Friday, December 14, 2012

DOE Official Deborah Delisle Perjures Herself Before Congress in Lying about School Discipline and Race, and about Civil Rights Laws; Obama Seeks to Impose Unconstitutional, Illegal, Racist Quotas on School Discipline, So That Innocent White and Asian Kids Get Punished, While Black Thugs Get Off

Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on this generations-old scam:

[“Dubious Scholarship Feeds Racial Politics in Schools”;

“School Violence and Race: Michelle Malkin Strikes Out Again”;

“Judge Sonia Sotomayor: The Law is Racist” (Sonia Sotomayor, Disparate Impact, and Race War);

“More Racial Profiling Pseudo-Science”; and

“Obama Signs Executive Order Granting Black Students Carte Blanche to Engage in School Violence and Disruption.”]

Many commenters at blamed black school discipline problems on the collapse of the black family. I responded with the following remark.

I hate to break it to those of you who blame the collapse of the black family, but it’s much worse than that. Millions of black adults train black kids from early on to act like savages: Unwed mothers, aunts and uncles, grandmas, preachers, teachers, school administrators, professors, college administrators, social workers, activists, politicians, radio hosts, neighbors, strangers, police officers, journalists, and yes, fathers in “intact” homes. Persuading black supremacist baby daddies, aka “sperm donors,” to marry their black supremacist baby mamas will not improve matters.

* * *
DOE: School Suspensions of Boys, Blacks, Disabled May Violate Civil Rights Laws
By Melanie Hunter
December 13, 2012

( “Students of color, students with disabilities and male students” are suspended at a disproportionate rate to their peers, in “potential violation of civil rights laws,” an official from the U.S. Department of Education said at a congressional hearing Wednesday on the so-called school-to-prison pipeline. [What an idiotic, dishonest phrase!]

“We are alarmed by the disparities in disciplinary sanctions, particularly for students of color, students with disabilities, and male students,” said Deborah Delisle, assistant secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the Education Department.

In written testimony, Delisle said such disparities are a “potential violation of civil rights laws.”

“When African-American students are more than 3 ½ times as likely to be suspended or expelled as their white peers, or students with disabilities [read: Violent, sociopathic, black and Hispanic “special ed” students; they’re designated special ed because they’re so violent, and because that way the school can milk the white taxpayer for more money!] are more than twice as likely to receive out-of-school suspensions as their non-disabled peers, as they are today--it raises substantial concerns,” Delisle told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“These concerns are reflected in our department’s enforcement efforts and in the stories we’ve heard from the field, which demonstrate too often that students face disciplinary actions on the basis of their race,” she said. [Liar! That might be true of white students, but black students, if anything, are suspended too rarely.]

For example, Delisle noted that an African-American student in kindergarten was suspended for five days for setting off a fire alarm while a white student in 9th grade in the same district was suspended for one day for doing the same thing.

Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said at the hearing that he and the CBC have “advocated vigorously for over a decade that the federal government should lead the effort to address the over-disciplining of youth--a key factor involved in the educational crisis of African-Americans and especially African-American men.”

“I am much more likely to be suspended, not just because I am male or just because I am African-American, but because I am an African-American male,” said Davis.

“We must focus on the early years as well. It is unacceptable that African-American male preschoolers are expelled at almost nine times the rate of African-American girls with white preschool boys being expelled at almost four times the rate of their female peers,” Davis added.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) also cited statistics on the disparities in discipline in the nation’s schools. He said African-Americans are three times more likely to be suspended and four times more likely to be expelled than their white peers. Also, more than 70 percent of students arrested in schools are African-American or Latino.

He said disparities also exist with students identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

“What’s more, the disparities extend beyond race," said Durbin. "Nationally, students with disabilities are suspended at more than twice the rate of students without disabilities, and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth are more likely to be disciplined and arrested than their peers."

“Suspensions, expulsions, and in-school arrests lead to kids being out of the classroom and a troubling increase in the number of people in the juvenile justice system,” Durbin said.

“This school-to-prison pipeline has moved scores of young people from classrooms to courtroom. A schoolyard fight that used to warrant a trip to the principal’s office can now lead to a trip to the booking station and a judge,” Durbin said.

“Sadly, there are schools that look more like prison than places for children to learn and grow. Students pass through metal detectors, and police roam the halls. Suspensions, expulsions, and in-school arrests lead to kids being out of the classroom and a troubling increase in the number of people in the juvenile justice system,” Durbin added.

To make sure all students are “treated equitably as a nation,” Delisle called for “a multi-prong strategy that encourages educators to pro-actively monitor their discipline practices for disproportionality, assess for root causes where disproportionality exists, and engage in a broad-based community effort to develop an action plan to root out discrimination in the administration of discipline.”f


  1. Of course, nobody involved will ever admit that the "root cause of the disproportionality" in punishments is a direct result of the disproportionality in misbehavior.


  2. I`m thinking about gene pools and strategies. I`m thinking about r selective versus k selective strategies and different sub-species of humans. I`m thinking about the nature of the gene pool`s product as necessarily being predetermined, in general, toward specific traits. I`m thinking about good seed versus bad seed.

    R selective strategies input more reproductive energy into numbers reproduced and less into the quality of the product. K selective strategies put more energy into the quality of product and less into the numbers reproduced.

    Facts and statistics say the black gene pool is more r selective than the white gene pool and the white gene pool is more k selective than the black gene pool. Therefore blacks will out reproduce whites in numbers, but whites will reproduce a higher quality product than blacks.

    For those who know their WW2 history, the Nazi`s put out a higher quality tank in fewer numbers, while the American`s put out a lower quality tank in greater numbers. This predisposed very particular, tank, battle field tactics.

    Therefore, the product of the more r selective black gene pool will produce blacks in accord with the strategy of higher numbers, lower quality. Blacks will crave more sex, be built for higher sex success, in order to reproduce the greater numbers needed to compensate for the lower quality. Contrarily, the more k selective white gene pool will produce whites in accord with the strategy of higher quality, lower numbers. Whites therefore will crave less sex, be built for lower sex success, in order to accommodate the higher quality.

    I`m thinking white males will have a larger head and a smaller penis, while black males will have a larger penis and a smaller head. I`m thinking facts gleaned from measurements would show a fairly strong positive correlation between head size and penis size quite similar to foot size and body size.

    I`m thinking white females will have a larger head and a smaller number of eggs, while black females will have a larger number of eggs and a smaller head.

    I`m thinking just as people in general have some desire to marry up, so to in general do people have a desire to mate up, to reproduce a better offspring. I`m thinking that black males with their higher need for sex in order to reproduce greater numbers, the natural desire to mate up, and their smaller head size, lower IQ, combine to predispose black males to rape white women.

    I`m thinking murdering a white woman keeps her from reproducing her white, higher quality seed, and that after the black male gratifies his sexual need through rape of a white woman, that murdering the white does not further the black seed, but, conversely, it lessens the furtherance of white seed and is therefore tantamount.

    I`m thinking the lower IQ black male, having gratified his sexual need and want for the white woman, knowing ending her seed is tantamount to furthering his own seed he can then quite easily murder the white woman to prevent retaliation by whites and or law, and calm his instinct for self-preservation, itself having been elicited by his immoral deed.

    I`m thinking black seed in a white world is bad seed. I`m thinking race has very little to do with the color of the skin, and everything to do with r selective and k selective gene pool strategies. Thank you.

    PS; A salt and pepper duo has exactly 3 cans of beer between them. The white guy says to the black guy we will divide the beer up fair, and so he gives the black guy one beer and keeps the other two for himself. The black guy asks, how is that fair, and the white guy says, one can of beer will get your smaller cerebrum just as drunk as two cans of beer will get my bigger cerebrum.

  3. " Millions of black adults train black kids from early on to act like savages: Unwed mothers, aunts and uncles, grandmas, preachers, teachers, school administrators, professors, college administrators, social workers, activists, politicians, radio hosts, neighbors, strangers, police officers, journalists, and yes, fathers in “intact” homes. Persuading black supremacist baby daddies, aka “sperm donors,” to marry their black supremacist baby mamas will not improve matters."

    Damn,You are good Nicholas! You eloquently Pegged it again.

    Combine the Institutionalized White Gult Complex with the Institutionalized Black Hate Complex and you get thousands of naive,deluded,ignorant whites fed into the meat grinder of black violence every year. While the Corrupt Liberal Media, Academia, and cowardly politicians turn a blind eye to these atrocities.
