Saturday, March 09, 2013

Judge Orders Times Square Sidewalk Psycho Deanne Ostbye to See Head-Shrinker


Deanne Elaine Ostbye caught in the act of battering Aleksandra Cvetkovic, in the equivalent of a sucker punch


"Aleksandra Cvetkovic was in tears after being pushed to the ground by Deanne Ostbye at Broadway and W. 46th St. The attack left Cvetkovic on the ground and bleeding from her head, a wound that would later require three stitches."

Deanne Elaine Ostbye standing in handcuffs, smirking, after being arrested for attacking Aleksandra Cvetkovic; Ostbye reportedly was shouting “Freedom of speech!” Apparently, she was already seeking to lawyer her way out of her crime. She’s experienced at that.

Deanne Elaine Ostbye's Skowhegan, Maine mug shot from June 12, 2012

By Nicholas Stix

I often criticize crooks and their lawyers for playing the crazy card, but not this time. First of all, because Deanne Ostbye ain’t playin,’ and second of all, because her lawyer could have just taken a plea bargain to a misdemeanor count. The plea would have been something like harassment, and a punishment of two or three days spent cleaning a city park, and paying the victim’s medical bills. Ostbye would then have skipped town without complying with any of the plea bargain’s requirements, and the city would have “disappeared” the whole case.

Deanne Ostbye was arrested for misdemeanor assault, and for reckless endangerment, for body-slamming tourist Aleksandra Cvetkovic to the ground out of nowhere, and giving her a bloody head wound in Times Square at midday on March 1. The head wound reportedly required three stitches.

(News reports did not indicate what level of reckless endangerment was charged. In New York State, second-degree RE is a Class A misdemeanor, but first-degree RE is a Class D felony. Conviction of a felony would entail a minimum sentence of one year and one day in a state prison, though in practice that means being paroled after eight months. However, such a low-level felony count would surely be reduced to a misdemeanor in a plea bargain.

120.20 Reckless endangerment in the second degree. A MISD
120.25 Reckless endangerment in the first degree. D FELONY)

In her recent known history (since January, 2012), Ostbye had never been charged with a felony; in this day and age, as a member of two protected classes (Hispanic and female), she’d either have to murder someone, or commit a federal crime (e.g., drug possession or distribution above a certain weight), to get charged with a felony count. But if some authority doesn’t incarcerate her somehow, in the big house or the crazy house, she’s going to end up maiming or murdering someone.

So, she roams the country, wreaking havoc and terrorizing people, but her piddling charges get expunged after six months, and the cops ignore her most of the time, anyway.

That Ostbye’s most recent arrest occurred in federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis’ town looked to be the worst thing that could have happened. Garuafis is the black-robed madman who believes not only that firemen should be chosen by determining who is the least qualified, colored candidate for the job, but that people, including mortally dangerous schizophrenics (not to mention, convicted sex offenders) who should be under lock and key in psychiatric hospitals, should not even be semi-isolated in privately-run adult homes in residential communities, but must be “integrated” into the still marginally sane populace, to live in private homes where they can bless said populace with their spiritual diversity.

Garaufis’ judicial career apparently is one long impression of R.D. Laing, the psychologist who developed a cult following by saying that the crazy people are sane, and the sane people are crazy.

Fortunately, so far Judge Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Ann Scherzer shows sane tendencies.

* * *
Judge orders psychiatric test for woman who pushed tourist to the ground in Times Square

The attorney for Deanne Ostbye of Tacoma, Wash., asked for the exam to see if the woman is fit for trial. Last week, she pushed Aleksandra Cvetkovic to the ground as she posed for a picture.

By Shayna Jacobs
Friday, March 8, 2013, 1:08 a.m.
New York Daily News

This photo [N.S.: see top of page] captures Aleksandra Cvetkovic (right) being shoved by Deanne Ostbye in Times Square. The incident left Cvetkovic bloodied and stunned.

[“Shoved” is an improvement over the word the media universally used, initially, “pushed,” and which the Daily News headline editor still used for this story, after first choosing “tourist tackler.” See the story’s URL.]

A judge ordered a psych exam Thursday for a West Coast woman caught on camera pummeling a tourist in Times Square last week. [“Pummeling” is even better!]

The attorney for Deanne Ostbye, 30, asked for the exam to determine if Ostbye is fit to proceed to trial, and Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Ann Scherzer granted the request.

Aleksandra Cvetkovic was in tears after being pushed to the ground by Deanne Ostbye at Broadway and W. 46th St.

Ostbye, 30, of Tacoma, Wash., tackled Serbian tourist Aleksandra Cvetkovic, 34, on Friday, prosecutors said.

Cvetkovic was knocked to the ground in Times Square by a [sic; they’ve had a week to correct that mistake, but instead they just keep copying and pasting it into new articles!] angry passerby. She needed stitches to close the wound on her head.

Cvetkovic, who had been posing for a photo when she was blindsided by the attack, fell to the sidewalk and had to have stitches to close a head injury.

Deanne Ostbye of Tacoma, Wash., was charged with assault and reckless endangerment.

Ostbye, who has a lengthy criminal record, is charged with assault, reckless endangerment and harassment.

[Notice that the copy editor also didn’t correct the duplication of the last two paragraphs. Does the Daily News still employ copy editors? Because I’d be willing to freelance for the paper a few hours a day. Oops! I just remembered. The qualifications for working at today’s Daily News are having the right politics and the right identity.]

[From the Deanne Ostbye files, at WEJB/NSU:

“Vicious Attack of NYC Tourist Doesn't Rate, Because the Victim is a White Female”;

“New York City: Photo Captures Exact Moment of Tourist-on-Tourist Attack”;

“Smirking, Hispanic, Times Square Attacker Deanne Elaine Ostbye, Who Blindsided White Victim Aleksandra Cvetkovic, is a Busy Girl, with at Least Four Arrests in Three Different States in the Past Nine Months Alone; Ostbye Also Calls Herself a ‘Model’”;

“Fifth Arrest Turned Up for Times Square Attacker Deanne Ostbye from 14 Months Ago, Also for Assault”;

“Video of Times Square Attacker Deanne Ostbye Terrorizing People Outside a Tacoma, WA Supermarket, and Attempting to Sucker Punch Videographer (Language Alert!)”; and

“Deanne Ostbye: More Information Emerges on Times Square Attacker’s First Two 2012 Arrests (Maine).”]

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