Thursday, July 04, 2013

Greensboro, North Carolina Suffers Yet Another Riot, but It was All in a Good Cause!

Posted by Nicholas Stix

[Previously, on rioting in Greensboro, at WEJB/NSU:

“Another Police Cover-Up of Racist, Black Flash Mobs Collapses: This Time, It’s Greensboro, NC.”]

Angry White Dude did a hilarious sendup of this:


In a warm up to the upcoming Trayvon Martin riots, 400 “urban yoots” rioted in Greensboro, NC this past weekend, causing injuries and damage in the downtown area of the previously quiet city. Not surprisingly, each of the 400 rioters looked like they could be Obama’s son, if he had one or 400!...

[Read the whole thing here.]

A tip ‘o the hate to the Countenance Blogmeister, whose biggest fan in the world, and my reader-researcher RC.

1 comment:

  1. 11 people fighting is not a riot. You've been duped by the MSM and a sleaze bag club owner who was actually getting off on the free media attention for his club. Look at how he grins throughout the video. The real story facts, figures, documents, videos, city security cameras all the things the media and local political leaders don't want you to know like how the City invited hundreds of teens Downtown to a free outdoor movie, told the parents it was okay to drop them off and failed to provide adults to watch them.
