Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lost Race Alert! Is Charles Moose Working in the Oklahoma City PD? Past Week Saw Wave of Racist Attacks, Cover-Ups by Police, Media


Bronson Quickle was shot by a black man on his way to school on Tuesday; once a black OKCPD captain got involved, the shooter lost his race.


Oklahoma City police are searching for two men who may or may not have races, depending on who is in command, who shot a teenager walking to school Tuesday morning.


By Nicholas Stix

“‘We haven't been able to talk to the victims and we don't have very much suspect information to go on,’ said Captain Dexter Nelson.”

Captain Dexter Nelson—remember that name! Captain Nelson, who has the magical ability to make a shooter’s race disappear, is on the fast track to becoming chief of the Oklahoma City Police Department.

An anonymous reader from the Oklahoma City area has done yeoman work trying to find Web-posted stories that gibe with what he saw on the TV news Tuesday. He is certain that the initial TV news report stated that the suspects were black, but that this was scrubbed from all later reports, and those posted to the Web, once black OKCPD Captain Dexter Nelson seized control of the story.

The reader was writing, in response to the story about British police and social workers aiding and abetting racist, Moslem pedophiles who raped over 50 white girls, by refusing to act on the complaint by at least one of their young victims, for feqar of being accused of “racism.”

This sort of thing happens in America all the time. I'm sure you remember the young Cherokee male and his older friend who shot 6 blacks. Did you happen to catch the press conference w/the black lead FBI investigator stating that in his 20+ years he had never seen a crime so heinous? Well, a couple of days ago, I awoke to the news that 2 white teenage boys walking to school at 5:30 in the morning were approached by 2 black males asking for money, when told they didn't have any, one boy was pistol whipped, the other shot. I believe that boy is not expected to walk again. [About three hours earlier] The same night a woman was kidnapped, beaten, shot & dumped on the side of the road. The media reported they were looking for 2 black males. About an hour later, the black police chief was on tv announcing that no descriptions of the assailants was available, as all the victims were in the hospital. Just last night a person was shot and another 3 blocks away was hit by a car. Makes me wonder if 2 blacks are wreaking revenge and the local police and media are going to allow.

I asked my reader for as much additional information as possible about the stories he’d cited, and links, if possible. He responded as follows, and provided the links to the stories I have re-posted. I am in his debt.

I've searched all the local news stations and as I suspected they do not have the original report online, only the noon desk version. Also, the black officer was not the police chief but a captain.

Readers will recall that Charles Moose was the racist, incompetent chief of the Montgomery County (MD) Police Department during the Nation of Islam serial murders perpetrated in 2002 by snipers John Allen Muhammad/John Williams and his teenaged, illegal alien crime partner, Boyd Lee Malvo. Thanks to radical, law enforcement affirmative action, Moose had spent his entire career failing upwards.

Numerous people were murdered unnecessarily, due to Moose’s baseless insistence that killer was a white male driving a white box van. Even after one of the killers had called Moose on the telephone, and spoken with him, and Moose thus knew that he was after a black killer, he lied to the public, maintaining the racial fairy tale, whereby the killer was white.

When the killers were finally caught, through the help of a white trucker, in spite of Moose’s racist mischief, Moose then sought to exploit the case for profit, while keeping his job, in violation of county ethics rules. Fortunately, the county forced him to resign.

Muhammad was executed by the State of Virginia on November 10, 2009; Malvo was sentenced to “life” in prison, due to his having been under age at the time of his crimes.

Malvo revealed that Muhammad’s plan had been to murder six whites per day, and demand millions of dollars in blackmail, to stop killing whites.

During the Gulf War I, Muhammad/Williams had sought to murder several officers by fragging them, but escaped justice due to radical affirmative action in the administration of military justice.

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Teen Shot While Walking to School in Northwest OKC
May 8, 2012 8:12 a.m. EDT; updated: 10:13 a.m. EDT
By LaShauna Sewell (World Now)

A 17 year old was shot Tuesday morning while walking with a friend near N.W. 16th Street and Meridian; now police are trying to determine if the shooting is related to two other attacks.

Oklahoma City police say the boy and a friend were walking to school in the 4300 block of N.W. 16th Street around 5:30 a.m. when they were approached by two men in a car. The men demanded the teens give them everything they had.

When the teens said they didn't have anything, one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the 17 year old in the chest. The teen was rushed to the hospital where he's listed in critical condition.

Police are trying to determine if this shooting is connected to two other shootings late Monday night. A woman says she was kidnapped, robbed and shot near N.W. 122nd Street and Council. She's expected to recover.

Thirty minutes earlier, another woman says she was trying park her car at an apartment complex at N.W. 122nd Street and MacArthur when three suspects tried to steal her car. They fired a bullet through her window. She was hit by shattering glass but was not seriously hurt. She managed to escape and call for help.

Police have not made any arrests.

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OKC Police Investigate Attacks on Women That May be Related
May 8, 2012, 9:34 a.m. EDT; updated: 9:34 a.m. EDT
By LaShauna Sewell (World Now)

Oklahoma City police are trying to determine if the shooting of one woman is related to the attempted carjacking of another.

A woman says she was trying to park her car around 1:30 a.m. at the Pinehurst Apartment complex near N.W. 122nd Street and MacArthur. She says three suspects tried to steal her car. One of them pulled out a gun and fired a shot through her window. The woman was hit by flying glass, but was not seriously injured. She managed to escape and call for help.

While police were responding to that call, they received another one about a woman who was trying to flag down drivers on the Kilpatrick Turnpike near Council. The woman told police she was walking home from a nearby 7-Eleven store around 2 a.m. when three people, two men and a woman, forced her into their car. She said she was kidnapped, robbed and shot before being dumped out of the car on the Kilpatrick Turnpike. She was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay.

Because the two crimes happened near each other, police are trying to determine if they were connected.

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Teens Attacked On Way To School In OKC, One Left Paralyzed
May 8, 2012, 6:03 p.m. EDT; updated 7:05 p.m. EDT
By Dana Hertneky
News 9

Two teenage boys are ambushed in Oklahoma City while walking to school Tuesday morning.

Police say one was shot and the other beaten. And according to police, it appears this all started with a random robbery.

Bronson Quickle is still in critical condition at OU Medical Center. His mother tells News 9 right now he is paralyzed from the waist down.

"He was rushed into surgery, (the) doctor came out, surgery went fine, (he) explained what was going on," said Tami Jackson, Bronson's mother. "It's not the best news for a mother to get."

Both boys were students at Seeworth Academy. One was a sophomore, the other a junior.

"Those two were leaders of the school we can depend on," said Tarrence Rogers, the school's Vice Principal.

Rogers says he got the call about what happened early Tuesday morning. Police say the two 17 year old boys were walking along N.W. 16th Street around 5:45 a.m. They were on their way to catch their bus to school. That's when two strangers pulled up, got out of their car, and tried to rob the boys. When the boys told them they didn't have anything, that's when the strangers attacked them.

"Shed many tears at the hospital, I'm very close to both young men, it's very difficult," Rogers said.

Rogers says the boys were dedicated students, who likely walked that route to school every morning. Police at this point, say they have very little information about who did this and why.

"We haven't been able to talk to the victims and we don't have very much suspect information to go on," said Captain Dexter Nelson with the Oklahoma City Police Department. "Apparently this happened at 5:43 this morning so we don't have very many witnesses either."

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