Sunday, July 07, 2013

Moron Fodder from Oprah Winfrey and AOL’s Huffington Post: Sophist Brené Brown on How to Get Fired from Your Job for being “Authentic,” While Not being Able to Sue Her for Giving Godawful Advice

America's champion b.s. artist and a protege and possible future employee

By Nicholas Stix

If my title was a mouthful, it’s because it’s hard to boil so much dishonesty down into one hed. Brené Brown is a psychobabblist whose shtick is to call on people to be “authentic.” That’s her primary b.s. story. The problem with that is that most people, if they said what they were thinking around the boss, or even around their many backstabbing colleagues at work, would immediately get fired. So they wait ‘til they get home, and complain to their families. That is, if they have families.

In other words, there are lots of people who are quiet at work (or school), but who can’t shut up, once they get home.

Brown recognizes this, but because she is a professional b.s. artist, instead of acknowledging the facts, she’s got to pile more lies on top of her earlier ones. (This may be a CYA maneuver, in order to protect herself from lawsuits by people gullible who were enough to follow her idiotic, dishonest advice.) According to her secondary b.s. story, if you follow her primary advice, and criticize people at work and get fired for it, you’re not really being authentic, you’re being a perfectionist which, according to her, is actually a form of avoidance of authenticity.

So, there are no real perfectionists. Leonardo wasn’t a perfectionist, he was a “fake” who just avoiding authenticity. Ditto for the great English precision toolmakers, the men at NASA who got us to the moon, et al.

And while many people happily describe themselves as perfectionists, Dr. Brown says that according to her data, perfectionism isn't actually a positive trait.

[N.S.: What “data”?! There is no “data.” This is a matter of opinion, because it’s moral issue. She’s posing as a scientist, in order to escape being exposed as a fraud, and evade moral condemnation for her pernicious views.]

"What emerged for me in the data is that perfectionism is not about striving for excellence or healthy striving," Dr. Brown tells Oprah. "It's… a way of thinking and feeling that says this: 'If I look perfect, do it perfect, work perfect and live perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame, blame and judgment.'"
Of course, it is about striving for excellence. It is also about honor. The traditional phrase for seeking to “avoid or minimize shame, blame and judgment” is acting honorably.

I suppose one could conclude that ultimately, Brown says nothing, since her two versions of “expert” bovine fertilizer cancel each other out. Kind of like Malcolm Gladwell telling people to trust their spontaneous judgments about people … except when those judgments violate political correctness.

You know, the only reason I even clicked on the link at AOL is because Brené Brown’s picture reminded me of TV actress Sherry Stringfield.

* * *
[AOL’s teaser:] Are you authentic ... or unknowingly fake?

Behavioral expert Brené Brown says being authentic is a choice you make every day -- but that people with one specific personality trait will have a harder time than most.

'Behavior' that will hold you back from being true

Overcoming Perfectionism: Brene Brown Talks Perfection and Authenticity with Oprah (VIDEO)
By OWN (The Oprah Winfrey Network)
June 29, 2013
Huffington Post (AOL)

For more than a decade, Dr. Brené Brown has studied vulnerability, worthiness, shame and courage as a professor at the University of Houston's Graduate College of Social Work.
Throughout her studies, Dr. Brown uncovered the sheer power of vulnerability and how living wholeheartedly is completely transformative. Part of living with a whole heart, Dr. Brown says, is the ability to cultivate authenticity, a topic she explores in her book "Daring Greatly" as well as in her interview with Oprah for "Super Soul Sunday."

["The sheer power of vulnerability" in racial socialist America? Right.]

What Dr. Brown learned about authenticity through her research turned out to surprise even her. "I thought going into it that there were authentic people and inauthentic people. I did not find any evidence of that at all," she tells Oprah in the video. "What I found is authenticity is a practice and you choose it every day -- sometimes every hour of every day."

Imagine walking into a meeting at work, Dr. Brown says. "You have to make the choice: Am I going to show up and let myself be seen?" she poses. "Am I going to raise my hand and say, 'Wow, y'all look super excited. [But] I don't know what in the hell you're talking about. I'm so lost.' That's a choice."

In order to make that authentic choice, however, Dr. Brown says that you must be willing and able to let go of what other people think. This can be difficult for everyone, but it's especially difficult for people who consider themselves perfectionists. And while many people happily describe themselves as perfectionists, Dr. Brown says that according to her data, perfectionism isn't actually a positive trait.

"What emerged for me in the data is that perfectionism is not about striving for excellence or healthy striving," Dr. Brown tells Oprah. "It's… a way of thinking and feeling that says this: 'If I look perfect, do it perfect, work perfect and live perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame, blame and judgment.'"

"This was my other aha [moment]!" Oprah says, giving Dr. Brown a high-five. "Perfectionism is the ultimate fear... People who are walking around as perfectionists... They are ultimately afraid that the world is going to see them for who they really are and they won't measure up."

"There's no question," Dr. Brown agrees. "I call perfectionism 'the 20-ton shield.' We carry it around thinking it's going to protect us from being hurt. But it protects us from being seen."

"Super Soul Sunday " airs Sundays at 11 a.m. ET on OWN.


  1. You might like this new post of mine:

    Feel free to re-post.

  2. Blogger The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...
    The American Negro knows what he wants; ultimately to shed or slough off his Negro traits born of a more r selective gene pool. Most in particular the Negro gene pool trait that produces a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum than any other sub-species of human on planet Earth.

    Though the Negro be of Low IQ, he has enough intelligence to glean his totally inferior intellectual ability.

    The American Negro plans to continue pilfering from the white gene pool in order to achieve his parasitic quest for a superior form of Negro.

    The American Negro has pilfered 15 IQ points in just 400 years of close contact living with whites, as witnessed by the difference in mean IQ, 70 to 85, between African Negros and American Negros.

    Barac Obama is a good reflection of this phenomenon in action as his low IQed Negro cerebrum has been supercharged by his mothers white genes for a higher IQed, Negro cerebrum.

    In the meantime, American Negros intend to continue on as the more animalistic and/or tribal people that they are while enjoying the highlife of the white man's created and maintained, higher culture of civilization, and by the way, of which they are still incapable of assimilating into.

    Also in the meanwhile, the American Negro intents to continue promoting and protecting the Negro illusion that states the Negro to be the loser form of human solely because the evil whitey persecutes the Negro.

    In fact, not only does the American Negro intent to pretend he believes his illusion, but even worse he intends to act as if his illusion is the truth by committing violent acts upon whites, including beating, raping and murdering our white women, most of whom are in their child bearing age, thereby denying whites their full potential inherent in these, our white women's genes.

    Moreover, the American Negro enjoys protected status, like an endangered species, by the white liberals. The Negro realizes this, allies himself with the apostate, white liberal dolt, and thereby continues acting out his more animalistic tendencies, and does so while also acting out upon his illusion.

    For non-liberal whites to get off this merry-go-round of transmogrifying the white gene pool and ultimately pushing the white gene pool/race into extinction, we non-liberal whites need to disassociate from white liberals and their allies the Negros.

    Secession is truly the only answer.

    When did Noah build the arc? Before the Flood.

    Woe will be our posterity if we non-liberal whites embrace the sloth of being good men who do nothing when evil this way comes.

    Secession. Thank you.

  3. Perhaps Brown pushes open honesty to make the liberal's and liberal ideologist's job of headhunting the dissenting or rebellious non-liberals easier to achieve, exploit and finally with great delight, publically tar and feather their latest victim.

    Paula Deen was openly honest and they lynched her in the liberal way, liberal summary justice, which of course is not justice at all.

    It really is injustice to a realist, but the liberals, intoxicated with their illusions and ideology, are in control and giving the orders.

    The way I see it, I'd prefer to abandon the white liberals and their allies to their own devices.

    Secession and a new nation-state, void of said liberals and their allies in the transmogrification of America, is more to my liking. Thank you.
