Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston: Terrorists Set Off Two Bombs Near Finish Line, After Boston Marathon; Media: We Have No Reason to Suspect Terrorism, but if It was Terrorism, It was White Gun-Nuts!


The second bomb blast today at the Boston Marathon


Chaos in Boston this afternoon

By Nicholas Stix

The media at Fox5 and ABC in New York have pre-empted all regularly scheduled programming, in order to try and persuade the public that it has no reason to assume that the “two explosions” were planned, or an act of (censored).

And yet, if they truly believed that there was no reason to suspect (censored), or even that the matter was planned, why on earth would they pre-empt all regularly scheduled programming?

They are busily forming propaganda points on the fly, desperately trying to get their lies straight. George Stephanopolous just floated the notion that it might be gun-nuts protesting gun control laws that are being passed and debated, in response to the Newtown Massacre.

Never mind that they have even less reason to suspect defenders of the Second Amendment than they had to suspect the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas in the recent murders of two Texas prosecutors.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean about ABC slanting their coverage; they keep slipping in "gun control" at every opportunity.
