Saturday, July 13, 2013

New York Daily News: We Need More Promiscuity, More Venereal Disease, More Illegitimacy, Lower IQ, More Poverty, More Crime, More Affirmative Action for Females, and More Welfare!

Posted by Nicholas Stix


Study: Almost half of US moms are their families' main or sole breadwinners

40% of mothers are their
families' main or only income
earners, Pew reports. But
the income gap between the
families with moneymaking
[N.S.: well-to-do] moms and
families in which mothers
struggled to make ends meet
was stark. New York women say
working isn't a choice, it's
a necessity.

By Kerry Burke and Corky Siemaszko

May 29, 2013, 12:04 P.M.; updated: May 30, 2013, 11:05 A.M.

New York Daily News

Comments (11)

Morning commuters - among whom are many mothers - exit a train in April at New York City's Grand Central Terminal.


Morning commuters — among whom are many mothers — exit a train in April at New York City's Grand Central Terminal.

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Mom is bringing home the bacon in nearly half the American households with kids.

In 40% of families, mothers are either the main or only wage earner — a huge jump from 1960 when that figure was 11%, the Pew Research Center found in a new study.

And the single moms are struggling.

In 8.6 million households headed by an unmarried mother, the annual median income was just $23,000, Pew found.

[Note the fake dichotomy: Comparing one, lower portion of the class of households with children born out of wedlock to the average for all classes of all families, including real ones. But aside from the fake dichotomy, the Daily News operatives are acting as if unwed mothers were victims of some sort of injustice perpetrated against them by other people.]  

That's less than half the nationwide figure of $57,100 for all families with kids, according to the study.

Adding to the angst of single moms, they are fighting to survive in a country still somewhat conflicted about women in the workplace.

While just one in five people Pew surveyed don't believe women should work outside the home, 51% of those same respondents said kids would be better off if mom stayed home.

[This is sophistry. People aren't conflicted, or if they are, it's between their decent impulses and the dangerous feminist propaganda they've been browbeaten their whole lives into parroting. Unlike the Daily News operatives, who were completely anti-family, most respondents still cared about kids.]

Adina Caldwell, 28, a Manhattan nurse's aide and proud mom to 6-year-old Zaniya, begs to differ. She says she's raising her on her own — and setting a great example.

"She sees me bust my behind and go to work every day, seven days a week," Caldwell said.

"Even with women making the money, it's still hard to make ends meet," said Adriana Santos, 31, of Manhattan, a single mother of two. "I understand children need a mother at home for nurturing, but we need to be current. The world has changed."

["We need to be current"? The "world has changed" because America has more and more idiots like Santos, thanks to mass Hispanic and black immigration, and lefty whites, including feminists and the media, who glorify immorality.]    

Yeisy Santiago, a city worker from Harlem and single mother of a 10-year-old son, Hassiel, said staying home is not an option. "What would happen to our kids?" she asked. "We have to provide for them."

[What about their fathers? Why didn't you marry them, you stupid sluts!]

The Pew research mirrored the results of a recent report by the New York Women's Foundation that found single moms were the most "economically insecure."

[Duh! I can't imagine why low-IQ, uneducated, unskilled women who have illegitimate children would be "the most 'economically insecure.'" I'm just baffled!]

Women now make up 47% of the U.S. labor force, Census Bureau figures show.

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