Thursday, April 19, 2012

Black Supremacist Daily Beast Writer Threatens Rodney King-Style Riots, Unless George Zimmerman Permits Himself to be Sacrificed

By Nicholas Stix

I’d never heard of Mansfield Frazier before this, and I’m glad I didn’t, for I would have wasted even more time on him than I just did.

This mook is a generic racist black propagandist. He lies like a Persian rug, and thinks that whites and those white enough, like George Zimmerman have no legal rights, just what the racist black lynch mob will deign to grant them. And Frazier considers himself one of the leaders of the lynch mob.

How dishonest is Mansfield Frazier? Everyone in America above the age of five, including Frazier, knows that “Obama” spoke out on this case weeks ago. George Zimmerman’s father, Robert, then criticized “Obama.” But that didn’t stop Frazier from lying about it.

“In a CBS interview [George Zimmerman’s father] said, ‘I never foresaw so much hate coming from the president, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP,’ and this was before Obama said anything about the case!”

The foregoing lie comes from the following, 301-word passage, which is the most telling of Frazier’s 1123-word, er, thing.

But after a few weeks of isolation and the counsel of O’Mara, Zimmerman may decide going to trial isn’t in his best interest. If O’Mara is as savvy as he seems, he will probably inform his client of the stark legal facts. The state overcharged him with murder 2 for two reasons: it’s a bargaining chip to force him to accept a lesser charge, and a means to keep him locked up pretrial. The way the legal system is designed, it’s difficult for someone being held in custody to win acquittal. [How would his being in custody preclude his winning an acquittal?] Even if he went to trial and managed to get a hung jury, the state would surely retry him (multiple times, if necessary), until they get a conviction or he’s spent more time in the county lockup than he would have spent in prison if he’d just pleaded guilty in the first place. [Nonsense. He couldn’t be held in county for years on end, following a hung jury. Frazier just makes stuff up that sounds good for his side, ignoring how implausible it sounds.] And even if he were acquitted, let’s not forget the specter of a federal indictment being handed down.

The wild card is his father, Robert, who has so far sounded like a knee-jerk far-right ideologue. In a CBS [Sic; it was Fox! Frazier can’t be trusted to get anything right!] interview he said, "I never foresaw so much hate coming from the president, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP," and this was before Obama said anything about the case! It will be virtually impossible to keep Robert Zimmerman away from his son, which means he’ll have ample opportunity to whisper Stand Your Ground rhetoric into his ear, possibly ginning up Zimmerman’s courage and convincing him to go to trial in spite of the danger of being convicted.

The following reader comments are the best I saw.

8 Hours Ago
Hey Mansfield -
Why stop at just demanding Zimmerman "quietly" agree to a decade in the slammer as some sort of "retribution" for perceived slights perpetrated against blacks by a "racist" justice system?

Why not go all in and just demand as appropriate retribution no blacks EVER be arrested, challenged or detained for the next "400" years and no white person ever be allowed to defend themselves? That seems to be the gist of your argument.

anonymous reader
9 Hours Ago
Zimmerman is "guilty" of self-defense. He should not accept a plea bargain for the "crime" of defending himself against someone who was bashing his head into the sidewalk. If he goes to prison, he will be murdered. If he is exonerated, blacks will likely riot. If that's our future, then it's time to abandon any pretension to world leadership. We need to bring the troops home - they'll be needed to enforce Martial Law in the cities. "Riot" is too clean a word to describe what will really happen - the indiscriminate murder of innocent White and Hispanic Americans by hate-crazed racist Black Americans. Those who threaten riots if they don't get their way are simply criminals and bullies. Every time you cave in to criminals and bullies, you only embolden them.

I think we have to realize that the whole multicultural experiment that is 21st century America is coming apart at the seams. It's untenable because it depends on the universal recognition of the rule of law. Isn't it apparent by now that millions of Americans have only contempt for the law and for the United States?

We are not "one nation, indivisible" any longer. The Diversity movement (religion?) demands that we put our racial and ethnic differences above that which should unite us. The result is racial and ethnic balkanization.

My advice to Zimmerman's attorney? Don't cave in to threats. Don't sacrifice your client. Pursue justice and pray that our leaders restrain the uncivilized mob.

The LAPD cops who were tried and retried for beating Rodney King hadn’t committed any crimes; it was King who had committed crimes against them, not to mention reckless driving, speeding, DUI, etc.! And the state compounded King’s crimes against them, with a malicious, double-jeopardy prosecution.

Frazier and all who support Trayvon Martin believe that Martin had a license to kill, and thus that George Zimmerman has a duty to die. Since Zimmerman refused to “do his duty” on February 26, they will see to it that he is murdered in the county jail, in prison, or on the street, should he be acquitted.

And they are going to riot, anyway. That's what blacks do. They have rioted ever since “Obama’s” election, and they rioted thousands of times before that. And the cause for most black riots: They know they can, because they’ve been permitted, and even encouraged to do so by America’s elites, so many times since 1964.

This is not just Mansfield Frazier; this is black America. We cannot share a neighborhood, a school, a city, or a nation with such lying, murderous racists, and their totalitarian will to power.

* * *

Trial of George Zimmerman Could Trigger Another Rodney King
By Mansfield Frazier
April 18, 2012 12:00 a.m. EDT
The Daily Beast

Trayvon Martin’s shooter has a new lawyer. Mansfield Frazier hopes he’s advising his client to take a plea, since a protracted murder trial is the last thing we need.

As George Zimmerman faces murder charges for shooting Trayvon Martin, it’s worth asking if America is in danger of facing Rodney King, Part II? [Sic. He doesn’t know how to write a proper question.]

That’s what I see down the tracks: If this case goes all the way to trial, it’s a train wreck waiting to happen. The time is now for strong hands to take the helm and steady the ship of state—not to mention our national racial, political and legal discourse. The paramount concern has to be to avert a large-scale racial calamity.

[The charging of George Zimmerman with a crime, just to head off black riots, is already “a large-scale racial calamity.”]

As Touré [Neblett] recently wrote, if sane adults are not careful, deliberate and measured in the handling of the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman affair, a dark time could descend upon America.

[So, one racist is quoting another? And how was the election of “Obama” not “a dark time” for America? Or the Civil Rights Movement, for that matter?]

Look what’s already festering on the streets of Sanford, Florida. On the one hand we’ve got the three stooges of the New Black Panther Party running around Sanford, spouting off crazy ideas and becoming a total embarrassment to more thoughtful and reasoning blacks who simply want justice. [How does Frazier differ from the NBPP?] On the other we’ve got the equally clownish neo-Nazis, goose-stepping around on their self-appointed mission to protect the white race. [As far as I know, this is a hoax, and there are no neo-Nazis in Sanford.] In this environment it wouldn’t take much to ignite the racial power [sic] keg we’re sitting on. One false or ill-conceived move in this case could allow the loony inmates—not Zimmerman’s current neighbors, but those who are imprisoned by their long-simmering racial hatreds—to fan the incendiary flames of bigotry into full-blown conflagrations of violence across the land. [Is Frazier saying that whites are the problem?]

America can only dodge so many racial bullets, and a not-guilty verdict in this case could very easily turn the racial cold war into a very hot one.

Rodney King, l, St. Trayvon, r
Kevork Djansezian / AP Photos (left); Martin Family Photos / AP Photos

As someone who watched the King riots unfold from a Los Angeles motel window (and sometimes from the balcony, when we weren’t too afraid to venture out), I’m here to tell you it was a nightmarish time. Thick, acrid black smoke from hundreds of fires hung over the L.A. basin for days as young, armed blacks and Hispanics roared around in open convertibles and jeeps, wearing bandannas and brandishing all sorts of weaponry. We could hear gunfire both in the distance and nearby.

Stores that hadn’t been set on fire the first day were looted by the second, and by the third day TV stations were warning of an impending food shortage. A body lay in the gutter on Crenshaw Boulevard for the better part of two days before National Guard troops removed it.

We don’t want to go back there. Fortunately Zimmerman’s new attorney, Mark O’Mara, appears to comprehend the broader implications and potential danger of the situation, and seems well qualified to negotiate a fair outcome for his client, and indeed for the rest of us. [“Negotiate”? “A fair outcome”? O’Mara is there to get his client acquitted, which is the only fair outcome for George Zimmerman. The last thing this mook is concerned with, is a fair outcome.] He has the calm demeanor of a law professor, and speaks in measured, but not calculating, terms. His first comments seemed designed not to convince anyone of his client’s innocence, but rather to take the heated rhetoric down a few notches. He cautioned that everyone should allow the justice system to work. [O’Mara’s first comments were that he was unfamiliar with the facts of the case. I much preferred the much more vigorous defense of Zimmerman by Uhrig, who was in full command of the facts. Frazier is counting on a wimpy-sounding defense counsel providing only a wimpy defense.]

So what would a fair outcome look like? To my mind, the government offers Zimmerman a plea deal that has him back on the street within this decade, and he accepts it quietly. That seems like a conclusion most reasonable Americans could live with. Of course, no matter how long or short any sentence may be, there will be those who disagree, some vehemently.

If O’Mara were successful in brokering such a resolution, he should be viewed as nothing less than a savior. A protracted murder trial of George Zimmerman is the last thing this country needs right now. America can only dodge so many racial bullets, and a not-guilty verdict in this case could very easily turn the racial cold war into a very hot one.

Of course, for such a plea scenario to work, Zimmerman will need to listen more to O’Mara than to any of the other voices clamoring for a piece of him. He’s in isolation right now, presumably for his own safety, but a side benefit is that it keeps the more rabid right-wingers from getting inside his head and convincing him to take the case to trial, based on the belief that no matter what the evidence shows, in Florida at least one juror will never vote to convict. Unfortunately, this reasoning is not crazy. The South, after all, is still the South.

But after a few weeks of isolation and the counsel of O’Mara, Zimmerman may decide going to trial isn’t in his best interest. If O’Mara is as savvy as he seems, he will probably inform his client of the stark legal facts. The state overcharged him with murder 2 for two reasons: it’s a bargaining chip to force him to accept a lesser charge, and a means to keep him locked up pretrial. The way the legal system is designed, it’s difficult for someone being held in custody to win acquittal. Even if he went to trial and managed to get a hung jury, the state would surely retry him (multiple times, if necessary), until they get a conviction or he’s spent more time in the county lockup than he would have spent in prison if he’d just pleaded guilty in the first place. And even if he were acquitted, let’s not forget the specter of a federal indictment being handed down.

The wild card is his father, Robert, who has so far sounded like a knee-jerk far-right ideologue. In a CBS interview he said, "I never foresaw so much hate coming from the president, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP," and this was before Obama said anything about the case! It will be virtually impossible to keep Robert Zimmerman away from his son, which means he’ll have ample opportunity to whisper Stand Your Ground rhetoric into his ear, possibly ginning up Zimmerman’s courage and convincing him to go to trial in spite of the danger of being convicted.

In all of this, the upcoming bail hearing is key: If the judge doesn’t grant bail,  Zimmerman had better start listening real intently to his lawyer.

Mansfield Frazier is a native Clevelander and former newspaper editor. His regular column can be seen on An avid gardener, he resides in the Hough neighborhood of Cleveland with his wife, Brenda, and their two dogs, Zaida and Ginger.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at

[From WEJB/NSU’s Trayvon Martin Hoax files:

“Sanford, Florida: Black ‘Little Boy,’Trayvon Martin 17, Beat White ‘Vigilante’ George Zimmerman Bloody; Zimmerman Shot Martin Dead; Now Black WFTV ‘Reporter,’ Daralene Jones, Black Supremacists, and White Aunt Jemima Earwitness Demand That Zimmerman be Arrested”;

“Trayvon Martin: ABC ‘News’ Gets on Bandwagon, Acting as Martin’s Family Mouthpiece; Family Lawyer Refuses to Release All Information about Teen’s Last Phone Call to Girlfriend, but Insists That It Requires That George Zimmerman be Arrested ‘Right Now’”;

“Arrest First, Investigate Later: Press Conference by Lawyer Benjamin Crump, of Trayvon Martin’s Family, Seeks Through Violation of Due Process… to Railroad George Zimmerman”;

“News Coverage of the Trayvon Martin Case Keeps Getting Worse: New York Daily News Passes Off ABC News Hearsay as ‘Interview,’ While Changing the Hearsay!”;

“USA Today: ‘In wake of black teen Trayvon Martin's death, USA is soul-searching’; McPaper Invokes Jena 6, Quotes Al Sharpton, Self-Described ‘ThugNiggaIntellectual’ Mark Neal, and Jena Attacker Theo Shaw as Moral Authorities”;

“Why the Secret ‘Interview’ with Trayvon Martin’s Secret Girlfriend is Bogus, and His Alleged Last Cell Phone Call is Insignificant”;

“Another Trayvon Martin Supporter: Florida Atlantic U. Hate Crime Attacker Jonatha Carr Had Just been Interviewed about the Jena Six/Nuremberg-Style Rally She’s been Organizing; CBS12 News Tries to Rationalize Her Crimes”;

“Trayvon Martin’s Parents Attend New York City Riot Held on Their Behalf”;

Associated Press and Penn Live: Arrest George Zimmerman for Killing Trayvon Martin, the Law be Damned! Let Zimmerman Prove His Innocence in Court!”

National Review ‘Conservative’ Rich Lowry Goes to Bat for Al Sharpton in Trayvon Martin Case, Ignoring or Misrepresenting Facts of the Case”;

“Trayvon Martin Case: Real Eyewitness Supports Zimmerman’s Story, as Opposed to Lynch Mob’s Fake Eyewitnesses”;

“Barack Obama: Because Trayvon Martin was Black, and Vaguely Resembled Me, ‘All of Us Have to Do Some Soul-Searching’”;

Federale on the Trayvon Martin Hoax: National Review’s Rich Lowry and Robert VerBruggen Seek Street Cred with Black Supremacists by Sacrificing George Zimmerman; America Needs More Zimmermans, and Fewer Lowries and VerBruggens”;

“The Trayvon Martin Hoax: Business Insider Joins Mob Seeking to Lynch George Zimmerman”;

“The Trayvon Martin Hoax: Geraldo Rivera Finally Does the Right Thing!”;

“Black Supremacist Spike Lee (‘Tawana Told the Truth!’) is Trying to Get George Zimmerman Murdered, by Tweeting His Address: The Trayvon Martin Hoax”;

“Hoax Starts to Unravel: Trayvon Martin Started Fight, and was Going to Kill George Zimmerman”;

“George Zimmerman’s Lawyer and Friend Defend Him Against Trayvon Martin Hoax, While ABC News Soldiers on, Repeating Refuted Claims”;

“First Report on Trayvon Martin’s Death One Month Ago Already Included Eyewitness Description of Martin Beating George Zimmerman, and Zimmerman Yelling ‘Help Me!’”;

“George Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin was Trying to Murder Me (Orlando Sentinel)”;

“Jesse Jackson Called for Riots on Behalf of Trayvon Martin, and North Miami Beach Senior HS Students Came Through, Ransacking a Walgreen’s”;

“Another ‘Honor Student’: Trayvon Martin was a Thug, Vandal, Burglar, Pothead and/or Drug Dealer, and Had been Suspended from School at Least 3 Times”;

“The Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party Offers $10,000 Bounty for the Kidnapping (or Murder?) of George Zimmerman, for Shooting Trayvon Martin”;

“Walter Williams on Profiling and the Trayvon Martin Case”;

“Barack Obama’s Ally, the Genocidal Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party, Calls for the Murder of George Zimmerman”;

“Trayvon Martin: Racist Terrorist Rep. Bobby Rush (Race-Chicago/Black Panthers), is Thrown Off House Floor for Donning a Hoodie, and Denouncing ‘Racial Profiling’; CBS ‘News’ Soldiers on with Race Hoax”;

“Heather MacDonald Goes Halfway on the Trayvon Martin Case, Race, and the Media”;

“I Guess Everybody Would Have Preferred George be Beaten to Death; My Son being Shot”: Video of George Zimmerman’s Father’s Exclusive Miami Herald Interview”;

“Trayvon Martin FAQ”;

“Elderly Couple Terrorized by Spike Lee Hires Attorney; Lee Simulates Humility and Humanity, in Order to Avoid Losing Millions in Court”;

“Vichycon David Frum to MSM: I’ll Support Your Trayvon Martin Hoax, if You’ll Continue Supporting Me as a ‘Conservative’”;

“Cartoonist Stephanie Eisner Gets Fired for Excessive Honesty in Racial Fairy Tale Pic Depicting Trayvon Martin Hoax”;

“Petition Demands That Suppressed UT Cartoonist Stephanie Eisner, Victim of the Racist Trayvon Martin Witch Hunt, be Reinstated!”;

“Sherlock Holmes on the Curious Case of Trayvon Martin, the State of the Legal Mechanisms in ‘the Colonies,’ and the Value of Even a Corrupt Press”;

“A Washington State Reader Writes on the Trayvon Martin Hoax, a Raceless Shooter, Readers Who Do Reporters’ Work for Them, and Seattle’s Northgate Mall”;

“Relative of George Zimmerman: George Stepped Up for Black Homeless Beating Victim Sherman Ware, When the Black Community Ignored Ware, but the Same Black Community, Including Ware’s Sister, Now Denounces Him as a ‘Racist’”;

“The Orlando Sentinel Provides a Non-Explanatory Map of the Shooting of Trayvon Martin, Highly Censored Comments, and One Typical, Black Racist Post”;

“Racist, Black L.A. Times Columnist Sandy Banks Goes to Plan B: Trayvon Martin Case ‘Transcends the issue of race’”;

“George Zimmerman's Father: My Son is Not Racist, Did Not Confront Trayvon Martin”;

“Populist Outrage, or Racist Astroturfing? New NPR Cover Story for Trayvon Martin Hoax Lawyer Covers Up How He Really Works”;

“Federale on Trayvon Martin and the Second Amendment: Gun Nuts Looking to Trade Freedom for Security on Race Will Find They Lose Their Guns, in the Bargain”;

And Then They Came for John Derbyshire: Racial Socialists Organize High-Tech Lynching Over Trayvon Martin Column, with White “Conservatives” Begging, ‘Please Let Us Join in the Fun!’;

“Kapo Con Rich Lowry Fires John Derbyshire, Continues No Comments Policy at National Review”;

The Atlantic, Trayvon Martin, and John Derbyshire: Fake “Discussion Thread” for Ta-Nehisi Coates is a Rigged, Affirmative Action Echo Chamber”;

“Is Peter Brimelow Next on Racial Socialists’ list, or was He Just Temporarily Bumped?”;

“At National Review, Mark Steyn Tells Rich Lowry, ‘You were Wrong and Hypocritical to Fire John Derbyshire, and You Bought Yourself No Peace from the Racist Left’”;

“6 Shots Fired into Police Cruiser Parked Outside of George Zimmerman’s Home, Presumably by Racist Black Supporter of Trayvon Martin; 3 Florida Counties Expect Hurricane-Like Black Race Riots”;

“Did Trayvon Martin Supporters Re-Program a Roadside Sign in Michigan to Call Martin a ‘Nigger’?”;

“George Zimmerman's (Former?) Attorney, Hal Uhrig, Explains Why Zimmerman was Not Guilty of Committing Any Crime Against Trayvon Martin”;

“George Zimmerman to be Charged Today, in Trayvon Martin Case; Should He Flee the Country?”;

“George Zimmerman, Political Prisoner: Florida Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Charges Zimmerman with Second Degree Murder for Killing Trayvon Martin”;

Unamusement Park: To Kill a Mockingbird, er, NO_LIMIT_NIGGA: Authorities Arrest “an Honorary Member of the Same Race as Hitler;

“Illinois Reader Called for George Zimmerman to Flee to Peru Back on March 23; I Should Have Posted His Advice Then!”;

“Paul Mulshine: National Review Goes Politically Correct”;

“Grieving Parents with a Thirst for Justice, or Racist Grifters? Trayvon Martin’s Parents are Using to Mass Mail Letters, as Part of Their Campaign to Get Rich Off of Their Thug Son’s Death”;

“Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Announces the Charges Against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin Death (Video)”;

“Racist Black Time Columnist, ‘Touré,’ Asserts That There Has been a Wave of White-on-Black Violence, but Has no Stats, and Even His Anecdotes”;

“Alan Dershowitz: Facts Stated in Angela Corey’s Affidavit, Charging George Zimmerman with Murder Two, All Support Zimmerman on Self-Defense; Affi ‘Doesn’t Even Make It to Probable Cause,’ and is ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Unethical’”;

“I'm George Zimmerman! I'm George Zimmerman! I'm George Zimmerman!”;

“Video of George Zimmerman’s First Court Appearance; Formal Arraignment Set for May 29th”;

“Chief of Staff Michelle Williams of the Genocidal Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party Calls for the Murder of George Zimmerman, Then Lies and Denies Having Done So; Makes a Non-Apology; Wants a National ‘Dialogue’ on Race; Sees Herself as a Rosa Parks for Justice”;

“Federale: ‘Threats of Rioting are Not Probable Cause That George Zimmerman Committed a Crime,’ and the Downward Spiral of National Review;

“Trayvon Martin Hate Crime Cover-Up in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Give the Local Media Hell! (Contact Info)”;

National Review Still Employs a Notoriously Noxious Racist!”;

“Nation of Islam Leader, Min. Louis Farrakhan, Threatens Racial Holocaust, if Whites Do Not Surrender”;

AP’s Suzette Laboy Promotes Racial Fairy Tale of Initial Failure to Charge George Zimmerman ‘Inflaming Racial Tensions’ in Sanford, FL, in Trayvon Martin Hoax.”

“It’s Trayvon Martin’s World: Sanford, FL Police Throw SYG and Self-Defense Out the Window; Black Perp Shouts Racial Slur at, Pistol-Whips Bloody from Behind, and Points Gun at White Vic; Vic Shoots Perp, Gets Book Thrown at Him”; and

“Min. Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Murderous Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party, Calls for Racist Murders on Behalf of Trayvon Martin.”]


  1. If I have only one suggestion to make, it's that you can NEVER have too much ammo (or guns) for a riot. The LA 1993 riots had the authorities immediately shutting down ammo sales so that citizens couldn't get ammo. The Koreans ran low on ammo because they were using their guns to chase off the rioters, so they were really unprepared vis-a-vis ammo supplies.

    A Ruger 10/22, a couple of large capacity magazines, and at least 5K of .22LR would be a decently priced and effective home defense setup if you live near, as Robocop would say, "Trouble."

  2. I, for one, eagerly await the mass chimpout and bongo party. I don't think it will go the way they imagine it though.
