Friday, April 20, 2012

Tulsa Racist Home Invasion-Rape-Murder-Hate Crime: Two More Suspects Sought in Strait Case

Tulsa victims Bob and Nancy Strait. Mrs. Strait, may she rest in peace, unfortunately died of her wounds.

Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, 20, has been charged with attacking the Straits

Strait new suspect number one


Strait new suspect number two: This image is worthless, but the one above looks to be much more helpful

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Tulsa: Murderous, Racist Attack on Nancy and Bob Strait: Help Bob Strait! Demand That Mayor Bartlett Devote the Necessary Resources to Find 4 Killers Still at Large; and 101st Airborne Division Association 101st Assn. asking for help for D-Day veteran.”]

By David in TN

Two more possible suspects are being sought in the Tulsa, Oklahoma home invasion in which 85-year old Nancy Strait was raped and murdered, while her 90-year old husband, Bob, was beaten almost to death.

The previously arrested suspect, Tyrone Woodfork, will be in court for a preliminary hearing on May 11.

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