Wednesday, July 10, 2013

“One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)”: The Backstory!

By Nicholas Stix

This blew my mind, via Kathy Shaidle at Five Feet of Fury.


  1. Isn't that an amazing story? Mark Steyn always digs these up, often based on his interviews with these great songwriters.

  2. I've only read a few of Steyn's show biz stories, like the one where Sinatra referred to Brando as "Mumbles" while they were shooting Guys and Dolls and Brando was wasting people's time, endlessly redoing scenes, but it was enough to recognize that on that beat, he's in a league all by himself.


  3. Happened to spot this piece online.
    Shocker people would be outraged by Bloomberg making these kind of comments. Don't bother us with fact, figures and truth. Jerry
