Friday, April 06, 2012

Censorship (“Content Management”) Alert at the Austin Statesman: ‘Too Many Readers Have Refused to Toe the PC Line, and So We are Giving Them

the Shaft, Ending Reader Blogs Altogether, and Banning Commenting on Stories Where Readers Could Provide the Sort of Essential Information That We Have Made a Solemn Oath to Hide from the Public’

By Nicholas Stix

Controlling what the public sees on news media comment boards has become an ever greater concern for censors, er, editors. Certain uncooperative readers have increasingly insisted on inserting comments that not only express opinions which are beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse in a multiracial, multicultural society, but have also increasingly insisted on inserting racist facts which are irrelevant to stories, and also beyond said bounds. Said readers have forced censors, er, editors, hands.

* * *

[Austin Statesman:]

Commenting unavailable on some articles

As part of a technology change, commenting will not be available on some articles for a number of months.

Read more about the change here.

Reader blogs have been retired
For technical reasons, reader blogs and comments on some online stories are no longer available. Comments will return site-wide when we launch a new content management [censorship] system, anticipated at year's-end. Reader blogs can no longer be hosted on

We want to express our thanks for being part of our online content and community presence. If you had a blog on or and have continued on another platform, let us know at and we'll include the link here.

Maira Garcia
Social Media Editor | Austin American-Statesman, 512.912.2512


  1. This is SO infuriating. These liberal fascists are bound and determined to make the people see things the way THEY see things and cover up what is really going on with these cases.

  2. I live in Austin. I could write about this at length, but I gave up on the Statesman a long time ago. To tell the truth, I used to like reading newspapers. But the AAS has proven itself to be way too liberal and biased. This story doesn't surprise me.

    Back in the 90s, my ex-wife had a state job that took her out of Austin on a regular basis. She once remarked that non-Austin newspapers often had more thorough coverage about Texas legislative affairs than did the Austin American-Statesman. An interesting observation, considering that my ex wasn't a conservative woman.

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