Wednesday, June 08, 2011

“It’s over” between Anthony Weiner and O.J.


Grand O.J. Simpson-Anthony Weiner Investigative Partnership Off, for Now
By Nicholas Stix

Last week, following his revelation that someone had hacked into his computer, and sent fake photographs of his bulging underwear from his twitter account to various young women, Cong. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) had announced the formation of a detective partnership with widowed NFL Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson.

“Congressman Weiner and I have both been the victims of criminals and smear campaigns, and we both wish to clear our names. Therefore, we are going to partner up, and do just that. He is going to hunt down the person or persons who murdered my wife, Nicole, and I am going to hunt down the hacker who did this to him,” announced Simpson via a telephone press conference, from prison.

Simpson, who is serving a sentence of up to 33 years for kidnapping and armed robbery at Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center, planned on having associates of his not presently in prison do the gumshoe work.

After Cong. Weiner’s press conference on Monday, in which he admitted that he had not been hacked, Simpson released a terse statement regarding the partnership: “It’s over.”

Simpson could be released as early as 2017. At present, no criminal charges have been laid against Weiner.

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