Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Chicago Tribune Disinformation Campaign: Daily Runs Story on 25 Saturday Night Chicago Shootings, None of Which was Committed by a White,

Accompanied Only by Mug Shots of White Suspects from Unrelated, Out-of-Town Misdemeanors
By Nicholas Stix

Defendant: Suzi Schmidt [above, left]
( Lake Villa Police Department photo / June 13, 2012 )
Charge: Misdemeanor trespassing, misdemeanor damage to property

Defendant: Welz Kauffman [photo above, right]
( Highland Park Police Department photo / June 12, 2012 )
Charge: Driving under the influence of alcohol, improper lane usage

The Trib story where the paper’s editors placed these mug shots:

5 dead, 20 wounded in overnight shootings in the city.

Apparently, the bankrupt daily’s editors fantasize that readers will read stories of mayhem, see a couple of white faces, and conclude that whites are shooting up the city.

Meanwhile, the same editors refuse, out of racism, to inform the public when blacks are targeting whites and Asians for violent, racially motivated crimes, asserting that it’s none of the public’s business, and only a “prejudiced” person would even want to know.

The Trib is not fooling anyone.


WANTED: Considered armed and dangerous. Gerould W. Kern is armed with the Chicago Tribune newspaper, and ink, which he buys by the barrel. Although parent company Tribune Corp. is bankrupt, the Trib is still publishing, and thus a threat to the lives of all unarmed, law-abiding whites and Asians in Chicago and the Chicagoland area.

[From WEJB/NSU’s Chicago Files:

“Illinois Sentencing Guideline for Robbery + Assault + Attempted Murder by a Black on a White: One Year;

“Chicago: 21-Year-Old Shoots 84-Year-Old for ‘Disrespecting’ Him (with a Surprise Ending!)”;

“Chicago is Enriched by ‘Jaliscan’ (or is It ‘Arizonan’?) and ‘African’ Diversity”;

“Shooting at Whitey: Running the Gauntlet in Chicago Public Transportation”;

“Amish Gone Wild: Chicago Police Brace for ‘Flash Mob’ Attacks”;

“Walter Williams: America's new racists”;

“Chicago: Fifty-Strong, Black Robbery Mob Hits Walgreens on the Magnificent Mile”;

“The Great Chicago Memorial Day Gang Attack Cover-Up”;

“Convicted Murderer to Chicago Tribune’s Dawn Turner Trice: ‘I’m Not a Murderer’”;

“One Act of Memorial Day Weekend Violence That Neither the Chicago Police Department Nor the New York Times Tried to Cover Up”;

“Cognitive Dissonance in Chicago: Last Weekend, 20 People were Shot and 5 Killed of All Ages and in All Situations, Yet Crime is Dropping Like a Rock!”;

Chicago Tribune Editor to Readers: It’s None of Your Damned Business, Who’s Racially Targeting Whites and Asians for All of These Ceaseless, Brutally Violent Crimes!”;

“Speaking Truth to Black Power in Chicago”;

“Edward Vincent Hanrahan (1921-2009): He Helped Kill Fred Hampton”;

“Air Conditioner Attacks Chicago Sister, Causing a Brother’s Murder”;

“Lynch Mob of Seven Blacks Rob, and Try to Stomp to Death Raceless 18-Year-Old in Chicago’s Chinatown”;

“DADT/Due Diligence, Diversity-Style: For Years, Illinois State Program Did No Background Checks, and Paid Black Convicted Rapists to be Baby-Sitters”;

“The Black Wall of Silence: Harvey, IL, Police Department Conspired for at Least 14 Years to Protect Black Rapists; County Prosecutor’s Office Had to Raid Local PD, in Order to Rescue Stashed Rape Kits”;

“Video: In Racist Attack in Chicago, Two Huge, Fat, Black Sisters, 17 and 18, Jump Skinny Spanish Girl, 14, in Bio Class, Beat Her for 6-7 Minutes, Leaving Her with a Concussion and Internal Injuries; Frightened, Helpless,White Teacher Does Nothing”;

“12 Shot in 11.5 Hours, as Violent Crime Continues to Plummet in Chicago”;

“In Chicago: Happy Birthday … You’re Dead!”;

“7 Dead, 3 Injured Out of Ecuadorean Extended Family in Minivan; Van Hit Deer, was Hit by Semi; No One Wore Seatbelts”;

“The Kelli O'Laughlin Slaying: The Crazy Card, Again”;

“Media Alchemy: Sun-Times, Fox News Staffers Transform a Robbery into “a Fight over a Cell Phone”;

“Federal Judges Thwart Justice, on Behalf of Cop-Killers… Again”;

Chicago Tribune Breaks with Policy, and Racially IDs Perps in Home Invasion!”;

“The Gouger II: Exulam I. Holman Allegedly Gouged Out Uncle’s Eyes Over TV Remote”;

“Chicago Cops Release Photos of Negro Execution-Killers Celebrating Christmas”;

“Here’s a Mass Murder That Not Only the Nat'l MSM, but Even the Local Chicago Tribune Doesn’t Want Known: Cedric Anderson Murdered 4 Yesterday”;

“Chicago: Spree-Killer Dante Simmons Murders Troy Cameron, 22, Anton Sanders, 15, Shoots Up Chicago Walgreen’s, City Bus, Then Does Taxpayers a Favor”;

“Chicago: Rogers Park Gang Hit at Traffic Light Claims Lives of Dion Miller and Jonathan Bell; Killings Follow Pair the Previous Night.”;

“Six Shot Saturday Night on Chicago’s South Side; One Dead, as Crime Continues to Drop!”;

“Chicago: Murders Exploded in January, While Overall Crime Died”;

“Rub-Out by Hispanic Gang in Chicago Suburb of North Lake Claims James Romero, 18”;

“Chicago: 8 Shot, 2 Dead, in 7.3 Hours Saturday Night, as Crime Continues to Drop”;

“Chicago: 13 Hours, 17 Shot, 1 Dead, as Crime Continues Its Brutal Decline”;

“In Chicago’s Vibrant Little Village Section, 2 Latin Kings are Accused of Killing Girl, 6, from a ‘Two Six’ Gang Family; Police Cover for One Suspect; Chicago Tribune Turns Hispanic Gangbangers into ‘Teens’;5 Shot within 1 Hour”;

“34 Shot in Chicago Over Weekend: 1/16 Friday Night, 5/12 Saturday Night; as Crime Continues to Plummet”;

“Chicago’s Ultra-Violent Racist Derrick King, Again: Prosecutors Magically Transform Felonies Attempted Robbery and Making Terroristic Threats into ‘Misdemeanor Assault,’ While AOL’s Huffington Post Transforms Two Violent Felony Convictions into ‘Accusations’”;

“More Derrick King News, Out of Chicago!”;

“Trayvon Martin: Racist Terrorist Rep. Bobby Rush (Race-Chicago/Black Panthers), is Thrown Off House Floor for Donning a Hoodie, and Denouncing ‘Racial Profiling’; CBS ‘News’ Soldiers on with Race Hoax”;

“Chicago Shooters Don’t Wait for Weekend: 13 Shot, 2 Dead in 6 hours Thursday Night, as Crime Continues to Fall!”;

“Only 3 Shot on a Thursday Night in Chicago: Light Night, or Poor Shooting?”

“Chicago: Homicides Up 60%, Non-Fatal Shootings Up 37%, and Overall… Crime is Down 10%, and Rape is Down 15%?!”;

“Chicago Shooters Get the Weekend Started Early, Shooting 8 on Thursday Night, Including a 7-Year-Old Girl, Killing 1, While Crime Continues to Drop”;

“Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Screw the Stupid, Phony Crime Stats, I Care about Individual Sob Stories! Besides, Crime is Dropping; Why Didn't Anyone Impose My Worthless Policies Sooner?”;

“Chicago’s Friday Night Shooting Scorecard: 10 Shot, 3 Dead, as Crime Continues Its Fall”;

“Chicago: Nickeas’ Saturday Night Hit Parade: 2 dead, 7 wounded”;

“Chicago: Nickeas’ Friday Night Shooters’ Score Card: 5 Shot, 2 Dead”;

“Reader Gets to the Bottom of All These ‘Chicago Shooting’ Stories”;

“Neo-Nazi Mob Commits Attempted Mass Murder in Chicago Suburb”;

“In Chicago, Black Subway Robber Travels with Backup, Who Stabs 4 Guardian Angels; Chicago Tribune Forbids Comments!”;

“Chicago: Improved Reporting at Trib on 8 Shootings (1/7);

“Fiend Kidnapped 16-year-old Jessica Tetter in Calumet City, IL, Took Her to Hammond, IN, Murdered (and Did God Knows What Else to) Her, and Dumped Her in the Garbage; Suspect was Sometime Lover of Vic’s Mom”;

“‘Eight people were killed & more than 40 were wounded in a string of weekend shootings, but police say that overall crime in the Windy City is down’”;

“Jessica Tetter Murder: New Story: She was also Raped, Front and Back, and ‘On-Again, Off-Again Boyfriend’ was Really Stepfather, Who Has Confessed!”

“Nameless in Chicago: Unnamed ‘Someones’ Shot by Unnamed ‘Someones’ from Unnamed Gangs, and Driven to the Hospital by Unnamed ‘Someones’; Nickeas’ Friday Night Hit Parade: 10 Shot, 1 Dead, as Crime Keeps Falling!”

“Racist Chicago Tribune Columnist Steve Chapman Declares War on Newspaper’s Readers”; and

“Chicago’s Saturday Night Score: 25-4, as in 25 Shot, 4 Dead; Update: Make That 5 Dead.”]


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