Monday, June 20, 2011

“Not a Dime’s Worth of Difference” between the Two Parties? Not So in Alabama!

Read Hugh McInnish’s new VDARE article, “Alabama’s Illegal Alien Crackdown and the Emerging Racial Polarization of U.S. Politics.”

My state, Alabama, is not always noted for being at the forefront of needed social and economic reforms. But today we’re being noticed for our singular conspicuous progress. On June 9th Governor Robert Bentley signed into law (HB56, the Beason-Hammon Act) aimed at curtailing illegal immigration in the state. Bentley called it “the strongest immigration bill in the country”. Both supporters and critics agree.

So hooray for Alabama!

The preface for this coup came in the election of last November. For the first time since the Yankees formed our legislature with their bayonets, we elected a Republican majority. It was a clean sweep: Both the House and the Senate were given Republican majorities, and Bentley, a physician with a reputation for ethical strictness, was ushered into the Governor’s Mansion.

Alabama’s House now has 66 Republicans vs. 39 Democrats. Alabama’s Senate has 22 Republicans vs. 12 Democrats (and one independent). The House has 78 whites and 27 blacks. The Senate has 26 whites and 8 blacks. Figure 1 (click here) shows the political and racial composition of our revolutionary new legislature.

What is perhaps the most startling thing: The Republican legislators are all white.

The Democrat legislators are mostly black. In the House, the black Democrats outnumber the white Democrats 27-to-12. In the Senate they outnumber them 8-to-4. (See Figure 1)

Any incorrigible skeptic who believes that elections never change anything should cast his eye down here to Alabama. To have considered a bill such as HB56 before the November election would have been to challenge Don Quijote for the futility prize. But, like a miracle ordained in Heaven, the law is now on the books….

1 comment:

  1. Off topic, but Nick you've got to see this video. It will help you to appreciate Cornell West and Michael Eric Dyson in a totally new light.
