Friday, January 13, 2012

Laranda Konopaski Paid for Clallam County, Washington’s Sanctuary Policy with Her Life


Moises Ramirez Matias, 25, enters Clallam County Superior Court accompanied by court security officer Eric Morris, left, in Port Angeles on Thursday. -- Photo by Chris Tucker/Peninsula Daily News

Moises Ramirez Matias was Already an Illegal Alien Felon, Then He Raped a 13 or 14-Year-Old Girl, She Had His Baby, He Lived with Her, Then He Allegedly Killed Her, and Now He Wants Bail!

By Nicholas Stix

What do sanctuary policies and anti-American MSM give you? They give you the likes of Moises Ramirez Matias, the late Laranda Konopaski, and the latter’s motherless child.

Matias came here illegally from Guatemala several years ago—the story below doesn’t say how many—but had already been deported. Thus, his mere presence in this country was a felony. But you won’t hear that from alleged journalist Paul Gottlieb, of the Peninsula Daily News, “If convicted…Upon his release, he could be prosecuted for an immigration violation.”

No. Matias was already prosecuted “for an immigration violation” the first time he was caught, and was duly deported. Once someone has been deported, he doesn’t get prosecuted for “an immigration violation,” because re-entering U.S. soil illegally, after having already been deported, constitutes a felony.

Either Paul Gottlieb doesn’t know anything about immigration law, or he’s lying about it. Either circumstance disqualifies him from covering stories on illegal aliens.

So, the man feloniously returns to America. What does he do? He rapes a 13 or 14-year-old girl. In many jurisdictions, statutory rape concerns sex by an adult with a minor one or two years below majority. (Any younger, and it’s simply first-degree rape, though under the pressure of “diversity,” that rule too has fallen by the wayside.) A rule of thumb has developed, whereby the authorities will only prosecute an adult who is at least four years older than the minor child. That practice was unofficially implemented, in order to avoid prosecuting 18-year-olds for having sex with their 15 or 16-year-old girlfriends.

But a 20 or 21-year-old ongoing felon having sex with a 13 or 14-year-old girl to whom he is not married is rape by any measure in this country.

But illegal sanctuary policies lead to defining down deviancy on steroids. One moral rule and statutory law after another gets crushed under the “diversity” steamroller.

So, the felon keeps giving the girl the business, and knocks her up. So, do the authorities prosecute him then? No, sir.

The school personnel are mandated reporters for child abuse. If Laranda Konopaski shows up in school pregnant, they’re obliged to contact the authorities, to determine if she was raped. If she stops showing up for school, school personnel are obliged to contact child welfare, regarding educational neglect.

So, the school authorities were complicit in Matias’ crimes … and Laranda Konopaski’s murder.

So, Laranda gives birth at the ripe old age of 13 or 14. Whose name is listed as father? You can’t let a little girl give birth, and not determine who the father is. Hospital personnel are also mandated reporters. So, doctors and nurses were also complicit in Matias’ crimes… and Laranda Konopaski’s murder.

After the child gives birth to her child, where does she live? At some point, she took up with an ongoing felon. Many people knew this, but either said nothing, or the authorities ignored them. More complicity.

And where were Laranda Konopaski’s parents? If they had protected her, Matias would had to hunt elsewhere, or been jailed long ago, and Laranda would still be alive.

And now, an 18-year-old girl is dead, and her four-year-old daughter witnessed her mother’s murder. And at every step of the way, people who could have saved Laranda Konopaski’s life, did nothing. A lot of people in Clallam County have Laranda Konopaski’s blood on their hands. And they have no intention of changing their ways.

• Janet Wilhelm Weitz
It is illegal to hire undocumented workers. Until we decide to enforce the laws, illegals will continue to flock to the US. The businesses who do hire illegals should be prosecuted! This guy has been deported once already and managed to waltz right back into the US. 4 murders in Forks in 3 years, half of them by illegals?! That IS a huge problem. Legal or illegal, I sincerely hope this guy is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and receives the harshest sentence allowable!
Reply • 4 •

• William Holmquist • Mount Rainier Senior High
It is a tragedy thats forsure she was my little cousin i never had the chance to get to know her that well but i do know the two time i did get to be around her she was a kind and caring little girl she was robbed of her youth my this person she was with and shame on her parents they should have been there to protect her. i remember her always looking out for her little sister she was a sweet girl who didnt deserve to parish this way. i know she's in a better place now. we will all be praying for that brave little girl and i'm pretty sure that matias will get what's coming to him...
Reply • 3 •

Oh, and lest I forget, Moises Ramirez Matias enjoys the presumption of innocence regarding the charge of murdering his longtime victim, blah, blah, blah… but not regarding his immigration felony, or his rapes of her.


‘I have a lot . . . to say,’ accused killer tells judge at first court hearing
By Paul Gottlieb
Peninsula Daily News
Last modified January 12. 2012 7:37 p.m.

PORT ANGELES — Clallam County Superior Court Judge George L. Wood on Thursday kept bail at $2 million for Moises Ramirez Matias, who is accused of killing the mother of his child in Forks.

The hearing before about a dozen spectators was Ramirez Matias’ first court hearing since he was arrested Wednesday in Forks.

The 25-year-old Guatemalan national is charged with first degree premeditated murder with a deadly weapon in the death of Laranda Konopaski, 18, early Sunday morning in a trailer at 1205 S. Forks Ave.

Wood set Ramirez Matias [sic] arraignment for 1:30 p.m. next Friday, Jan. 20.

Ramirez Matias, represented by Port Angeles lawyer Henry Gasnick of Clallam Public Defender, said he had hired a Seattle attorney who was not present.

“I have a lot of words to say of what happened,” Ramirez Matias, a Guatemalan citizen illegally in the United States, said through a telephonic interpreter.

“I have a lot of words to say and I was going to explain to the attorney who was going to be here that I have proof,” he added.

Wood stopped Ramirez Matias from proceeding with his statement.

“The court only wants to know if you understand the conditions of release” if Ramirez Matias makes bail.

Gasnick objected to the amount of bail.

“I think $2 million is on its face excessive, especially in light of no consideration for what the defendant’s assets must be,” Gasnick said.

“Asking that much from an indigent person is ridiculous.”

Wood responded that the bail was appropriate “given the circumstances.”

The couple’s 4-year-old daughter, Mariah, was in the trailer at the time of the murder, called 9-1-1, and told the dispatcher her mother was dead, according to court documents.

Ramirez Matias was deported once before re-entering the country, authorities have said.

Ramirez Matias was held at the Forks jail until Thursday morning, when Forks police transported him to the Clallam County jail in time for his hearing.

“I spoke with him briefly, and he understands pretty well the English language,” said Ron Sukert, county jail superintendent, earlier on Thursday.

“I said if he had any concerns or issues, would he be able to communicate with me, and he said yes.”

If convicted, Ramirez Matias could be sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.

Upon his release, he could be prosecuted for an immigration violation.

Mariah was placed in the custody of Child Protective Services.

A public graveside service for Konopaski is planned at 1 p.m. Monday at Mount Angeles Memorial Park, Monroe Road at U.S. Highway 101 in Port Angeles.


Senior Staff Writer Paul Gottlieb can be reached at 360-417-3536 or at
Last modified: January 12. 2012 7:37PM

[Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for this story.]


  1. I don't mean to be brash or glib. But stories like this prove that we truly live in lawless times.

    One of the things that keeps me going is that I know that a Judge lives who sees everything, cannot be bribed, and is truly just.

  2. Clallam County seems to follow there own version of the laws. As for Paul Gottlieb, does not bother checking facts and refuses to take any of his false statements back. All his reports come directly from the Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney 's office. I am dealing with false statements made by Paul Gottlieb regarding my fience that have caused a number of problems for both my children and I.

    Feel free to contact me if you would like more info.
