Friday, March 01, 2013

NASCAR’s Death Wish: Corporation Continues PC Policy of Reaching Out to Its Enemies, and Screwing its Fans

Driver Jeremy Clements: Member of a targeted class

Posted by Nicholas Stix

It makes perfect sense to terrorize and make an example of a white driver for a non-pc remark, just as it made perfect sense for NASCAR CEO Brian France to ban the tradition of running the Dukes of Hazzard’s “General Lee” car out at the beginning of the all NASCAR races last year. France has dedicated himself to running off those awful heterosexual, Southern patriot “white males,” to whom he and his family owe their entire fortune, and reaching out to blacks and Hispanics who hate him, and will never put a dime in his pocket. As a result, NASCAR's popularity has been in a death spiral.

And whatever France may say, he doesn’t do this out of any moral principle, but out of the meanest-spirited bigotry.

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NASCAR driver Clements suspended for 'insensitive' remarks
By Bob Pockrass
February 27, 2013
Sporting News

NASCAR on Wednesday indefinitely suspended Nationwide Series driver Jeremy Clements for making insensitive remarks.

Clements later apologized for the remarks, though neither he nor NASCAR disclosed what he said.

Jeremy Clements accepted his suspension from NASCAR and apologized for what he said.

NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said Wednesday that Clements made the remarks during an interview Saturday. NASCAR was made aware of the remarks, confirmed they were made and then decided to suspend Clements.

A NASCAR executive said Clements violated the body's Code of Conduct.
“During the course of an interview, Jeremy Clements made an intolerable and insensitive remark,” Steve O’Donnell, senior vice president of racing operations, said in a statement.

“NASCAR has a Code of Conduct that’s explicitly spelled out in the 2013 NASCAR Rule Book. We fully expect our entire industry to adhere to that Code.”

The Code of Conduct states: “A NASCAR Member shall not make (or cause to be made) a public statement and/or communication that criticizes, ridicules, or otherwise disparages another person based upon that person’s race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age or handicapping condition.”

Clements posted his apology on his Jeremy Clements Racing Facebook page.

“I apologize and regret what I said to the NASCAR writer and to NASCAR, my sponsors, my fans, and my team. NASCAR has a Code of Conduct that everyone must follow and I unintentionally violated that code," he wrote. "I will not get into specifics of what I said but my comment to the writer was in no way meant to be disrespectful or insensitive to anyone or to be detrimental to NASCAR or the NASCAR Nationwide Series. I will do what I need to do in order to atone for my error in judgment."

Clements, who finished 33rd in the Nationwide race Saturday after an oil line broke, was 14th in the series standings last year.

* * *
Jeremy Clements admits using racial slur during MTV interview at Daytona
Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:55 p.m. EST
Sporting News

Nationwide Series driver Jeremy Clements, who was suspended indefinitely Wednesday for using a insensitive remark, confirmed to ESPN Thursday that he made a racial slur.

Clements, 28, was suspended indefinitely for violating NASCAR’s Code of Conduct for making what NASCAR officials said was a “intolerable and insensitive remark.”

In an interview Thursday with’s Marty Smith, Clements confirmed that it was a racial slur but would not disclose the specific word or comment he made.
According to, Clements was asked if he made a racial slur. Clements then paused and was asked if the comment was racial “maybe not in context, but in term?" According to, Clements replied “correct.”

"When you say 'racial' remark, it wasn't used to describe anybody or anything," Clements told ESPN. "So that's all I'm going to say to that. And it really wasn't. I was describing racing, and the word I used was incorrect and I shouldn't have said it. It shouldn't be used at all."

Clements, of Spartanburg, S.C., drives for his own family-owned team. He has run the full Nationwide schedule the past two years and finished 33rd in last week’s season-opening race at Daytona.

Clements told ESPN he was approached after the drivers meeting Saturday by a female NASCAR employee who was escorting an MTV reporter. Clement said he was asked if he knew the location of female driver Johanna Long’s transporter and Clement said that he did.

Clement told ESPN that the reporter started asking him questions while he escorted the pair to Long’s transporter.

"While we're walking they started, he [MTV] started, asking me questions," Clements told ESPN. "And it wasn't recorded. We were just talking. So I said one remark about how I wouldn't ..."

According to ESPN, Clement stopped short with his answer and declined to repeat the words he used, adding, "I can't say that part."

Clements said he only said the word once.

"That's pretty much how it happened," he told ESPN. "And even after I said what I said, they still kept asking me questions. It didn't seem like it was a big deal at all. I didn't even think twice about it, like, after.

“I know I shouldn't have said it. Even when I did say it, I shouldn't have said it. But I didn't think it was going to be a big deal."

Clement said he would be suspended for a minimum of two races and must undergo some sort of speech training.

Clement told ESPN that the interview was not recorded and that he later admitted saying the word. He said a NASCAR official called him on Sunday and asked him if he had used the word.

"There was just three people standing there when I said this,” Clement told ESPN. “And it was me, a girl that works for NASCAR and the MTV guy. There was no cameras. No recording. No nothing.

"(A NASCAR official) asked me point-blank: 'Hey, did you say this word?' And I said, 'Yes, I did.' I was being honest. I did. I messed up. It was just one word and it wasn't about anybody. It wasn't even used as that."

Clements said he is emotionally distraught over the incident.

“I'm pretty hurt, for sure,” he said. “I've never gotten into trouble with NASCAR. Not one time. We're just a small family team, just trying to survive and run the whole season. This is our third full season. And I was supposed to be on a plane right now going to Phoenix to race.

"And then this hit me late [Wednesday] afternoon. I've known about it since Sunday night, when I got a phone call. But I did not think it was going to be like this. I just thought I'd be fined like most normal guys have been fined. But not
suspended for this.

“But I'm going to do what they want me to do so I can get back in the car as soon as possible. I think it's a little harsh, but it's their rules. It's their game."

[A rebel yell out to Anonymous Attorney.]

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