Sunday, April 28, 2013

First Responders to the Moslem Chechen Boston Marathon Bombing


Posted by Nicholas Stix

[A tip ‘o the hate to Theo Spark.]

1 comment:

  1. PDK / Kelto-Scandic SecessionistSunday, April 28, 2013 at 4:35:00 PM EDT

    Highly accurate pictorial.

    I am a realist, first, foremost and last. To be a realist, one must necessarily mature, those who fail to embrace their personal responsibility to mature remain the immature, and in our world the immature gravitate to liberalism. Liberals, the immature, deny reality, and substitute a preferred illusion in said reality`s stead.

    Being a realist I am necessarily a racist, one who accepts the reality of separate races and the different type of human produced by the mutually exclusive gene pools. It is science itself that has made clear the truth of this phenomenon, it has made manifest what my own eyes tell me I see, that the difference between the organisms produced by the mutually exclusive gene pools are more than skin color deep, and in fact are cerebrum deep.

    Science has shown the black gene pool produces an organism that is more “r” selective, where reproductive energy favors higher output numbers coupled with less nurturing by parents, and further favors, a less neotenous development of and by the individual organism.

    Neotenous development refers to the slowing down of development, allowing the human cerebrum to become bigger and therefore more intelligent.

    The white gene pool is more “k” selective, where fewer output numbers are couple with more parental tutelage, and an organism that has a longer neotenous development strategy, therefore creating a larger, more intelligent cerebrum.

    This is further borne out by science as the brains of blacks on average are physically smaller than whites, and further IQ tests have consistently, over decade’s, demonstrated higher IQs for whites, or lower for blacks, by 15 points.

    Clearly to my eye, the white cerebrum is capable of higher culture creation, and higher culture maintenance, while the black cerebrum demonstrates, quite clearly, incapability in either higher culture creation or higher culture maintenance. For example look at Detroit, a once thriving white metropolis, now virtually destroyed by a 90% black population.

    As a realist, and as a racist, I would not move to Detroit. White liberals may besmirch me for my position here; however they will not put their money where their mouth is and move to Detroit. In fact, you will find most white liberals that preach from their false moral high ground, living in whiteyville, an exclusively white area with the occasional, token black.

    Our Founding Fathers gave us, their posterity a Republic, a free enterprise, capitalist nation-state. Our liberals and their minority allies are destroying our Republic, usurping it with their socialist democracy, and further ultimately intend the death of nation-states and the birth of the new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy, which further produces a world of tyranny, poverty and misery.

    I see secession as the only hope for our Founding Father`s culture and its subsequent liberty, wealth and happiness. I see further the need to reduce our new nation-state Republics democratic process, by limiting enfranchisement to white males only.

    I sense white liberals are cowardly afraid of living their illusion without we non-liberal realist carrying their self- created burden for them, but I no longer care about them. They have made their house and they alone should have to live in it.

    Liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.

    If blacks are equal to whites, let them support themselves. Thank you.
