the wire mesh barely deserved the term criminal if by criminal you had in mind the romantic notion of someone who has a goal and seeks to achieve it through some desperate way outside the law. No, they were simple-minded incompetents, most of them, and they did unbelievably stupid, vile things.

[Tom Wolfe, Bonfire of the Vanities.]

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