Saturday, March 02, 2013

Child Abuse Victim Coy Mathis, 6: Mommy Wanted a Girl, but Got a Boy, and So She Has Turned Him into a “Transgender”; She is Trying to Force His School to Let Him Use the Girls Room; Dad is Also “Transgendered”; He Lacks the Balls to Stand Up to His Insane/Evil Wife


The Mathises have five children under eight

Coy Mathis, before his mother turned him out, circa 2011

Coy Mathis, after his mother turned him out, undated

Posted by Nicholas Stix

The mother has of course, invented a story, whereby her son knew, at 18 months, that he was really a girl.

I know that I’m really seven feet tall, but everyone else insists that I’m not, and that I have to accept being what nature made me.

Apparently, what I need to do is create a pressure group of psychotics who believe themselves to be much taller than they really are, and I can then force non-psychotics to surrender to my madness, and agree that I am really seven feet tall.

The blog below was posted in AOL’s Huffington Post’s queering reality section. I tried to post the following comment, but something tells me the censors will not permit it:

That poor little boy. My heart breaks for him. Apparently, his mother wanted a daughter, and is trying to turn her son into a girl. The mother is guilty of child abuse, and the father is apparently “transgendered,” as in, he has no balls to stand up to his crazy wife.

Mr. Mathis, I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have to choose: Your wife or your son. You can’t save both, and at the present rate, you’re going to lose both.

Seeing this story is like witnessing a deadly auto wreck a second before the collision. You see death coming, but you can’t do anything to stop it.

I now see that the Mathises have five children under the age of eight. At least two, including Coy, appear to be boys. I have no idea what shape the other boy is in.

In one sense, Kathryn Mathis is like the parents who take over entire schools by claiming that their child has food allergies, and ergo that the entire school must subjugate all food practices to their child. Of course, if anyone were that sensitive, he would drop dead on the street, whenever someone passed him, eating the “toxic” substance.
In addition to child abuse, this is about bullying entire communities and shaking them down in court for fortunes.

I often wish that intelligent, middle-class whites would have lots of kids, but this woman is apparently using her kids in some sort of sick experiment in social engineering. Like the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

* * *
Coy Mathis, 6-Year-Old Transgender Girl, Barred from Using Girls' Restroom in Colorado School District
Posted: 02/27/2013 10:50 am EST | Updated: 02/27/2013 4:38 pm EST
Huffington Post Gay Voices

The Colorado-based parents of a 6-year-old transgender girl are taking legal action after their local school district opted to prohibit their daughter from using the girls' room.

The Denver Post reports that Coy Mathis had attended Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain, Colo. since December 2011. Parents Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis say they opted to home school their daughter after school officials decided Coy would have to use the boys' restroom, the staff restroom or the one in the school nurse's office.

"They’re creating a giant divide and that’s a huge loss for the school because they have a really good opportunity for their students," Kathryn told Fox 31 "They’re using it as a way to discriminate instead."

Coy's parents are now filing a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division, according to the Post.

But WPTV cites attorney W. Kelly Dude, who represents Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8, as saying there are no Colorado cases which require public schools to permit transgender students to use restrooms of the gender with which they identify thus far.

Dude added that in ruling that Coy wouldn't be allowed to use the girls' restroom, the school "took into account not only Coy but other students in the building, their parents, and the future impact a boy with male genitals using a girls' bathroom would have as Coy grew older," according to the report.

"However, I'm certain you can appreciate that as Coy grows older and his male genitals develop along with the rest of his body, at least some parents and students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the girls' restroom," Dude added.

Kathryn says that Coy made her family aware of her struggles as soon as she was able to talk. "She just kept crying and said she was scared that she was going to grow up and have a beard and a hairy chest and everybody would know she was born a boy,” she told KDVR.


  1. Just when you think they've gotten as creepy as possible they get creepier. I've commented on, quoted, and linked to this here:

  2. Years ago the company I worked for as a contractor had a major problem: What bathrooms do the 'transgendered' employees use?

    They ended up getting keys to the private executive washrooms.

    The insane are running the asylum...

  3. Your article disgusts me. Mothers don't make up these stories. Wake up to reality. Most homosexuals are BORN that way. You think someone would choose that life? That road that YOU make so difficult for them? It's even worse for transgendered. You make me sick.

    1. I'm so glad to see one good person defending human rights and tolerance. I can't wait until we live in a world where everyone is just accepted for who they are without question. I'm not sure if it's overly religious or unintelligent parenting, but something is holding back human cultural evolution by continuing to create judgemental people who just don't understand the bigger picture. Don't freak out because of who someone is. That kind of behavior is extremely primitive. Real freedom is supposed to be free of oppression.

  4. Anonymous Coward,

    Not only are you a drama queen, but you are a liar, regarding homosexuals. As for "choosing that life," that is exactly what militant homosexuals screamed during the 1970s: "It's a lifestyle choice!" It is only during the past 10 or so years that that you adopted your new lie, screaming "we're born this way!"

    As for "transgenders," they don't exist, except perhaps as a category of the insane.

  5. Anonymous Coward II,

    "Don't freak out because of who someone is. That kind of behavior is extremely primitive."

    Oh, but you're not at all "judgemental."

    Take your irony supplement, and look at the judgmental person in the mirror.

  6. This family clearly needs some guidance. I recall an article a few months age where she claimed various issues such as behavior problems & brain injuries & other things in each of her kids. Could be true but I think a cry for attention is more likely. Either way a good family counselor is needed.

  7. You're sick. You're the issue. Not the mother. Not the child. But, everyone discriminating against this child and HER family as well as SO many others struggling with these situations. It wouldn't be put "in your face" if you didn't have so much to b.s. to say on a matter that you simply cannot comprehend. Your opinion is about as relevant as Obama's continued presidency.

  8. What crap. What makes you assume the mother is forcing their son to be a girl. Sorry but you can't speak for what other people feel, regardless of whether you agree with homosexuality or transgenderism, the fact is that homosexuals and transsexuals do feel as if though they are that way for as long as they can remember, its not a choice, if it really was there'd be no "ex-gay" movement because people could just stop being the way they are. Even the ex-gay groups say they don't take the desires away, they just learn to live with them, which completely refutes your assumptions. If you don't even know things as basic as this about a subject than you shouldn't be commentating on it.
