Sunday, July 14, 2013

Glaivester: Racist Floridian White Hispanic Commits Hate Crime Against Blacks!

Posted by Nicholas Stix

“Racist Floridian White Hispanic Commits Hate Crime Against Blacks.”


  1. George found innocent!

    Thank God justice prevailed over the buffoon trial.

    I can only hope Obama and Holder, the dynamic mulatto Negro duo, do not besmirch and transmogrify American justice any further with some, Negro in high places, trumped up, bogus civil rights charge.

    Wonder if the American Negro will try to protect, defend and support the Negro illusion that said Negro is only a loser because the evil white man persecutes the Negro, by rioting like the animals that they are.

    Well what can one expect, the white liberal let the Negro animal out of his cage, in the white man's higher culture of civilization.

    The more animalistic Negro may want into the white man's higher culture of civilization, but he cannot fit in.

    I can well imagine the profit to be made down in Florida as a spear, and spear chucking entrepreneur this week.

    Good luck George. Thank you.

  2. George is innocent, but Marco and Bob are guilty! (Also, Lindsay, John, Michael, Dick, Chuck, and Jeff).
