Monday, September 17, 2012

Adrienne Shelly: Murdered by Illegal Alien Laborer-Robber-Aspiring Rapist Diego Pillco, but NYPD Lied, Saying She’d Committed Suicide; Family’s

Pressure Forced PD’s Hand
By Nicholas Stix

[Of related interest:

“Gloria Cadet Case: NYPD Gets Caught Hiding a Murder (Again)”.]

Longtime readers will immediately recognize what I’m up to.

I don’ believe the NYPD’s murder stats. Since at least 1996, the police have had one scandal after another, in which they have been caught falsifying crime stats. I don’t believe their murder stats, either, due to their also having been caught repeatedly falsifying murders as “accidental deaths” or as “suicides.”

I am not sure whether the fraud in the homicide stats is as egregious as that of the other violent crime stats, because the cops have confiscated tens of thousands of guns from black and Hispanic felons on the streets and subways over the past several years. How long that practice will continue is open to question, as a pro-black and Hispanic thug movement builds to handcuff police.

[Carl F. Horowitz: “Adrienne Shelly: Actress, Filmmaker, Wife, Mother—Illegal Alien Tragedy.”]

Adrienne Shelly's

Murderer Pleads

Guilty, Now Claims

He Was Trying to

Rob the Actress

By Jen Chung
February 15, 2008

The construction worker who killed Adrienne Shelly in her West Village office pleaded guilty to manslaughter - and gave new details about why he killed the actress-director. Diego Pillco will receive 25 years in prison; as an illegal immigrant from Ecuador, the Post says his sentence will be "almost certainly followed by deportation."

Originally, Pillco had told the police he killed Shelly in November of 2006, he was in a "bad mood" and picked a fight with her, because she had complained about construction noise he and other workers had been making. Pillco had pleaded not guilty shortly after the murder, but, perhaps fearing a trial and murder conviction with life sentence, he now says he killed Shelly because she caught him stealing from her purse. Pillco had apparently seen Shelly in the elevator and decided to rob her; he watched her go into her apartment, leaving the door open. From the Daily News:
During the struggle, Pillco muffled Shelly's screams by covering her nose and mouth "out of despair" until she passed out.

"She fell to the floor, and I was very scared," Pillco whispered in Spanish. "When she fell to the floor, I saw a sheet, and I decided to choke her."
Police sources also believe he may have intended to sexually assault her.

Shelly's husband discovered her body hanging from a shower curtain rod, suggesting suicide. But friends and family doubted that Shelly would kill herself with a young daughter and a film, Waitress, that had just been accepted at the Sundance Film Festival. Further police investigation revealed that she was murdered and her body had been staged to look like a suicide - they found a dusty boot print on the toilet seat - a print that matched Pillco's.

At yesterday's hearing, the prosecutor had told Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Carol Berkman that Shelly's family agreed to the plea. But the judge, noticing the "grim faces" of Shelly's husband and relatives, said, "Well, I’m not going to ask whether they’re happy with this."

And Pillco said, "I just want to ask for forgiveness to the family." The Post reported one of the Shelly's brothers "broke into angry laughter" and Shelly's mother Elaine Langbaum said, "No! No!" with her fists clenched. Judge Berkman told Pillco, "I don't think you'll get that sir."

[Previously, by this author, on Fakestats:
“‘Disappearing’ Urban Crime.”]

1 comment:

  1. HLN has a new episode on the Adrienne Shelly murder at 9 pm ET, repeated at Midnight and 4 am, Sunday night, September 25.
