Monday, April 22, 2013

The Black Moslem Who Terrorized a Jew on a Subway Train in Brooklyn Has been Charged with a Hate Crime

Posted by Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

Obama’s America: Racist, Anti-Semitic, Black Brooklyn Mob (Including a Shiniqua!) Seeks to Help Black Muslim Who Terrorized Orthodox Jew, Escape Arrest [with Video of the Chaos].”]

I just posted the following comment following this article at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

"N.Y. teen charged with hate crime in subway arrest that led to melee"

The editor at fault for that headline should be sentenced to write “I shall cease and desist from confusing cause and effect” 1,000 times.

* * *
N.Y. teen charged with hate crime in subway arrest that led to melee
April 21, 2013
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

(JTA) -- The arrest of a New York teenager for harassing a kippah-[yarmulke]clad Jewish man on a subway led to a melee that was shown on YouTube.

Stephan Stowe, 17, was charged on eight counts, including aggravated harassment as a hate crime, in the April 15 incident in Brooklyn.

According to a Daily News report three days after the incident, Stowe and a group of friends approached the Jewish man and greeted him with the traditional Muslim greeting "Assalamu Alaikum." When the Jewish man did not respond, Stowe said the two were cousins. The Jewish man said they were not and called on Stowe to leave him alone.

Stowe responded with ethnic slurs; the Jewish man took Stowe's photo with a cell phone.

"I am going to kill you right now," Stowe said as he took the phone and deleted the photo. "They should have killed all of you," he added, apparently referring to the Holocaust.

Police attempted to detain Stowe at the Eastern Parkway stop when onlookers attempted to intervene. One of the onlookers, Sheniqua Joseph, 22, was arrested for attempting to obstruct the arrest of Stowe.

A bystander filmed the melee on a cell phone and uploaded it to YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. White Feminist Woman at Georgetown University working in the admissions department openly admitted that she REJECTED white men's applications simply because they were WHITE MEN.

    Brief: A female advisor in the admissions department at Georgetown University has been caught openly admitting that she committed the CRIME of discrimination based on people's race and gender in the application process.

    This has the potential to create a large scale lawsuit against Georgetown University, and with the momentum building at the rate it is building, seems very likely that will be the outcome.

    Below are the main links to all of the information regarding this news story and case.
