Monday, June 04, 2012

Kansas City, 1957: Back Before the So-Called Civil Rights Movement Established the Rule of Crime in Black Neighborhoods, and Racist Black Enforcers

in Newsrooms, Negro Leaders Pleaded for White Police Crackdowns, and MSM Journalists Wrote Much More Honestly about Race and Crime
By Nicholas Stix

Note that in the following unsigned, 1957 Time magazine article, the police raided “Negro nightspots” in Kansas City, Missouri. Many if not all of these locations were bound to have been illegal after-hours joints, or otherwise legal watering holes that were illegally open after hours, which gave the police their legal justification in busting those joints, to begin with.

The racial socialists who dominate The Pretend Encyclopedia, better known as Wikipedia, have for years asserted that the racist, black, 1967 Detroit riot, the worst by far of all of the 1960s’ racist black riots, was justified, based on police having raided an after-hours joint.

* * *

CITIES: Attack on Negro Crime
By Anonymous
Monday, Feb. 11, 1957

The most ticklish law-enforcement fact in many a big Northern city is that the crime rate among Negroes is far higher than that of any other segment of the population*—and few elected officials want to antagonize vote-conscious Negroes by saying so. None knew this better than the unhappy city fathers of Kansas City, Mo., who, during the first three weeks of 1957, saw the number of armed robberies, burglaries and thefts run 40% beyond the 1956 rate, while four out of five robbery victims reported that the holdup men were Negroes. One day last fortnight, seven Negro businessmen called on Kansas City's Police Chief Bernard Brannon to complain that robberies and burglaries in the Negro district were threatening to put them out of business. Suddenly, Chief Brannon thought he saw his chance.

How would Negro leaders react if the police staged a mass raid on Negro nightspots to round up suspects? asked Brannon tentatively. To his surprise, the businessmen assured him that they would speak up to defend the police if the Negro community raised an outcry. A few nights later, in Kansas City's biggest police raid since 1941, nine teams of detectives—with at least one Negro cop on each team —stormed into Negro-district bars, restaurants, pool halls, nightclubs. Three paddy wagons shuttled back and forth for three hours, hauling 276 men and three women to headquarters for questioning. The police released most of the suspects that night or the next day, but held 50 on assorted charges from shoplifting to narcotics peddling. Acting on tips from men arrested in the raid, the cops jailed another score of suspects, including holdup men who had pulled off 49 known robberies within the previous two months.

Last week, in the wake of the big raid, top police officials met for two hours with 16 Negro civic leaders. Far from sizzling with outrage, the Negroes saw some justification for the raid; several agreed to help set up a permanent committee to advise the police on combating Negro crime. "The feeling," said one of the 16, "is more relief than criticism."

*[N.S.: Time footnote] In 1,477 U.S. cities, Negroes, making up an average 11% of the population, accounted in 1955 for an average 35% of the arrests for what the FBI calls "major crimes" (homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, theft), and 57% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm.

[Thanks to my persistent, longtime reader, GW, who has repeatedly sent me this article over the years. And I have repeatedly read it, though I’d recalled it as being much longer than its 403-word length.]


  1. NS,

    As you probably know from reading my own blog, I've been following a very similar modern day phenomenon in ESL. A lot of important people (save the Mayor who is worried about tax revenues) want to close the establishments earlier than they close now.

    The "official" reason was that all of ESL's problems arise from St. Louis "thugs" (read: blacks) pouring over the bridges after the St. Louis bars close early to take advantage of ESL's late closing time. Obviously, ESL has enough black thugs of its own.

    I have been ridiculing this proposal all along based on the official reasoning, and also ridiculing the official reasoning.

    Now, reading this old Time story from KCMO, I'm starting to see the beauty in what they want to do in ESL. Maybe what's going on is that they want a relatively early LEGAL closing time in ESL, knowing full well that blacks won't want to stop drinking at 1 AM, so they'll create speakeasies. That creates targets for the cops to knock back in order shake down the "owners" and "patrons" for snitching on who has pulled what unsolved violent crimes, while holding the Sword of Damocles of the liquor violations over their heads.

    It's the same purpose that many gun laws serve, i.e. create a vast labyrinth of victimless technicality crimes, not necessarily to enforce them but to use them as a fulcrum to extract snitching from the demographic that refuses to snitch.

    The Time article states that "Negro civic leaders" were on board. I.E. black preachers. Black preachers are the Big Chiefs of the black community. Keep 'em happy, stuff money in their mouths, give their kids sinecures, and they'll minimize the troubles you experience from the tribesmen. But for the Mayor of ESL, the early closing times seems to have the blessing (no pun intended) of the Big Chief Reverends in town.

  2. Not surprised this didn't pass but glad they tried:
