Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Facial Recognition Technology Exists That Could Catch and Deport Millions of Illegal Human Beings, but Authorities Refuse to Use It for the Obvious Purpose


Of course, they show a white face, even though most of the crooks who would be caught through fully exploiting the technology would be non-whites. Daily News caption: “The way New York State's program works is whenever someone enters the DMV for a license or non-driver ID and the applicant gets their picture taken, it gets run through special software to compare it with 20 million images already in a state database. It has a 94% success rate and has caught wanted criminals.”

[Of related interest at WEJB/NSU:

“Illegal Human Beings on the March”; and

“Illegal Human Beings March … Again!]

Posted by Nicholas Stix

I’ve taken an article that the Open Borders Daily News tried to sell as a feel-good story, and shown its seamy reality. Law enforcement has at its fingertips incredible technology that it could use to catch bad guys, but lacks the will to use it, except to nickel-and-dime the law-abiding white public to death.

Law enforcement worked much more efficiently in this country when it was low-tech, but the society was overwhelmingly white, with a white moral core, and no genocidal, pro-criminal, racial socialist ideology and affirmative action practices dominating its institutions. All the technological progress in the world cannot overcome racial socialism and AA.

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New York State has arrested 2,500 crooks using scans of DMV pictures

The Cuomo administration revealed on Tuesday that the facial recognition technology has been in use since 2010. So far, it's caught identity thieves and individuals from the terrorism watch list.

By Kenneth Lovett
March 5, 2013
New York Daily News
Comments (3) [If there are only three coments on this story, the thread nannies must be working overtime!]

ALBANY — The Department of Motor Vehicles is now catching criminals through their photo IDs.

The state has made 2,500 arrests since in 2010 — including two people on the terrorism watch list — by scanning drivers’ photos through cutting-edge facial recognition technology, the Cuomo administration revealed Tuesday.

The arrests include hundreds of people caught using aliases to get new state IDs in order to cheat the government out of welfare benefits — or to continue to drive without a legitimate license, officials said.

“We are successfully taking dangerous drivers off our roads, helping to track down criminals, and protecting taxpayer dollars,” Gov. Cuomo said. He added that the program is “sending a clear message that New York State does not tolerate identity fraud and those who try will be caught.”

The program kicks into action whenever someone enters the DMV for a license or non-driver ID.

The applicant’s picture is taken, then run through special software to compare it with 20 million images already in a state database.

In some cases, the images are a match for wanted criminals.

In others, the new picture reveals that the applicant is not the same person who previously applied under the same name.

Since the program began in 2010, 100 investigators have pursued 13,000 identity fraud cases and made 2,500 arrests. Among them:

• Two people who were on the terrorist watch list. One had four different names, driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers. Both men were deported.

• A Long Island man who donned a wig and makeup to impersonate his dead wife in a scam to collect her Social Security and pension benefits.

• A New York City school bus driver who had been previously deported after a narcotics conviction. He came back to New York and got his commercial driver’s license under a different name — Andrade Cortez-Mendez — to make it appear that he had a clean record. [Under "Obama's" new, unconstitutional dispensation, he wouldn't need to do that, and he may yet get amnestied!]

• More than 100 people who already had felony warrants against them who sought new licenses and IDs under alternate names.

• Claude Bird, who had robbed a Nassau County bank in 1993 and initially fled the country. He was nabbed 17 years later while trying to renew a license under a new name.

State officials cite studies showing a 94% accuracy rate for the facial recognition technology, which was first unveiled in 2008 after then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer unsuccessfully pushed to allow illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses.

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