Monday, January 09, 2012

Houston: Two 10-Year-Old Boys from a Black Public School are Charged with Repeatedly Sodomizing an 8-Year-Old Boy on a School Bus

By Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Another Associated Press Scandal: Wire Service Covers Up Black-Male-on-White-Male Rape Spree.”]

There’s no word, of course, on the kids’ respective races, but thanks to my reader-researcher RC, who also sent me the article, we know that Ruby Thompson Elementary School is 89 percent black, eight percent Hispanic, and two percent white.

This homosexual sodomy and rape routine is typically a black thing, but it also tends to be committed against members of other races. We can be sure that the accused are black, because their loudest defender is Quanell X (Quanell Ralph Evans).

Note that “community activist Quanell X” (Quanell Ralph Evans) mentioned in the story below is actually the local leader of the genocidal, black supremacist, New Black Panther Party, which was founded by the late Khalid Muhammad, a former lieutenant of Min. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the genocidal, black supremacist murder cult, the Nation of Islam. NOI followers murdered anywhere from scores to hundreds of whites cross-country, the majority of them in California, during the 1970s (e.g., “the Zebra Murders”). Farrakhan threw Muhammad out of the NOI, because the latter was supposedly too radical for the cult.

In November, KHOU revealed that X/Evans has been accused by 70-100 blacks of defrauding them out of thousands of dollars each. However, other black supremacist leaders, including Deloyd Parker and NOI Minister Robert Muhammad have covered up the matter, and threw white KHOU reporter Jeremy Rogalski out of a “public” meeting they called in November, under the pretext of permitting Quannel X/ Quanell Ralph Evans alleged victims to air their grievances. (Black “reporters” like Jill “Volunteer Slavery” Nelson have for years worked within news organizations to sabotage investigative reporting of black race hustlers.) The meeting appears to have been staged more to convince the victims not to go public with their charges, which could result in X/Evans being criminally prosecuted.

X/Evans may see defending 10-year-old black alleged rapists as a way to racially rally blacks around him again, and make them forget his recent travails.


Two 10-year-olds charged in boy's sex assault on bus
Charges come after surveillance video is released, but accuser's mom has questions
By Ericka Mellon
Houston Chronicle
Updated 11:13 p.m., Friday, January 6, 2012

Houston police have charged two 10-year-old boys from the Houston school district with sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy on a school bus.

Police confirmed Friday that they filed the rare charges this week after watching bus surveillance video from the Houston Independent School District and conducting numerous interviews.

The mother of the alleged victim said her son would come home from Thompson Elementary with his belt off or his pants unbuttoned, but she did not think much about it.

Then, she said, a police investigator called and said the boy may have been molested on the bus in late August.

"He has a hard time sleeping," the mother said. "He's just been having a hard time. He cries a lot."

The Houston Chronicle is not identifying the mother to protect the child's identity.
According to the probable cause affidavit, the two boys opened their pants and allegedly forced the 8-year-old to perform multiple sex acts.

Filing charges of aggravated sexual assault against children so young is "exceedingly unusual," said Bill Hawkins, a juvenile defense attorney who previously ran the juvenile division of the Harris County District Attorney's office.

"When you look at the overall numbers, children as young as 10 do not commit a lot of crimes," he said.

Reviewed bus video

If convicted, the juveniles could face up to 40 years in confinement between the juvenile and adult systems, or a court could decide they do not require any supervision, according to Hawkins.

HISD officials said they came across the questionable behavior in late August during a review of bus surveillance video and notified Child Protective Services within days.

One of the boys has been detained and the other was released, according to court records. Police attributed the delay in filing charges to the work involved in juvenile cases.

"It is not atypical for investigations into cases involving juvenile suspects and victims to take time to properly document and review all evidence before an arrest is made," police said in a statement.

On Friday afternoon, the mother of the alleged victim stood a few feet from the mother of one of his alleged attackers.

Activist gets involved

Community activist Quanell X said he was working with both mothers and called them to a news conference outside Thompson Elementary. He demanded that the parents be shown the video to clarify differing accounts of the incident.

"Somebody's lying like hell in this case in HISD and in law enforcement," Quanell X said.

The school's principal had told the parents that the behavior on the bus was inappropriate and merited suspension but did not indicate anything criminal, according to HISD spokesman Jason Spencer. The school district, however, turned the video over to law enforcement to decide.

The school bus driver did not report seeing anything, Spencer said.

The mother of the alleged victim said the district did not separate her son from the other boys after the incident, and she soon withdrew him from Thompson.

The mother of one of the accused boys said her son knows the difference between right and wrong, and she does not believe he did anything wrong.

"I don't know what went on on that bus, but I don't believe that went on," she said.

CPS procedure

In cases involving juvenile sex acts, Child Protective Services typically sends investigators to the children's homes, spokeswoman Estella Olguin said.

"Generally," she said, "what we look at is, if perhaps the children might be victims or where they learned that behavior."

1 comment:

  1. 7 Teens Charged With Beating Classmate Unconscious On School Bus After Refusing To Let Her Sit Down


    Jan. 7, 2012

    MIAMI (AP) — Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus. The victim told authorities that Friday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.

    "One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim." [[A future 'Community Organizer' no doubt]]

    "Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report."

    "The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms."

    "Seven teens, ranging in age from 12 to 15, were charged with battery and disorderly conduct. The Associated Press is not identifying the suspects because they are minors."

    [Despite the PC MSM doing their best not to notice or let you notice. As they have been charged with Felonies their names have been published. The attackers are: 14-year-old Zantavia Williams, 14-year-old Ladricka James, 12-year-old Javaris Beard, 13-year-old Alphonso Young, 12-year-old Bria Watkins, 13-year-old Lamiracle Mackey, and 15-year-old Jebria Welch.]

    The victim I suspect is probably white, however we can pretty much be assured she is not black as a mother of one of the black attackers played the race card by blaming the victim, accusing her of making “racial comments.”

    "The youths were charged with battery and disorderly conduct Friday after allegedly forming a circle around another girl on the school bus and hitting and kicking her repeatedly. The victim told deputies it was her first day riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. She suffered a concussion."
