Thursday, June 21, 2012

An Illinois Reader Writes about an Earlier, Yet Even Then Very Dangerous Era in Chicago’s Pill Hill Area

“Chicago’s Saturday Night Score: 25-4, as in 25 Shot, 4 Dead; Update: Make That 5 Dead.”
A man was shot in a possible robbery attempt about 6 a.m. Sunday in the 2000 block of East 93rd Street in the Pill Hill neighborhood on the Southeast Side. He was struck in the knee while standing on his porch, police said.


Pill Hill. I know the area well. That is near South Chicago Hospital. My uncle the Chi cop used to drive the two of us, mother and I, to the bus stop at 91st and Jeffrey to catch the 95th st. bus. Parked at the bus stop with the two of us sitting in the back seat and my uncle alone up front with his service revolver on his lap. Waiting until someone that would approach the car from the passengers side and try to open the door. My uncle would then have a clean shot at the miscreant. Unc would wait until the bus would approach before telling us to stand outside and then wait until we had boarded the bus, the door of the bus had closed and the bus was underway before leaving. A Chi cop knowing all too well the secrets of Chi.

The bad ones.

[N.S. I responded, Great story; when is it from? Fifty years ago, or 60? I know you're no spring chicken. You remember too much.

Pill Hill has clearly been a very interesting place for a long time.

I want to run it, but with a year or range of years.

My reader responded, as follows:]

That would have been when I was still in grammar school. The late 1950's probably. Pill Hill was at the time still totally whitey and was the residences of a lot of nurses and doctors and married couples that were doctors and nurses and worked at South Chicago Hospital. I can remember that all as if it was yesterday so very well. That protocol worked out so well not without reason, the danger even during an era from fifty years ago apparent.


  1. Finally, at long last, the first white murder suspect of 2012 in Chicago has been arrested just a few days ago. He is accused of killing someone at his home after a quarrel. I knew sooner or later a white perpetrator would pop up.
    All the talk about the shootings and killings in this city always ignores who is doing it all. So far we've got a grand total of one white perp.

  2. The last living member of the real-life Untouchables squad formed by Eliot Ness was a man named Al Wolff, who died in 1998 at the age of 95. I once saw an interview with him in which he explained why crime was worse in the present (1987) than in Capone's time.

    "Capone's mob didn't bother ordinary citizens," Wolff said. What he meant was mobsters of the 20's didn't do home invasions, rape-murders and armed robbery of average people.

    David In TN

  3. C'mon, former Pill Hill resident.

    If you're going to post as one of us, watch your grammar.
