Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Black Reverend Calls for Killing Whites: So, What Else is New?

By Nicholas Stix


Some people are shocked that black South African Reverend Kemo Immanuel Waters has called for murdering whites. Waters is a preacher in a country whose Founding Father, Nelson Mandela, has spent his dotage crisscrossing the land, exhorting young blacks to murder whites.


During the 1990s, South Africa's murder rate was the world's highest. The black apartheid government responded, not by cracking down on the cut-throats, who were virtually all black, but on the statisticians who, in a nation with an average black IQ of 67-70, tended to be white (average IQ: 100). The government stopped keeping tabs on the murder rate.

Last year, during the World Cup, not only did visiting American journalists not shine a light on the racist savagery, they variously ignored or outright lied about it, asserting that only "a few farmers" had been murdered.

Sam Francis, may he rest in peace, was warning about South Africa, and what it boded for America and the West, at least 10 years ago.

And how have America's leaders reacted? By alternately ignoring and demonizing Francis, and by cracking down on the statisticians (or, at least, on the policemen who write the records that become the stats)! Black-on-white violence is probably the worst it's ever been, and yet, police chiefs and their media cronies keep telling us how low the crime rate is. And much of the racist bloodshed is inspired by bloody, black supremacist preachers: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Damon Lynch III, et al.

Much of today's America is as bad as South Africa… as the cancer of multiculturalism metastasizes throughout the body politic.




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SA Time: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:19:21 AM

Reverend's 'kill whites' tweet a shocker

January 9 2012 at 10:12am

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ANTI-WHITE RANT: Pastor and DJ Kemo Immanuel Waters says he wont apologise Picture: Facebook


A REVEREND used Twitter at the weekend to call for white people in South Africa to be killed.

The man singled out Helen Zille as among those who should be killed.

The Reverend Kemo Immanuel Waters runs a business called the KemoTherapy Institute of Truth and is an active member of Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. He is a DJ and describes himself on his Twitter profile as a preacher, author, poet, father and truth seeker.

From his previous tweets, Waters sounded like an intellectual, spiritual person, who occasionally discussed politics, but not with any controversy.

Then suddenly in the early hours of Saturday morning, this changed.

HATE SPEECH: DA leader Helen Zille says she will lay charges against the Reverend Waters


At 1.33am, the reverend wrote: "The only way to end racism is to kill a material number of whites. @helenzille your indifferent and patronizing stance is a double dare…"

The tweet caused an uproar, with many responding angrily.

Zille said the tweet was hate speech and that she would be laying charges against Waters.

Tweeter @bronwynnielsen asked if he had lost his mind.

Waters replied: "No I have not lost my mind. But it is sad that this is what it takes to give racism the attention it deserves?"

In response to @Sibusisomtungwa, he tweeted: "You missed the gist of my msg… which is the only time a black man is afforded a dignified audience is when he pulls a gun." [N.S.: Compare this to the racist black use of the terms "respect" and "disrespect."]

Waters also discussed the ANC centenary: "Happy 100th year anniversary to @MyANC_. You (sic) job is not done… but, a job well done in the past 100 years… You will rule till the rapture".

Since his rant on Saturday, Waters has received many death threats. He said he had received five phone calls yesterday morning from people wanting to kill him.

"All the people who gave me death threats have a racist undertone. Someone, a boer, said to me that everyone close to me will die," Waters said. [N.S.: He's making it up.]

"I will never back down. I will never take it back and I will never apologise," he added.

Waters said he had been upset after his family had been made to sit at the bar in a busy restaurant in Camps Bay, Cape Town, for half an hour.

"In Joburg, you can go anywhere and you feel welcome."

Waters said he would never kill anyone but knew black people who would.


  1. These Babuntus are getting very mouthy. I say, bring it on; let's settle this once and for all.

    White people in South Africa have been insanely accommodating. We swallowed the propaganda that most blacks just want to get along. But if they are determined to provoke a race war, nobody will hinder them. And when the battle lines are drawn, they will learn that, if there is one thing White people excel at, it is killing people on an industrial scale.

  2. If the lid blew off, and we tried to defend ourselves, the "International Community" would come in and screw us.

    There will, however, be a time in the future, when Europe, and perhaps the US, will be embroiled in their own civil wars of survival, and then I suspect the "International Community" might be otherwise pre-occupied.

    In the mean time it is best to handle this idiot through the law.

