Friday, April 06, 2012

What, No Nightsticks? Thugs Try to Take Over Trustees’ Meeting at Santa Monica College, Get Maced, Cry for Waambulance!

By Nicholas Stix

First of all, I doubt very much that all of the thugs at Santa Monica College were officially students. Second, those who were students were bound to be overwhelmingly affirmative action admits. Affirmative action is the reason the California public higher ed system is broke. Hundreds of thousands of incompetent, unqualified blacks and Hispanics, including illegal aliens, are admitted to schools paid for by the dwindling number of white and Asian net taxpayers. Affirmative action violates the California State constitution, but criminal, racist college administrators violate the law with impunity, and think of themselves as heroes for doing so. Those same administrators violate the rights of qualified, white, American applicants and job candidates, by freezing them out. And those whites who are admitted, at least the white, heterosexual men, often suffer grade discrimination.

(In case you’re wondering about how AA would operate at a community college like SMC, the school still has a limited number of admissions spots, and will make decisions based on one’s name. Such schools also routinely engage in vicious racial and ethnic discrimination in hiring and the letting of contracts.

On top of that, tens of thousands of incompetent, racist thugs are hired via AA (“diversity”) as professors, staffers, and administrators. And these are the same people who are either rioting on campus, or sending their students and clients to riot and stage race hoaxes.

For an example of how AA works at the community college level, when I started applying for work as an adjunct lecturer at City of New York four-year and community colleges, I got a many-generations photocopied post card in response every semester from anti-English, Puerto Rican nationalist Hostos CC in The Bronx, telling me that my application letter and resume would be forwarded to the school’s “affirmative action committee.” That meant no job for me, since the whole point of the AA committee was to exclude people with names like mine. So, I skipped the middle man, called the English as a Second Language Program directly, got myself an interview, and talked myself into a job. (Of course, in a racist environment bathed in an aura of incipient violence, I couldn’t last, but that’s a story for another time.)

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Fire Capt: Up to 30 Demonstrators Pepper-Sprayed
By Shaya Tayefe Mohajer
April 4, 2012 (AP)
Associated Press

Campus police pepper-sprayed as many as 30 demonstrators after Santa Monica College students angry over a plan to offer high-priced courses tried to push their way into a trustees meeting Tuesday evening, authorities said.

Raw video posted on the Internet showed students chanting "Let us in, let us in" and "No cuts, no fees, education should be free."

Marioly Gomez, 21, said she was standing in a hallway outside the meeting with several hundred other students who wanted to get into the meeting.

"I got pepper-sprayed without warning," she said.

Students were angry because only a handful were allowed into the meeting room, and when their request to move the meeting to a larger venue was denied, they began to enter the building, said David Steinman, an environmental advocate who is running for Congress as a Green Party candidate.

Two officers were apparently backed up against a wall, and began using force to keep the students out of the room. Steinman said both officers used pepper spray.
"People were gasping and choking," Steinman said.

Santa Monica College spokesman Bruce Smith said he believed it was the first time pepper spray had been used to subdue students on campus.

"It was the judgment of police that the crowd was getting out of hand and it was a safety issue," he said.

Firefighters were called to the campus at about 7:20 p.m. Five people were evaluated at the scene and two were taken to a hospital, Santa Monica Fire Department Capt. Judah Mitchell said. Their conditions were not known, but the injuries were not believed to be serious, Mitchell said.

Students have been upset over a new plan that involves the formation of a nonprofit foundation which would offer core courses for about $600 each, or about $200 per unit — about four times the current price. The program is designed to cope with rising student demand as state funds dwindle.

The move has raised questions about whether it would create two tiers of students in a system designed to make education accessible to everyone and whether it's even legal under state education law.

Community colleges statewide have lost $809 million in state funding over the past three years, causing schools to turn away about 200,000 students and drastically cut the number of classes offered.
Associated Press writer Whitney Phillips contributed to this report.

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