Friday, May 10, 2013

Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill Number of “11 Million” is a Trojan Horse;

Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill Number of "11 Million" is a Trojan Horse; Start the Conversation with 33 Million! (<I>NumbersUSA</I>)





Posted by Nicholas Stix



[See also, at WEJB/NSU:


"How Many Illegal Human Beings Would be Amnestied—'11 Million,' or 24 Million? Open Borders Advocates, Analysts Robert Justich and Betty Ng Estimate the Number as 24 Million"; and


"News Conference: Heritage Details $6.3+ Trillion in Amnesty Costs."]



When first I heard about this article, I thought that Roy Beck was being much too conservative, and I still do. However, he admits that the numbers could be much higher, and he is coming from a different direction than me. He is dealing solely with labor policy, whereas I am dealing with chain migration policy.


However, on one matter there is no divide between us: The Gang of Eight's amnesty could potentially flood the country with a virtually unlimited number of foreigners. That would entail the collapse of all of our institutions: Law, economy, public health, politics, education. It's the human equivalent of multitudinous earthquakes simultaneously hitting every part of the country. We're talking about an apocalypse.


The rule of thumb with chain migration is that for every individual who is naturalized, you get five more from the old country (spouse, parents, siblings, and then the spouse's parents and siblings). Thus, 11 million gets you 55 million (i.e., a total of 66 million), even without counting all the hidden new green cards. And since we actually have more like 24 million to 40 million illegal human beings already on our shores, it's more a matter of an amnesty and chain migration total of 144 million-240 million.


But whether you look at it with Roy Beck's eyes or mine, the numbers are blinding.


Amnestisiacs will say that we are both wildly exaggerating. Aside from the fact that the amnestisiacs have always been caught radically undercounting the numbers, let's say their radically low-balled numbers were true. That would still mean another 11 million bodies, and a cost of at least $6.3 trillion! We're already broke, with a national debt of over $16 trillion, and already have over 20 million Americans and legal immigrants who are either out of work, or who only have part-time work. And with the John Doe calling himself Barack Obama, we may suffer an economic collapse, even if we avert amnesty. But another mass amnesty, even of 11 million illegal human beings, would permanently reduce us to a deeply impoverished, third-world banana republic.


That means we have to refuse any amnesty, with or without phony promises of border control sometime in the future.


* * *


Senate amnesty bill like adding Top 20 U.S. cities full of foreign workers in first decade -- 33 MILLION

By Roy Beck, Monday, April 29, 2013, 8:34 AM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA



33 million!!!!!

That's the number our analysts came up with after nearly two weeks deciphering the 844-page bill created by the "Senate Gang of Eight" to give amnesty to illegal aliens.

33 million lifetime work permits to be given to foreign citizens in the first decade after the bill passes.

As bad as the amnesty is, the Gang of Eight legislation is much more than an amnesty.


Unbelievably, the 11 million illegal aliens to be given work permits are merely the visible Trojan Horse. That's right, the 11-million amnesty -- as bad as it is -- amounts to the best face of the bill.

Wrapped inside that amnesty bill is something even worse -- WORK PERMITS FOR 22 MILLION FOREIGN CITIZENS in the frist [sic] decade, in addition to the 11 million illegal aliens!

11 million + 22 million = 33 million.

In every decade after that, it appears the bill may be forcing another 20 million lifetime work permits, but we're still working on those numbers.

"33 million" is the number that should start every conversation about the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill being rushed through the Senate Judiciary Committee by Chairman Pat Leahy (D-Vermont).

And it's the number that has to stop this bill before it can do unalterable damage to our country. No matter what your Members of Congress may think about giving an amnesty to 11 million, they can't possibly justify immediately over the next decade adding 33 million more potential competitors for scarce U.S. jobs.


Our cities, suburbs, towns and rural areas already have 20 million Americans who want a full-time job but can't find one.

It is hard to imagine what adding another 33 million foreign citizens with work permits would look like.

But try this:

33 million is like adding an entire new city of New York, PLUS . . .

. . . adding duplicate cities of Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix and San Antonio, PLUS . . . [N.S.: Don't forget Chicago! I have friends there.]

. . . also adding duplicate cities of San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Jacksonville and Indianapolis, PLUS . . .

. . . finally adding duplicates of Austin, San Francisco, Columbus, Fort Worth, Charlotte, Detroit, El Paso, Memphis and Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Congress passes this bill it would be like re-creating ALL of the Top 20 cities in the United States, filling them entirely with foreign citizens and giving them lifetime work permits to compete with America's struggling workers -- and in just 10 years time.

At this moment, your Members of Congress probably don't even know about the 33 million.

"33 million" is the number that should finally shake your Members of Congress out of any infatuation they have with this comprehensive amnesty bill.

The authors of this bill have claimed that they never stopped to add up the total number of foreign workers that this bill would add to the job competition in America.

Can you believe it? Actually, I may believe it because I don't think they want to know. They just want to give every Robber Baron corporate lobbist [sic] whatever foreign workforce they demand in return for their campaign contributions. Nobody stops to calculate what it all adds up to.

Well, we at NumbersUSA always believe that numbers matter. 33 MILLION is a number that cannot be allowed to happen.

ROY BECK is Founder & President of NumbersUSA

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  1. They've been using the same number for the past ten years as if nothing has changed since then. For every person stopped (only to try again later) how many get through? The largest group in the public school system here is Hispanic, about 44% (whites 8%). Very many areas have shifted to being predominantly Hispanic in the past 10-15 years in just about every city; they've shown up in suburbs and towns all across the country whereas previously they were almost unknown. There's been a huge population move northwards into the US that few people know the scope of. It's not just a local phenomenon that some people have noticed; it's a nationwide shift. Instead of relying on official stats a person can do their own street-level research. Just walk through any Hispanic neighborhood and notice how dense the population is. Look at stores, construction sites, restaurants, etc, and see who's working there. One's eyes can tell them more than any paid media shill would.

  2. How can you know that which is unknowable?

    All of these assumptions are so much BS.
