By Nicholas Stix
To read the racial descriptions provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety, you’d think the state was besieged by white super-predators… as long as you don’t check the names, faces, or gang affiliations. Then you see that there isn’t a single white non-Hispanic on the list, only one of them even looks white, and given that he, like most of the others, is a member of a racist Hispanic gang (Tango Blast), probably none of them considers himself white. Let’s look at some of these white guys.
Gaspar Loya, III N/A (This week’s star, or “featured fugitive.”)
Rene Morales Munoz Texas Mexican Mafia
Javier Morin Jr. Texas Syndicate
Ricardo Zuniga Barrio Azteca
Ernesto Alonso Garcia Texas Syndicate
Alfonso Gomez Quiroz N/A
Robert Barrera Jr. N/A
The point of identifying Hispanic felons as “white” is, as an AmRen editor suggested, to inflate white crime statistics while deflating or disappearing outright, Hispanic crime stats.
A tip ‘o the sombrero, er, ten-gallon hat, to the crack staff at American Renaissance.
The whitest looking one is labeled as a Hispanic male. Real jokers.