Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hate Crime at Dearborn Chuck E. Cheese: Black Man Beats Up White Grandmother Who Asked Him to Stop Cursing His Head Off in Front of Children

By Nicholas Stix
Expanded at 5:35 a.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dearborn PD Commander Tom Teefey: “I Think Both Families Suffered.”

If both families suffered, that means that both families were victims, and there was no criminal.

Commander Teefey surely passed his diversity training with flying colors. He sounds like a lawman who shows up for work in body, but who has spiritually retired from the job. There are a lot of white cops like that, across the country.

Note that this was MLK weekend.

Reason #1,167,339, why decent people cannot spend time around blacks: Most of the latter behave no better in public, in front of children, than when no kids are around.

Reason #1,167,340: When you ask them to show some manners, they invariably get violent.

Reason #1,167,341: Their indifference towards children (despite high-flown rhetoric) is matched with a lack of any sense of chivalry. A black man will punch out a woman, just as quickly as he will a man.

Reason #1,167,342: When blacks assault whites in businesses and public agencies, there rarely seems to be a good-quality videotape, or the police claim that the camera wasn't running.

Reason #1,167,343: Racist black counter-police who take the side of the criminals.

Reason #1,167,344: Spritually retired white lawmen like Dearborn PD Commander Tom Teefey.

Increasingly one finds white police supervisors (sergeants and above)--white Uncle Toms--who side with racist black attackers against their white victims. I don't know if that appellation applies Commander Tom Teefey, but it's widespread in cities like New York.

In case one of my legions of racist black readers, or white lefty readers (who are every bit as racist), should challenge me as to how I know, in spite of the story censoring the description of the attacker, that the attacker was black and the victim white:

• The Fox Detroit editor showed that the restaurant was completely over-run by blacks;

• The woman’s voice made clear she was white; and

• Censoring the race of the attacker is a dead giveaway. When whites attack blacks, we always hear of the attacker and victim’s respective races. But then, my racist readers already knew that.

A word to the Big Cheese: If white folks desert your chain, you will go out of business, or at least have to leave areas where blacks over-run your restaurants, and multimillion-dollar lawsuits follow the racist attacks.


Grandmother Assaulted at Dearborn Chuck E. Cheese's:

Grandmother Assaulted at Dearborn Chuck E. Cheese's
Woman Asked Nearby Table to Clean Up Language
Updated: Tuesday, 17 Jan 2012, 8:19 AM EST
Published : Monday, 16 Jan 2012, 7:16 AM EST


DEARBORN, Mich. (WJBK) -- It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon inside the Michigan Avenue Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in Dearborn Monday, but Sunday evening a full on brawl broke out inside.

A grandmother ended up in the hospital after she says she was assaulted. What happened? She says she asked a nearby table not to use bad language in front of kids.

"She said, 'please don't use that language with children.' They told her to 'shut the f— up and turn around." [sic] accordiing [sic] to one of the grandmother's family members. "That's when a man leapt at the table and started swinging. He punched her in the face and dragged her by her hair."

The woman, who was beaten, spoke to FOX 2 by phone.

She wishes to remain anonymous. She went to the hospital with injuries. All bruised up, she says it was all at the hands of a man at a nearby table.

"It got into a confrontation where they came across at our table and a number of us were assaulted and the table flipped and I ended up underneath of that," said the victim.

Dearborn Police reviewed the Chuck E. Cheese surveillance video for clues as to the man's identity. He could face assault charges.

"Officers responded, watched the tape. They didn't think it was of any evidentiary value. It was of poor quality. So, our detectives may go look at that themselves, but as of right now we don't have the tape," said Dearborn Police Commander Tom Teefey.

We called the corporate headquarters for Chuck E. Cheese in Irving, Texas for comment. We didn't hear back from them, but this is not the first time that they've had Chuck E. Cheese fights here in metro Detroit. In fact, this is the third FOX 2 has covered in recent months.

From Milwaukee to Los Angeles, Chuck E. Cheese brawls are making news across the nation. The kid-friendly restaurant does serve beer to adults, but in this case in Dearborn, the beating victim doesn't think alcohol was a factor.

"I don't think it was alcohol-related. I think it was just their particular demeanor," she said.

"They're certainly not setting a very good example for the children involved or anybody involved. People were there to have a good time, enjoy birthday parties, and I think both families suffered," Teefey said.

"We need anybody that was there, any witnesses, to come forward and let the police know," the victim told us.

Chuck E. Cheese management is cooperating with police.

[Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for this find.]

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