Saturday, January 21, 2012

This Day in History: January 20




Lead Story

January 20, 1981:

Iran Hostage Crisis Ends


Previous Day
January 20

Minutes after Ronald Reagan's inauguration as the 40th president of the United States, the 52 U.S. captives held at the U.S. embassy in Teheran, Iran, are released, ending the 444-day Iran Hostage Crisis.

On November 4, 1979, the crisis began when militant Iranian students, outraged that the U.S. government had allowed the ousted shah of Iran to travel to New York City for medical treatment, seized the U.S. embassy in Teheran. The Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran's political and religious leader, took over the hostage situation, refusing all appeals to release the hostages, even after the U.N. Security Council demanded an end to the crisis in an unanimous vote. However, two weeks after the storming of the embassy, the Ayatollah began to release all non-U.S. captives, and all female and minority Americans, citing these groups as among the people oppressed by the government of the United States. The remaining 52 captives remained at the mercy of the Ayatollah for the next 14 months.

President Jimmy Carter was unable to diplomatically resolve the crisis, and on April 24, 1980, he ordered a disastrous rescue mission in which eight U.S. military personnel were killed and no hostages rescued. Three months later, the former shah died of cancer in Egypt, but the crisis continued. In November 1980, Carter lost the presidential election to Republican Ronald Reagan. Soon after, with the assistance of Algerian intermediaries, successful negotiations began between the United States and Iran. On the day of Reagan's inauguration, the United States freed almost $8 billion in frozen Iranian assets, and the hostages were released after 444 days. The next day, Jimmy Carter flew to West Germany to greet the Americans on their way home.

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Previous Day January 20


Also on This Day

Lead Story

Iran Hostage Crisis ends, 1981


American Revolution

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GM takes an interest in Oakland Motor Car Corp., 1909


Civil War

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Cold War

Truman announces Point Four program, 1949



Football player-turned-murderer born, 1974



Bullfight spectators die when bleachers collapse, 1980


General Interest

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FDR inaugurated to fourth term, 1945


John F. Kennedy inaugurated, 1961


Terry Waite disappears, 1987


Arafat elected leader of Palestine, 1996



Actress Audrey Hepburn dies, 1993



Robert Frost reads at JFK's inauguration, 1961



Country star Jerry Lee Lewis rocks the Grand Ole Opry, 1973


Old West

Ronald Reagan becomes president, 1981



Franklin Delano Roosevelt is sworn in as president, 1937



President Carter calls for Olympics to be moved from Moscow, 1980


Vietnam War

Richard Nixon takes office, 1969


New communist offensive anticipated, 1972


World War I

Goeben and Breslau battle the Allies in the Aegean, 1918


World War II

The Wannsee Conference, 1942


This Week in History, Jan 20 - Jan 26

Jan 20, 1981

Iran Hostage Crisis ends


Jan 21, 1977

President Carter pardons draft dodgers


Jan 22, 1998

Ted Kaczynski pleads guilty to bombings


Jan 23, 1957

Toy company Wham-O produces first Frisbees


Jan 24, 1935

First canned beer goes on sale


Jan 25, 1905

World's largest diamond found


Jan 26, 1788

Australia Day


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