Sunday, July 14, 2013

Denmark: Somali Stranger Calls Out to a White Woman on the Street, Ordering Her to Give Him Her Phone Number, and Beats Her to a Pulp, for Ignoring Him

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Danish woman beaten for saying no to a Somali [Violence Against Whites title]

Denmark: Flirting Somalian beats woman up for not getting positive response…
Posted on July 12, 2013, 21:00
Posted by Nicolai Sennels
Violence Against Whites

A 29-year-old woman from Kolding, Denmark, got an unpleasant experience when she came walking along Kongebrogade by Skamlingvejen in Kolding Monday night, at 5:30. Behind her was a man who called her and wanted her phone number. She tried to ignore the man and his recurring flirtatious attempts. This made the man angry and he ran to her, kicked her to the ground and kicked and beat her. Then he got up and walked away. The man is described as about 180 centimeters [about six feet] tall, Somali and with curly black hair.

Source: Lokalavisen: Flirting Somalian beat up woman

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