Thursday, August 11, 2011

Memphis: Black Predator Maces, Beats, and Robs Raceless Woman Coming Out of an ATM Next to a Walgreen’s at 11 a.m.!


Memphis ATM robbery suspect.



By Jason Miles

(WMC-TV) - Memphis Police said getting sprayed in the face with mace was just part of the attack on a 20-year-old woman when she was robbed last month outside a walk-up ATM in the 3300 block of North Watkins.

Surveillance photos of the suspect were just by police and show him entering a Walgreens store right next door to the ATM minutes before the assault.

"Oh gosh," said bank customer Jade Turner.

Turner said she was nearly robbed a while back near another automated teller.

"I try to come out when it's early, daylight, sun out," said Turner.

The attack happened at 11:00 in the morning when the sun was out.

Police said the suspect approached the woman as the exited she ATM, maced her, punched her in the face, then took $200 in $20 bills.

According to a police report, the victim may have previously met the man who maced her at the Walgreens.

Police are confident surveillance photos from the store will help them deposit him in jail.

"When these guys are shown on the news, robbers and other criminals, the public reacts," said MPD Lt. Steven Ware.

Ware admitted advice he gives his own wife might not guarantee safety at an ATM when someone else may be more than willing to commit a crime to get your cash.

Call Crime-Stoppers at 901-528-CASH with any information on the ATM robbery and assault.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess this is good as any place. We are all wrong on this black hate crime stuff. Here is one city explained-Philly they local lie sheet liar sets up straight. Philly doesn't seem to have a blogger on these matter so I know old Saint Nick is interested in philly from time to time is is Monica Kinney to set us hate mongers back on our evil heels:

    Today, SUnday :Monica Yant Kinney: Why attacks aren't ethnic intimidation
