Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cincinnati: Bored and Black? Beat a White Man to Death (or Try to Murder Him)

War victim Pat Mahaney. “Pat Mahaney was walking home Saturday with a six-pack of beer, looking forward to a quiet evening watching sports, when something hit him in the back of the head”
By Nicholas Stix

When young or even youngish blacks, of either sex, pass you on the street, always tilt your head to make sure they continue on their way. If they say something like, “What the fuck you looking at?” that means they were looking to attack you. I have found the proper response to be, “I’m lookin’ at you lookin’ at me.” Do not be at all accomodating.

Hold your ground, and if you have a weapon, reach for it, but don't pull it, unless they make a move towards you. (With practice, the reach will become automatic and unconscious.) If you don’t, keep both of your hands in front of you, to block a sucker-punch. Do not lose eye-contact, and do not walk away. They are looking to sucker-punch you.

(If you're on a subway or bus and the black is sitting anywhere near you, use your weapon as soon as he gets up. Don't let him get within arm's reach.)

Never walk away from a fight. If you’re leaving, back away.

Note the pervasiveness of this “bored” talking point over the past couple of years. It functions as an unwitting racial signal. No one would ever say of white 13 and 14-year-olds who committed attempted murder, that they did it out of “boredom.”

When it comes to racist black nihilism, whites keep thinking that there is some point at which this will bottom out, and black leaders will take charge. That day will never come. Black racists will never hit bottom, and black leaders have been taking charge all along, in inciting the violence.

This is a one-sided war of annihilation, folks. Stop dreaming.

* * *

“Black Pack Attack on Cincinnati white man ‘because they were bored and looking for something to do’”

[N.S. Correction: That was the cops’ line. It was because they have been raised that murdering whites is their birthright. Note that the assailants were 13 and 14-years old.]

6 Ohio teens arrested for beating man unconscious
August 20, 2012
Violence Against Whites

If neighbors hadn’t intervened the injuries to Pat Mahaney would have been much worse. ‘I find this whole thing appalling and despicable,’ says Police Chief Gary Foust.

Pat Mahaney was walking home Saturday with a six-pack of beer when he was viciously attacked by six teens because they were bored and “looking for something to do,” a police report said.

Six teens were arrested Sunday after beating a man unconscious in a Cincinnati suburb – because they were bored and looking for something to do.

Pat Mahaney, 45, of North College Hill, landed in the hospital after a vicious attack that left him with a black eye and severe internal injuries. He was hurt so badly that his stomach filled with blood that required a tube down his throat to drain.

“I find this whole thing appalling and despicable,” North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust told the Daily News. Foust added that the 13- and 14-year-old boys were arrogant and that he believes the attack was pre-meditated….

[Read the whole thing.

From WEJB/NSU’s Cincinnati files:

“Cincinnati Burning”;

“Cincinnati: Recipe for a Riot”;

“Cincinnati, 2002: Return of the Lynch Mob”; and

“In Cincinnati, the Police are Always Presumed Guilty: The Nathaniel Jones Case.”]

1 comment:

  1. On Saturday afternoon in broad daylight near St. Louis University, a young woman named Megan Boken was shot dead. For this one, the tropes "robbery gone awry" and "botched robbery" were dusted off.

    David In TN
