Thursday, September 06, 2012

White, IN Mom Campaigns for “Free School Buses”—i.e., for Whites to Pay for Racist,Violent Blacks to Ride for Free; on First Day, Black Beats Her Son

to a Bloody Pulp; Victim's Wounds Required Staples; It is Not Clear That Assailant Suffered Any Punishment
By Nicholas Stix

You can’t make this stuff up.

Keep in mind that white school kinds take beatings like this in school, and on the way to and from school from racist black kids and adults every day.

Laura Hoagland is the victim’s mother; note that regarding a racially motivated crime, that the following article and the accompanying video narrated by a black reporter says not a word about race.

"I help to fight to get those buses back," said Hoagland. "I'm fighting for parents to get reimbursement back, and that includes this boy's family and that boy."

It sounds like she’s proud, when she ought to be dying of shame.

The reporter says Mrs. Hoagland wants “justice.” Among other things, she wants the assailant expelled from the school. But what sort of punishment is she willing to accept for her role in this? She has impoverished all of the district’s white net taxpayers, and endangered all of their public school-attending children, not to mention her own.

* * *

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) August 24, 2012 - A Franklin Township mother of two is demanding answers from Franklin Township Community Schools after a violent video was posted on Facebook.

On Friday afternoon Laura Hoagland showed video of her [white] 14-year-old son being attacked by a [black] 15-year-old boy on the school bus.

Hoagland walked 24-Hour-News 8 through the footage. She says her son was pushed, punched, and humiliated for not getting out of a seat on a bus. Her son suffered a bloody nose and had to get several staples in the head.

"Tears came to my eyes," said Hoagland after watching the video. "I'm angry that someone could do that to another human being."

A student filmed the fight with a camera phone. The graphic video circulated on Facebook.

24-Hour-News 8 interviewed Hoagland last year after she filed a lawsuit against the Franklin Township Community Schools for charging for busing. She won that fight; now students are able to ride the school bus for free.

"I help to fight to get those buses back," said Hoagland. "I'm fighting for parents to get reimbursement back, and that includes this boy's family and that boy."

Now she's facing another obstacle. Hoagland pressed the district for answers on what type of punishment the bully would face. According to Hoagland, the administration would not release what type of punishment was handed down.

"He should not be allowed back in school," said Hoagland.

Franklin Township Community Schools released a brief statement.

"We were notified of a concern regarding a bus incident in which a student was injured. Franklin Township Community Schools took immediate action including both our law enforcement and the IMPD following those safety protocols and procedures.

Franklin Township Community Schools is taking appropriate and swift action regarding this matter. As we continue our investigation, information that becomes available and can be released, will be posted on our website."


  1. So beating liberals and their senseless doesn't wake them up from their trance?

    It's just as Yuri Bezmenov explains in this video, which also explains why and everything else:

    Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)

  2. So.. what happened? follow up??
