Saturday, December 15, 2012

Did Jonah Goldberg Convert to Judaism? Hinduism? Islam? Liberalism?

By Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on this topic:

“‘That’s Racist’: Jonah Goldberg Spends Over 600 Words Not Talking about Race.”]

Capocon Jonah Goldberg has a Jewish surname, but is the son of a Christian mother, GOP operative Lucianne Goldberg, and a since deceased Jewish father. Thus, he was not born a Jew. But even if he were a Jew, why would he be complaining about the Christian character of the Republican Party?

He claims that identifying the GOP with Christianity is harming the party, and putting off all those immigrant and American-born Asians who would otherwise be flocking to the party.

When I was a kid, there was a phrase of ridicule, “Love me, I’m a liberal!”

Jonah Goldberg may claim to be a neoconservative, but he is clearly a liberal at heart, or in the hire of liberals, and seeks to destroy the Republican Party, and with it, America.

Has Sheldon Adelson been contributing money to National Review? Goldberg is sounding just like Adelson. No Christian character, no GOP. If you alienate Christian Republicans, the GOP won’t even be a third party; it would have fewer voters than the Constitutional Party. And operators like Jonah Goldberg would have no interest in such a party.

Goldberg sounds like one of these mooks who makes money by presenting himself to the public as some kind of “conservative,” a la David Brooks/Frum (are they the same guy?), and then sabotaging conservatives. But unlike Brooks/Frum, who work for leftists, Goldberg still collects a paycheck at a putatively conservative outlet.

Then again, treachery is a Goldberg family value. During the Clinton years, Lucianne Goldberg suckered Linda Tripp into tape-recording her conversations with Monica Lewinsky, telling her “friend” Tripp she’d get her a book deal. Then, once Tripp had served her purpose, Goldberg cut her adrift. And in the late ‘90s, as “Trixie,” Goldberg set up shop at Republican Web site Free Republic just long enough to develop her own following. Then, by way of thanks, she set up her own Web site and denounced FR operator Jim Robinson as an “anti-Semite.”

Perhaps, now that Goldberg is a syndicated columnist, he has decided that he no longer needs National Review and the GOP, and will cut them adrift. Alternatively, one could say that National Review, the GOP, and Goldberg decided some time ago that they don’t need Republicans, and cut them adrift.

“Jonah Goldberg to Christian Republicans: Disappear!” by Paul Gottfried, VDARE, December 14, 2012.]

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but I'd add that all neoconservatives are liberals at heart, particularly the intellectual leaders among them.
