Friday, February 17, 2012

The Carter Strange Case: Vicki Strange Speaks Out Against Judge’s Kid Gloves Treatment of Black Assailant Who, as Part of a Racist Lynch

Mob, Sucker-Punched, Stomped, and Left Her Son for Dead


Victim Carter Strange, pre-diversity


Carter Strange, after encountering diversity


By David in TN

A week ago, Vicki Strange, mother of beating victim Carter Strange, spoke out on the lenient treatment given to one of the perpetrators in the beating of her son.

Vicki Strange called the decision a miscarriage of justice.


The faceless, nameless,15-year-old defendant in the racist attempted murder of Carter Strange, who was protected by Family Court Judge Robert Armstrong, talks to his lawyer Jack Swerling during a hearing, on February 7, 2012. Gerry Melendez/


“I want to see that verdict reversed. I want to see the punishment fit the crime,” said Strange. “I'm not done fighting. Now I'm not just fighting the kids that did this, I'm fighting our justice system.”


Family Court Judge Robert Armstrong, protector of murderous, racist, black thugs, during an August, 2010 trial. In the Carter Strange case, the sanctimonious judge said that those demanding justice for Strange were driven by "fear."


A hearing is scheduled next month to determine if a 14-year old suspect will be tried as an adult. Two others are awaiting trial. These will be in adult court.

Four others have been “punished” in the juvenile system.



The 15-year-old defendant in the racist attempted murder of Carter Strange, who was protected by Family Court Judge Robert Armstrong, talks to his lawyer Jack Swerling during a hearing, on February 7, 2012. Gerry Melendez/

* * *

Family of Five Points beating victim outraged
By Shyann Malone
February 9, 2012 at 11:48 p.m.
Updated February 10, 2012 at 7:30 a.m.

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WACH) – A Columbia mother is speaking out after a judge ruled that a 15-year-old accused in the beating of her teenage son will not be tried as an adult.

On Wednesday, family court judge Robert Armstrong said the teen's chances of being rehabilitated will be greater if the youngster is tried in family court.

Vicky Strange calls the decision a miscarriage of justice. The teen in question is charged in the June beating of her son Carter.

“I want to see that verdict reversed. I want to see the punishment fit the crime,” said Strange. “I'm not done fighting. Now I'm not just fighting the kids that did this, I'm fighting our justice system.”

In June, Carter Strange was attacked by a group of [N.S.: exclusively black] teens as he jogged through Columbia's Five Points. Eight teens were charged in the case.

Strange suffered serious head injuries and spent a week in the hospital.

Prominent Columbia defense attorney Jack Swerling is representing the teen charged in the case. Swerling says he believes the judge's ruling is fair.

“The judge made the correct ruling on the facts of this particular situation," said Swerling. "He did not say the juvenile was not responsible, he simply said his case should be heard in the Family Court. It is clear that one of the other individuals inflicted these terrible injuries on this young man.” [He’s just blowing defense attorney smoke. One person was not responsible for almost killing Carter Strange.]

A hearing is scheduled next month to determine if a 14-year-old suspect will be tried as an adult. Two others are awaiting trial.

Four others already have been punished in the juvenile justice system. [She’s just blowing reporter-advocate smoke. The other four cases were disposed of; no one was punished.]

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

[Previously, on the Carter Strange case, at WEJB/NSU:

“Columbia, SC: In Non-Bias Attack, Eight Raceless Assailants Jump 18-Year-Old from Behind, Beat Him Almost to Death” ;

“One Suspect (Out of Eight) Indentified in Columbia, S.C., ‘Jogger Assault’”;

“Near Fatal, Columbia, SC, 8-on-1, Black-on-White Attack Not a Hate Crime”;

“Columbia, SC, Hate Crime: Bond Hearing, Charges Laid”;

“8-on-1, Suckerpunch, Black Hate Crime Attack on Carter Strange in Columbia, SC: Selected Reader Comments to WLTX’ ‘8 Suspects in Custody for 5 Points Beating of 18-Year-Old Carter Strange’”;

“Carter Strange Beating Update, on NBC Today Show;

“Carter Strange Beating: Some Juvis to be Charged as Adults; Otherwise, Usual, ‘Not-a-Hate-Crime’ Official Story”;

“In Carter Strange Case, Defense Attorneys Argue Black Attackers Who Beat White Within an Inch of His Life were ‘Just Having Fun,’ and Can’t Possibly be Convicted of Conspiracy; Prosecutors: Two Juvis Should be Tried as Adults”;

“Carter Strange Beating Update”; and

“‘Twenty Strikes, and You’re Out!’: Yet Another Carter Strange Attacker Gets a Break.”



  1. Mrs Vicki stop ! And put it in God hand his mother may not speak out but I will when you let thing go God can fix it or do you want to be God. You are judging a kid that you don't know. What a shame when you say you know God but the thing you are saying is not correct and I know this kid . I hope you never have a problem and as a mother need mercy for your family ,God be with the the people who would judge wrong ( he with out sin cast the stone) watch how you throw those stone, what a man sow he will reap try to reap good even when you fell like you want revenage, revenage is God. Not man

  2. Lane, are you serious. You really want me to stop fighting for justice for someone attempting to kill my son. Well, that is not just irresponsible as a parent, but that is just plain stupid. I have every right in the world to 'judge' this kid, he tried to kill my son. It's called a crime! Do you really believe God expects us to just sit back and let Him do all of the work? Think of it this way . . . . GOd made the squirrel and He made the nut, but He doesn't put the nut in the squirrels nest for th winter, He expects it to do it's part and work for it! God provides, but action is required on our part. To just sit back and say 'let go and let God' is misleading! God opens doors, we are expected to walk through them - and walking is an action word. Think about it. Oh, and since you think you know me so well, if my son did this to another human being, I would put him in jail myself!! You need to stop judging me, read your bible and learn how God expected crimes like this to be dealt with, remember to two that hung on a cross beside Jesus, were mere theives! Until YOU have walked in MY shoes - YOU STOP JUDGING AND PREACHING TO ME!!! YOU are in no place to question MY Christianity - so YOU stop casting the first stone!!! (Vicki Strange)
