Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Justice for Trayvon, Race-Hustler Style (J. Christian Adams)

[See my current VDARE column:


"Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, and the Four Dirty Little Secrets of Black America."]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


Justice for Trayvon, Race-Hustler Style

By J. Christian Adams

June 27th, 2013 - 1:56 p.m.

P.J. Media


Right now, hanging on the door of a federal employee's office in the Department of Justice Voting Section is a sign expressing racial solidarity with Trayvon Martin. What this has to do with the Department of Justice is perhaps a mystery, but not to me.

One might ponder why the Justice Department Civil Rights Division rushed to Florida in the first place and took sides once the racial furnace was sufficiently stoked. When Eric Holder's old pal from D.C. (and a Philadelphia court case), New Black Panther chieftain Malik Zulu Shabazz, called for a 10,000 strong black-male mob to seize George Zimmerman, we knew what was in store.

It wasn't going to be justice.

But Justice came to Florida anyhow, in the form of the Community Relations Service of Eric Holder's DOJ. Instead of calming the racial tensions, the DOJ took sides. Instead of calming the mob, the DOJ joined it — providing training for the mob and even arranging a police escort.

This is justice, race-hustler style. When Malik Zulu Shabazz demands blood, Eric Holder arrives to deliver a more moderate face to mob anger.

But notice Holder never condemned the calls for vigilantism. Why would he? We've learned Holder's sense of justice depends on what the parties look like. He never has a discouraging word for certain agitators, including Malik Zulu Shabazz.

But if you are Texas, South Carolina, or a majority of the Supreme Court, beware.

Now the nation sees what race-hustler style justice looks like at trial. Florida, cowed into bringing charges after the race-hustler threats and overt DOJ "interest," at last is forced to put on a case before a jury. And what a clown show it has become.

The star witness for the prosecution, Rachel Jeantel, tells America with a straight face that "cracker isn't a racial term."

Right, and the New Black Panthers didn't do anything wrong.

Rachel, call Tom Perez at the DOJ. He has a job waiting for you.


Jeantel also testified she couldn't read cursive writing. In particular, she couldn't read her statement she purportedly wrote (in cursive) implicating George Zimmerman.

If the prosecutors had any sense of justice, at this point they would call a recess and null process the case. But this is justice, race-hustler style. The lawyers probably would be afraid to leave the courthouse if they did. Malik Zulu Shabazz might put a bounty on their heads next.

Malik Zulu Shabazz has a long history of ginning up racially charged fairy tales of criminal conduct. He showed up in Durham, North Carolina, and helped spin a defamatory tale about the Duke lacrosse team that wrecked lives. Establishment media have forgotten that earlier cry of wolf.

No matter. Consider the response of Ted Williams to the obnoxious and shifting testimony of star witness Jeantel on On the Record with Greta: "I think there may be some kind of quote unquote cultural divide because of how she talks." Does the "cultural divide" account for lying?

Even evolving inconsistent and possibly dishonest testimony is excused through a racial explanation.

The George Zimmerman trial has become O.J. 2.0, except this time the racially guilty is in the docks. The worm has turned.

Let's presume Zimmerman is acquitted. Will the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Malik Zulu Shabazz stand down? Will the destroyed credibility of the star witness Jeantel temper their response before they incite the mobs to action as we've seen after other verdicts? Will DOJ arrive in Sanford, this time to ensure storefronts aren't smashed and bricks aren't used to bash in the brains of innocent truckers?

Somehow I doubt it. We've seen this script before. It's important for the actors to stay in character — and moderation and truth aren't part of the role.

The race hustlers should beware. Americans are growing weary of the obsession of explaining moral choices through a racial context. Most of us have been raised to understand human behavior as a series of individual choices — good and bad. Consequences follow those choices. The incessant agenda to ascribe racial explanations to human behavior — whether pulling a trigger, or lying on the stand isn't American-style justice. It's immoral. It's justice, race-hustler style; and it has overstayed its welcome.




The most despicable criminals in this sad jackass carnival are the prosecutors who are trying to destroy the life a man they absolutely know to be innocent.

They are obviously lying and putting witnesses on the stand whom they know are lying and whom they have encouraged to lie.

In this instance the prosecution has no case yet out of political expediency they continue in their quest to destroy George Zimmerman.

I have posted before that I believe that the majority, probably the overwhelming majority, of prosecutors have less integrity and have done more harm to more innocent people than the majority of defendants they have prosecuted.

If ever there was a case to illustrate this assertion, this is the one. No one in America, or any where else, who has followed the facts of this case can believe that the prosecution had any grounds on which to prosecute this case.

Futhermore, I have heard of no District Attorneys or prosecutors who have protested this malicious prosecution of George Zimmerman, which I believe attests to the serious lack of integrity that permeates the legal system.


The real story is: what has become of the legal system and the people who administer it ?

We are no longer a nation where the law is applied honestly to every citizen by honest people.




Shepard N7


Zimmerman shot a thug that was in the process of assaulting him, even arguably trying to kill him.

Had Trayvon Martin not made the choice to assault a law-abiding citizen he'd be sitting somewhere right now kicking his feet up and having his skittles & iced tea. But he DID decide to assault someone, he chose the wrong victim and he got exactly what he deserved. And everything I just said would be true no matter what race any of the participants were.



Shepard N7


I think a good argument could be made that Trayvon has already had justice.

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